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Sep 22, 2020
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Pennsylvania, USA
Introducing Rosey, formally Rosey Rum Buns. She is newly rescued sister to Ruby Rum Buns. Very shy at first but warms up after a bit and loves throwing toys.


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She's gorgeous! ♥
Throwing toys? Ever catch her picking them up and shake her head back and forth?
❤ Beautiful addition. Hello, Rosey!
Yes! She is all about the toys! If I pick one up from across the cross she will bolt over to take it from me. Those little cat balls with bells... She loves. I got the really hard ones that aren't easily breakable... Oh and baby keys..she likes to make noise.
Oh she's beautiful! 😍 😍 😍 She has wonderful big ears!! She sounds like my boy Lucas! Ever since he was at the rescue, he had a cat jingle ball he loved to make noise with! He still has it, and although he doesn't use it for attention as much since coming home (he gets all the attention he can stand 😂😂), he's my noisy little boy! He always announces his arrival to a new room with a thump, and he's quite vocal with the oinks. He's also figured out how to make a LOT of noise by flopping in the corner of his house... The first time he did it, I thought a picture had fallen off the wall! 😂😂😂

Having a "noisy bun" is awesome! Welcome home, Rosey!!
She is beyond adorable! Glad to read that your innocuously bunnoccious life got an addition. May they get along well and let their bond become unbreakable!
She is beyond adorable! Glad to read that your innocuously bunnoccious life got an addition. May they get along well and let their bond become unbreakable!
Omygoodness! Innocuously bunnocious... I assume that's good! Thank you. I think she's gorgeous. I don't have immediate plans to Bond them. Maybe after the spay. I want Rosey to feel loved on her own the way Ruby does. She didn't come from the best life situation and still needs time to acclimate and know the food source is constant, there is no small cage, no one is going to make her have more babies AND she is loved just for being. We are already seeing changes, this sweet girl is blooming
Omygoodness! Innocuously bunnocious... I assume that's good! Thank you. I think she's gorgeous. I don't have immediate plans to Bond them. Maybe after the spay. I want Rosey to feel loved on her own the way Ruby does. She didn't come from the best life situation and still needs time to acclimate and know the food source is constant, there is no small cage, no one is going to make her have more babies AND she is loved just for being. We are already seeing changes, this sweet girl is blooming
Yes, innocuously bunnocious is a good thing- I've never seen noxious bunnies!
I'm so happy for her, having a loving bun parent like you!
I assume that's what we're all here for.
Sleepy Iris nudged me to relay her greetings to Rosey to show her that humans are capable of showing love and that we can be trusted to help them in their lives.
Iris has been doing great in bonding with me thus far if it's in a room she knows. Look what she let me do! Sleepy lil' girl. Steady progress.20210731_112514.jpg
I'm sure that Rosey rum bums will come to love you dearly and that she finds some comfort in sensing another bun around. Surely she will let you cuddle with her like that one day.
Well, here we go again, bun #2 just dropped off at the vet for spay. nervous mom here. I've only had this girl for a few weeks but she has definitely squeezed into my heart. She's a clown, an ungraceful and loud one at that. she'll hide under a blanket and attack, throw toys, attempt to stack stacking cups, run around the room with a cup or bowl, move all her toys to the other side of the room and then back again a few hours later, put sticks in a bowl, pull them out again and throw them. zoom and try to jump up on things, play peekaboo, climb on top of anyone near the floor, always jump up to get at level with anyone in the room, and circle feet when you walk through the room. how could I not fall in love with that? okay, I'm nervous typing now, but I'd imagine it's all normal when mom is worried. Headed home to set up her "lady tent" where this jumping fool will live for the next week or so. Keep Rosey in your thoughts, prayers, blessings today.PhotoCollage_20210906_205021257~2.jpg
Aww, what a bliss to read! She seems to have settled in with your life well. Bestof luck and speedy recovery for her spay
Introducing Rosey, formally Rosey Rum Buns. She is newly rescued sister to Ruby Rum Buns. Very shy at first but warms up after a bit and loves throwing toys.
Hello and welcome, Rosey and Avie!! Aaaaw she looks very sweet I wish I could pet her 😍

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