So my arm is feeling a bit better. Igot the answers back from two of the three girls I was talking to aboutbunnies. One is trying to get rid of a Dutch, it is possibly 7-8 monthsold, possibly a bit young and 4-5lbs. She seems to have a fair amountof knowledge, but for what I gather has had major mess problems withhim. But he is also not neutered, which if I got him would be done, soI imagine that would help. It is not one of the breeds I wanted it, butI am still going to go see it. Personality is key, even though I lovelop ears. The second girl has little idea what her buns are going tobe/look like. Seems like an accidental litter. She said that the fatherwas wild but I saw a picture of the babies and they were all black andwhite or just black. I therefore assume that the father is domesticatedbecause: 1. The babies were born, and from my understanding wild andpet can't breed. 2. Is that I thought that "wild color" (I don'tremember how to spell it) was dominant (Don't quote me, I don'tremember where I read that or if it even applies...) Anywho, she ishand-raising the buns, and told me I could have as many as I wantedbecause she knew that I wouldn't feed them to snakes or anything mean.I am still waiting for one girl. I don't know how that will turn out.
I am still waiting on Target. I know it is only Monday, butI am impatient. Job is stopping me from getting a bunny. My boyfriendsaid he would loan me the money as soon as I got the job.(He would havebought and continued to pay for me, but my parents said no...) So thatis a brief update.