Bella delivered 5 very healthy, very cute babies this morning. They all have nice plump bellies, so she's turning into a good mom. I'm not used to such tiny babies...I was almost afraid to even pick them up.
Yep...2 blacks, 2 blues, and a broken blue. If my newborn sexing is correct (and I highly doubt it! LOL) the one black is a buck and the other are does. But that was going off looking at pictures then trying to see their little privates. hahaha
I can't believe how chubby they are...I hope she doesn't feed them too much! Poor Bella suffered through "fattie" jokes since she got DQ'd at PaSRBA for being 1/2 pound over weight. She's probably thinking, "Now you know where you can shove those fat jokes!" lol
Very cute... Partial to blues...and brokens! We currently have a blue tort and a blue fawn harlequin...Holland lops! In the past we have had 4 brokens! We don't do babies but we LOVE living through others and watching them grow! So fun!
Kaley, granted they aren't Frenchies (the best bunny EVER!) but they're pretty darn close. But they're oh-so-tiny! I posted on a few FB pages about the babies, and have had people messaging me already wanting to buy one. What they can't see is me standing in front of the cage, arms wrapped around it, with a maniacal face, growling out, "Mine! All mine!" lol
I love them all...broken or solid. I was actually glad to see the solids because right now Kitty has 3 sr broken does, so obviously they're all in the same class. We needed some solids to spread things out a bit. haha I absolutely love babies and it never ceases to amaze me at how a rabbit instinctively knows what to do. Very amazing to watch!
The little broken one doesn't seem to be thriving. The other 4 are still plump and growing and the broken is very thin looking and doesn't appear to have grown at all. And hopefully I can update as they're growing, but my camera is heading to Texas tomorrow. Who knows when (or if!) we'll be re-united again.