Tammy B
Well-Known Member
Awwwww he's adorable and i love the color...I like the name Conan for him personally lol ....I have a intact male mini lop mix Stewie and the more i spend more time with him the more i fall for him with every day that goes by..He's being a lil stinker the last couple of days ..he comes running over grunting and nipping at my legs when i'm sitting down at the computer but we're setting some ground rules there ..I never realized having a bun as a pet was so much fun and entertaining which he certainly is ...So happy to see that you opened your heart up once again ...They are amazing creatures 
Here's a pic of Stewie he wouldn't stay still on the floor so i picked him up and took his pic with the camera on the laptop...HAHA gotta cha i told him that's why he has that look LOL he just cracks me up.

Here's a pic of Stewie he wouldn't stay still on the floor so i picked him up and took his pic with the camera on the laptop...HAHA gotta cha i told him that's why he has that look LOL he just cracks me up.