Bella is a nipper, especially if you iggy her. I had her on the bed, I was reading a book, she took the book away from me, and nipped me until I gave her nose scratches. If your laying on your side she'll run up to you and put her nose in your arm pit. I dunno. I always flinch cause I think she's gonna bite me. But other than that she's pretty good. She's molting right now, so she gets brushed everyday, some times twice. She LOVES it. If you have something she wants she'll take it and run, just like having a toddler again.
Luca and Jakey are pretty laid back, We started to name Luca Pez cause, well I'm sure you can guess.
Jakey is pretty mellow, but stubbern, he's a very independant bunny.
Just thought i'd let ya know what to kinda expect, when you nap them.