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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2004
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, Utah, USA
Well.. I was afraidthis would happen all along. Hubby says the bunnies mustgo. I have to admit he has some valid points... the biggestof which is that we just don't have the time we need to finishsocializing them both. Pigeon is coming along nicely and I'msure Tramp will also... he has come a long ways already, but we canonly spend about 20 minutes a day working with them and the rest of thetime the poor lil ones are left in their cage (palace) or out wanderingaround. Anyhow...I did the best I could with them and I know they are both in betterhealth than they were when we first found them wandering the streets inour neighborhood. Tramp is at least now fixed so no moreworries of himhaving little ones with her. I amposting here to see if there is any interest from the boardmembers. I really really don't want to have to resort toputting up an ad and just hoping that the family that gets them will beokay. If any of you can find it in your hearts to help acouple of wonderful, beautiful bunnies it would be VERYwonderful. I will also be giving the cage to whoever takesthem as it's a very nice cage and with only slight modifications wouldbe good even outside. I'm going to attach some pictures ofthe bunnies and cage so you see what you are getting into and pleasefeel free to ask questions. I am willing to ship the bunniesand cage (it can be broken down and rebuilt pretty easy) if the adoptercan afford it also. I just want to take a moment though tosay I enjoy reading all the posts here and I have learned a lot aboutbunnies since I found this forum.'s a fewpictures. First one is of the cage with them in it... givesyou an idea of their size a little too I hope.
Oh no! I'm so sorry that you have to get rid ofthem. Is Pigeon fixed too? Because I'd love to take her, only I live inMassachusetts, which is quite a long ways from Utah! Winston is lookingfor a good woman. If no one else in the entire world (or at leastanyone closer to you) can't take them, I will depending on theshipping. Good luck finding some good people!

I am so sorry to hear the sad news. Isthere a House Rabbit Society chapter in your area? (Check the HRSwebsite) They could be of help in finding a home.

Aww that's so upsetting as I know you love themboth so much! If I wasn't in the UK I'd definately take themon as they're both adorable!

This must be so hard for you, I hope you can find them a lovely home hon! *hugs*
The House Rabbit Societies don't usually takerabbits from owners, only shelters and rescues, but since this is sucha unique situation, they may be willing to take them.

Here's a couple places that may help you: - they say they rescue strayrabbits, so they might just be able to take Tramp and Pigeon. - this is an amazing (no kill)sanctuary that takes almost any animal. The rabbits have a "RabbitHouse", and if they are not adopted, they live out their lives there.It'sated in Southern Utah.

Rescues like these are probably your best bet for these bunnies. Likeyou said, how can you assure they'll go to good homes? Will youinterview potential adopters? Have a contract? It's difficult becauseyou have no way of knowing or assuring how they will treat the rabbits.The second best thing would be to find someone you know from thisboard, but that's not always easy. I'd say the shelters are your bestbet. :D
How sad, TrampNPigeon.

I'm so sorry. You may or may not be aware that I just adoptedCali from Binky Bunnies. She was flown here to CT fromCalifornia on Continental. They had to have a healthcertificate from the vet for her and it cost $171 to fly her outhere. She's 8 lbs. and her carrier was another 4.Anything under 10 lbs. is a bit less expensive. Cali made itfine on the flight. Binky Bunnies had lined her carrier witha diaper and gave her celery and carrots to keep herhydrated.

I hope you find a good home for them. They're such beautifulbabies. I have my hands full now with a Flemish, a HollandLop, and a Polish, so I won't be adopting any more babies, but I willput you and the little ones in my prayers so that they have as loving ahome as you have provided them in the first part of their lives.

You'll be in my thoughts. I know how difficult it is to accept this reality.

Sorry to hear that you have to give your bunnies away. I hope you can find good homes for them.

Thank you all so much for the support... just reading all the wonderful reply's brought a tear to my eyes.

m.e.-Thank you for the links, I knew about the shelters here in UT butI didn't think they would take "owner surrenders"... I will definitelycheck them out though... especially "Best Friends". They area really great group and I know it would ease my mind a lot to know mylil buns are always going to be taken care of.

Beth-Pigeon is not fixed yet as I couldn't afford it and I was moreconcerned about the more invasive procedure it would be forher. However, she should not be bred either. Whenwe first found them they managed to get two breedings in before we knewwhat to do and both litters she had 4 stillborn kits in, nonesurvived. The first litter that could have easily happeneddue to her being so stressed as we had just found them but the secondlitter I know that was not the case and I don't want her going throughthat again either.

Well... I'm going to see if I can reach the Best Friends sanctuarytoday even and see if they can help me. Thanks again for allthe support, help, and ideas guys.... it really really means a lot!

They are gorgeous bunnies Oh if my hubby wouldlet me maybe I'll talk to him today when he gets home and let you knowhow he feels about it he already thinks Im Psycho with Stitch with mehopping around my living room floor and all.

The problem is I live in VA and I know that there are ways to ship themand things but I gotta convince the husband first Maybe I'll use myupcoming birthday this month hehehe.

If he lets me have my way would it be ok for me to come out and pickthem up? I work for United Airlines so me travelling isn't a problemand I can just meet you at the airport if thats the case OH MY Imalready talking myself into it and my hubby hasn't said yes so lemmeHUSH Before I get let down with a... "But dear" Speech.


ROFL! You sound way too much likemyself Marie... it would be absolutely wonderful. The closestairport to us is only about an hour's drive away in Salt Lake City andwe'd be happy to have you out, even if you wanted to sight see a littlewhile you were here. It really is a beautiful area...granted, I still miss my FL beaches where I grew up but the mountainsare just as pretty in a verydifferent way. Anyhow..let me know how the talk with the hubby goes and we'll just go fromthere if we can. I also have sent an email to the BestFriends shelter in southern Utah to see if they can/will accept them soI'm just waiting to hear back from them.. but of course I would prefersomeone I can talk to on the boards could take them :D.

Sigh!!!!!!!! :(:X

I got the "but dear" Speech I whined and whined and whined to the pointwhere he usually just gives in to hush me but he stood his ground thistime.

He made a good point tho with Stitch being the only rabbit in the houseand she is not and refuses to be social with anyone else in the houseother then me she scratches everyone else getting other rabbits may notbe too smart with her type of personality she's very possessive of mewhen hubby comes home and gives me my hello hug and kiss she hops rightover to him and nudges his leg.

And if I touch the guinea like pick her up and not change my blousethen Stitch digs and digs at my blouse where the Guinea has touched soI have to change Sigh Im so well trained.

Im so sorry Cheryl I really wanted to add the buns but where its notthat common, well not in my eyes, Hubby was right this time and Icouldn't even argue it.

But now this only means he has to get me something REAL REAL REAL special for my birthday for not letting me have my way :)



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