Three Rabbits?

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Hi there.

He is a beautiful bunny and it's easy to see why you have fallen forhim. According to some of the bunny bonding sites I've lookedat- the larger the number of rabbits you have, the easierthey are to bond. So I suppose bonding a new rabbit to agroup of two is easier than bonding one on one. See what theother members say but I would say go for it with him if you feel thatyou are able to offer him what he needs. He has been throughso much and deserves another chance. How great would it feelto successfully bond him with your girls?

That said you need to be sure that you really want him and have time to do the best for him.

Please let us know your decision. x
I'd bring the girls in to meet him first to seehow they all respond to each other. You'd still have to have a separatecage for him for a while because it wouldn't be the safest thing tojust let them all stay in a cage with each other at first.

Stephanie has a trio so she'll be able to tell you more.

As stated, Stephanie or Buck Jones are the one's to ask. Here's what Stephanie achieved with working them...




Oh! They are sooooooo cute!

My two girls have brought me so much happiness and I thinkwehave plenty of love to share. I just built them a three-storybunny condo, so space is not an issue. I could keep the newone caged separately until I'm sure they're okay together.That's what I did with my girls.

The shelter is five hours awayby car,so I won'ttake the girls. It's just too long for them to be in acar.

I wouldn't be so concerned if he was with a rescue group, but he's at acity animal shelter, so he probably won't lastlong.

The shelter responded to an e-mail I sent and I'm waiting to hear back on some questions I had. I'll keep you posted.


I started with one rabbit. When she died, I wentto a breeder to get another and I came home with three! (So THAT's howthey multiply!:p ) I LOVE having three! Although I wish I had one morehand when it's time for head pets! (Sometimes I pet Hef with my cheekso my hands are free to pet the girls! HAHA!)

I also have two girls and a boy. They all have their own cages. One ofthe girls is new, so I haven't introduced her just yet - probably thisweekend. The other girl I got before I knew about bonding or spaying,so she's kind of old and set in her ways - she likes being the Queen.But I have noticed in the past that the girls get along better with theboy than they do with each other.

If your two girls are spayed, you should have an easier time bondingthem w/ the boy. I think you should get him. You'd be doing somethingreally great for him and he's incredibly cute!:) Good luck! We'llprobably be learning about bunny bonding at the same time!
I learned all about bonding (or ratherre-bonding) recently. My girls were best friends, then I hadthe little one spayed. Baby was only gone for twelve hours,but when she returned, Snuggles, the big one, became very aggressivetoward her. I kept Baby caged separately until she healed,but when I brought her out to play, Snuggy chased and bither. I read that separating a bonded pair, even for a fewhours, can cause this behavior. I started putting them in anempty bathtub (new, unclaimed territory) for a few minutes each day,gradually increasing the time. Whenever there was a skirmish,I could reach in and stop it. It worked great. Youhave to be patient. It's been about a month and I just letthem sleep together for the first time this week. I kept themin side-by-side cages so they could "talk", but I was afraid to leavethem unsupervised until now.

Some of the other tips I read were:

  • Put them in a box or carrier and take them for a 20-30 minute carride (bring another person along to supervise). They will bestressed about being in the car and should not fight. Ididn't try that one.
  • Dab vanilla on the backs of both necks. This will makethem smell the same and they'll be more likely to accept eachother. Tried this - didn't work for me. Snuggylicked all the vanilla off Baby and then started chasing heragain!
I will NEVER separate themagain!If one has to see the vet, I'll bring theother one along. I never want them to fight again.It made me want to cry because they had been such goodfriends.


do u know if this rabbit is still there? iactually live in that same county (about 20-30min away)andcould watch it for u until u could come get it (if u decide to). icould probably get in touch with them easiser as well...
Thanks so much for the offer, Chip. That is very nice of you!

They just sent me an e-mail saying they think he is being placed in arescue group in Birmingham called EARS. I e-mailed them formore info, but have not heard anything yet.

I will keep you posted.


chip1123 wrote:
do u know if this rabbit is still there? i actually live inthat same county (about 20-30min away)and could watch it foru until u could come get it (if u decide to). i could probably get intouch with them easiser as well...

What a nice offer,Chip1123!

I hope between the two of you, the little one's life can be spared.

The car ride thing does work, but does get to bea bit tedious because the introduction/bonding process can take quite awhile. We did this when bringing Valuran (the grey rabbit), into ourbonded pair....but only for a few days.

It can happen though! Look at me, I'm proof of it. :)

Make sure you have a lot of time and a lot of patience for this, whichI am sure you do. Here are the steps I've taken, from a link that Buckprovided for me.

Keep your new rabbit in his own cage for now, making sure to let himout into their play area (when they are in their cage(s)), so his scentcan mingle with theirs. For starters, I wouldn't just let them out inthe same area until they can get used to each others scent.

After doing the car ride, if you decide to do so, do the introductionsin a neutral area, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Basically any roomthat no rabbits are in. It's helpful to have a spray bottle (the kindused to misting plants) on hand. Expect fights and some fur to fly atfirst. It's very rare for a "love at first sight" situation with anewcomer.

Do nothing and just sit and watch what they do. Ignoring each other isa good sign. If one of the rabbits shows signs of aggression (ears laidflat back against the head and appearing ready to bolt), say a loud NO.If they attack, spray with the water bottle and separate them.

I did this 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minute sessions at a time. It tookme two full weeks to get my doe Abby to accept Valuran. Fortunately, myother buck Chompers was fine with him. I was about to give up atcertain points - Abby did not like him at all - but now they are thebest of friends. I have all three of my rabbits in one cage, all very,very happy.

Good luck! If you have any questions, please PM me. :)By theway, he's BEAUTIFUL and I am so glad you're going to rescue him.
Hey, I think it would be great to haveThumper! I heard that it is ok to put 3 rabs together fromsomeone I know. Thumper is soooooo adorable!!! Good luck!!:)


Glad you seen this post Stephanie, after I read it I thought of youstraight away and I scrolled down and there were the pics Carolynposted and then there was you posting!!

My bunnies are bonded very well but they haveseparate cages for night-time. They spend about 12 hourstogether every day out in the run/ in the house when it's toocoldand 12 hours apart at night and they never fight when Iget them back together. It's funny how buns reactdifferently. Another tip to aid the bonding process is togroom the bunny who you think will be the recessive (lessdominant)one - get his or her smell on your hands and thengroom the dominant ones. You should be able to make aneducated guess about who will be most and who will be least dominant bytheir personalities (and there is always a hierarcy among rabbits)
Yes there is, Rebecca.

Abby is the dominant bun in our group, even over the cats. lol She'sbeen known to chase our cat Lestat out of the room when he's buggingher.

Anybody else in Alabama or Georgia looking to adopt?

Thumper needs a home (see link earlier in this thread).


I'd love to have him, but my husband might leave if I get another bun now.



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