Hello my Name is AJ and I love animals. This is my (currently being written) bunny story:
A week ago I had a wild bunny who would not leave my shop after a day of taking him back to the grass and him hopping back to my building a decided ok guess we have a pet. We beat theodds and kept him alive a week. We had a meeting and my wife left the windows open between the kids playing outside and the mowing the poor guy scared himself to death he died in my hands while i tried to calm him down. Naturally even though i told myaelf the odds are he wont live i (as well as my kids) grew attached and we had to tell them the bunny dies. Que dramatic 5 year old girl crying and 10 year old boy casual disapointment. As well personal feelings of disapointment and failure. Que super mom. She went out against her better judgment and found a rabbit. Adopted him and now we have the biggest darn rabbit ive ever encountered (yes i have seen pictures of bigger than even him but those are pictures not this monster living in my home) his name was: special agent classified or classified for short. No one in the house liked this name. His name is now Acheron (pronounced Asheron) or Ach (pronounced Ash) for short. He is a solid 21 inches long and 10.5 lbs beautiful black fur and some of the most prominent ears ever. His breed is unknown his age is guessed around 2years old and come the 22nd of May he will be fixed.
So there Hi everyone im a rookie to the rabbit community. But I study fast and retain most of it!

A week ago I had a wild bunny who would not leave my shop after a day of taking him back to the grass and him hopping back to my building a decided ok guess we have a pet. We beat theodds and kept him alive a week. We had a meeting and my wife left the windows open between the kids playing outside and the mowing the poor guy scared himself to death he died in my hands while i tried to calm him down. Naturally even though i told myaelf the odds are he wont live i (as well as my kids) grew attached and we had to tell them the bunny dies. Que dramatic 5 year old girl crying and 10 year old boy casual disapointment. As well personal feelings of disapointment and failure. Que super mom. She went out against her better judgment and found a rabbit. Adopted him and now we have the biggest darn rabbit ive ever encountered (yes i have seen pictures of bigger than even him but those are pictures not this monster living in my home) his name was: special agent classified or classified for short. No one in the house liked this name. His name is now Acheron (pronounced Asheron) or Ach (pronounced Ash) for short. He is a solid 21 inches long and 10.5 lbs beautiful black fur and some of the most prominent ears ever. His breed is unknown his age is guessed around 2years old and come the 22nd of May he will be fixed.
So there Hi everyone im a rookie to the rabbit community. But I study fast and retain most of it!