"The Wizard of Oz"

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Mar 4, 2004
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I told JimD I'd share this with him because I recall he also is a big fan of The Wizard of Oz.

If you are too, I hope you enjoy.


* * * * * * *

[align=center]All I really
need to know
I learned from
"The Wizard of Oz"

Imagination can take you anywhere--even over the rainbow.

Sometimes you have to leave home to find it.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road--but always be ready for a detour.

Faith, hope, and love can work wonders, but ruby slippers can't hurt either.

When friends stick together, they can work miracles.

Having the courage to ask for what you want is half the battle.

"Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable."

The grass is always greener on the other side of the rainbow.

"All you need is right there inside of you.

Keep home in your heart and you can always return to it.

When you go out into the world, remember stand up for yourself, but always be kind to the little guys.

I love that movie and the one that followed wasawesome too! My friend Jarod's grandfather worked on the set of Ozalthough I can't quite remeber what he did. The rules of Oz are trulywords of wisdom! Especially the last one.

Fergi's mom
My favorite Oz book was written by Ruth PlumlyJohnson, OJO in Oz. My Aunt has the 1933 edition, andI've wanted it forever. Our nickname for our son is OJO because theyare his initials. I know she'll never give it to me. I looked it upjust now on Amazon and they finally have it in paperback. They are alsoselling 2 of the 1933 editions...one for $65 and the other for $325.I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I had the money for it. It's somethingI'd love to give him to pass down.

My mom and aunt had all of the first hardcover editions of the Ozbooks. I've spent many a day curled up with those first editions lostin the land of Oz.





Not to be morbid, but going to be for a moment.

Did you guys see the part when one of the cast crew hangs himself? Do you believe that?

It's when the Wicked Witch is on top of the house and she tosses a ballof fire at the Scarecrow. As they continue their journey, just as thescene ends, you can see a guy in the back climb a tree, drop and swing.

Supposedly, they didn't notice it until after the movie was made and it was too late to go back and edit it.


Very interesting, Fergi. I trust it now after knowing you. I don'tbelieve your grandfather would've told you a lie at all. Thank you forsharing that. It certainly looks real and unplanned.

That's so sad. Bless that Poor Soul and his family.

It's uncanny how much trouble the actors personal lives were goingthrough at the time of shooting that film. They kept it togetherunbelieveably.

It wasn't just the first introduction of color to make that film a hit.It was the whole story. I do take the lessons from it to heart.

Delphinum wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Faith, hope, and love can work wonders, but ruby slippers can't hurt either.

Especially if they're made by Manolo Blahnik!? ;)

Pardon my ignorance, Delphinum, but thank you for the education. :) Idon't know that name. Were the original shoes made by Manolo Blahnik??

I saw them down in Disney World.

I could use those shoes!


Elf Mommy,

Those books bring back memories. :)

Thank you, and Fergi, and Delphinum for what you've taught me in this post.

:) :) :)


I tried playing "Dark Side of the Moon" along with the movie just afterthe Lion roars, but I don't see it as any significant correlation there.

I think that was a Myth that that song was made in tandem with that movie.

Carolyn wrote:
Not to be morbid, but going to be for a moment.

Did you guys see the part when one of the cast crew hangs himself? Do you believe that?

It's when the Wicked Witch is on top of the house and she tosses a ballof fire at the Scarecrow. As they continue their journey, just as thescene ends, you can see a guy in the back climb a tree, drop and swing.

Supposedly, they didn't notice it until after the movie was made and it was too late to go back and edit it.


Luckily, this story is just an urban myth. :)

Hmmmm.....seems I owe a phone call to a certainfriend:X...I am way to gullable sometimes, especially when it is afriend I've known for awhile. Oh well, I am glad that no one had togive their life for the making of The Wizard of Oz.

Fergi's mom
Thanks Elf Mommy! :)

Glad it didn't really happen. It was bothersome to think someone did that.


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