The Three Musketeers

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Uhh chances are when I get Ellie spayed, I'll be sitting in the waiting room of the vets office waiting for her to get out. I'll get a baby sitter for the day and sit there. And eat cookies and pudding. LOL

The pudding is actually for my son, I give him one as a treat every few days because they're obviously not great for you! haha.
Oh guys that is so funny as I was in the supermarket today looking for goldfish. Luckily, they´d sold out so I can´t buy them and eat them incessantly until they´re all gone, I just love them, the cheddar cheese ones. That´s the easy thing about living alone, you just don´t buy the stuff you shouldn´t be eating so there´s no temptation so for me it has to be no savoury snacks or nuts as I could just eat them all in one go.

Jenny, you are so right, I bet Houdini would be capable of getting out and back into his enclosure and look at you as though butter wouldn´t melt in his mouth....the little devil. Actually, thinking back I remember when they were little, Houdini and Bandy did get out during the night and when I came in the living room in the morning, it looked as though a tornado has passed through....lamp tipped on the floor, hay and paper everywhere, I nearly had a heart attack, it was so funny and both of them looking so innocent and poor Snowy still locked up.
OH NO!!! Us Americans are corrupting you Chris! First it's goldfish. Who knows what's next?

Haha, so those boys HAVE done that before. I bet it was a shock to walk into that room. And poor little Snowy got left out of all the fun.

So Toby and Riley both survived and are back home in their cages resting. And not wanting anything to do with me :( It's almost like they know that I somehow had something to do with why they are feeling crappy right now. Poor little guys.

Morgan, I was tempted to stay there with them too.

Edited to add: Oh, and I did finish off that WHOLE package of cookies, by myself :)
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At the store a couple of weeks ago, Goldfish were on sale for 2-for-1. So I bought two bags. I ate them in maybe three days, hahaha. Goldfish are so good. There are different flavors, but cheddar is the best. I like to try and get the really puffy ones to break in half in my mouth, hahaha.

Doc has gotten out of things before, too. Once Luke and I were both out of the apartment, and Luke got back first to find Doc sitting on the outside of his pen next to a bag of hay with a huge hole ripped in it. :p

Jenny, hope they are feeling a bit better by now! I felt so bad for D&D when they came home after getting fixed. Little Doc looked so weary and sad when he came out of their carrier. They'll perk up soon, though. :)
Hahahahahaha! Ok, I forgot who's blog I clicked on and totally read that wrong. Everyone's been talking about their pet fish lately, so I was like, 'oh that's nice, she got a couple of fish', then I was like 'WHAT! She ATE them!' . Yeah, I get it. I'm so stupid, haha. What can I say, it 's been a stressful day. I have two boy buns that still haven't eaten after their neuter. It really hasn't been that long, but it's hard to rest easy til they are happily eating away. I did give metacam a couple hours ago, so I'm hoping they'll take a few nibbles of their dinner when I go out to feed in a few minutes. Ugh! I hate going through the aftermath of spays/neuters. Sooo stressful.
Lmfao Jenny!!! Glad your boys did good at their neuter!

Yay for Frank Kennedy! I love that movie. My mom is starting a book club and that's their first assignment...Gone With The Wind lol. Her favorite. Hence my name Katie. After Katie Scarlett O'Hara...but my dad talked her out of my original middle name: Scarlett. So it's Katrina, like the hurricane! Oh yeahhhh!
Jenny, yes the edible goldfish, I just love them so it´s probably a good job there aren´t any left. Hope the boys are back to their normal selves pretty soon, can we have a pic of them, would love to see these two.
Yes, it was a shock walking in the room and devastation...that was before their neuters and there had been a massive poop war as well so they were everywhere. I could just imagine Houdini getting out and standing there helping Bandy to get over the fence...and encouraging him.
By the way, I always feel really guilt when I finish a whole packet of anything.

I love Gone with the Wind, it´s really good when you have a story like that where you were named after a book or film character.

Just back from the airport and mom has left until the next time. She´s had a great time, had her last cuddles with Snowy this morning and is now on her way home. She´s definitely a bunny convert and they´ll miss her slipping them their craisin....she´s loved it.
You all are making me crave the goldfish. I prefer the pizza flavored but the original not the extreme flavor ones. I'm lucky if I can find them at the store five times out of the year. It's not fair that Chris can find goldfish in Spain but I can't get what I like here. :)

Jenny...I'm sure they will be fine and I am sure you are prepared for if they would need a little help getting back to wanting to eat.

Chris...I hope your mom has a safe trip. I bet it's going to seem quiet there after your mom and sis visit.
I like to try and get the really puffy ones to break in half in my mouth, hahaha.
Lyndy, I do the same thing! hahaha. Thats so funny. We get a lot of goldfish because they're good snacks for my son, he loves them! haha. So what happens is, the first few days he'll get some handfuls in the day time, then I'll get REALLY hungry and eat like half a bag in one sitting and then they're all gone. ahaha.
Now, we have generic Whales, they're shaped like whales! They're pretty good, they don't taste exactly like goldfish, but still pretty good.

Jenny, I hope the boys are okay! Hopefully they've started eating.

Katie, before I found out I was having a boy, we started talking about girl names too, I wanted to name her Scarlett. Not necessarily for Gone With the Wind, but because I like that name and I really loved Vivien Leigh. She was just so beautiful.
I´m making everyone crave goldfish, I hope they stock them again. I hate it when they bring something over and then they stop stocking them, it makes me so mad but they are so tasty. They only had the cheddar flavour so I had to make do with those but I love cheesy things.

Just waiting for my sister to call to let me know she arrived OK but I will miss them both although I do like having my own space back....that´s the problem with living alone, it´s nice having people over but so good to get back to having my space to myself and the buns. Is that awful or what ???
Nope, not awful. Its like going on holiday, its nice to get away but SO nice to get home. How long is the flight from Spain to the UK?

I wonder if you could order goldfish? I could ship you a really big box of them. Its like $6 for the box and shipping might not be that bad? LOL
Yeah, you could probably order Goldfish on Amazon? They'd probably ship from the US though and it'd be really expensive. And yes, anything cheesey is delicious. Cheese is the main reason why I am fine being a vegetarian, but veganism is definitely not for me. I love basically any type of cheese!

Glad you had a good visit with your mom! It is nice to get your house back, though, don't feel bad! Everyone likes their space.

Morgan - Are the cheddar whales from Target?? If so, I've totally had them before. Also, is anyone familiar with the brand Annie's? You know, the bunny-shaped mac n cheese? They also make other snacks, including cheddar bunnies. :p
I LOVE Annie's! The chocolate bunny grahams, the cheddar ones, all of them! They're all so good and they're organic I think and I think they're not that bad for you.
You know what sounds good? Pizza flavored goldfish on this pizza I'm eating right now. Yum
My mom wants me to name my future daughter Scarlett. Lol. I told her maybe but of course we all know that we may never have kids and if we do...Leo gets a say in the name and he won't like that one lol.
I had home made mini pizzas I want to try the pizza goldfish. I like Scarlett as a name but I suppose you´ll have to let Leo have a say in this haha.

Just going to make myself a cuppa so I´ll now be looking for goodies in the cupboard to have with it....and I know I have no biscuits in the house so I´ll be doing the usual and looking in cupboards knowing I´ll not find anything :p
haha, carrots and tea definitely don´t carrot cake and tea, yes please. Maybe tomorrow, I´ll make one :nod
I don't think I could do a veggie only diet. I'm sure I would feel like I was starving to death. But that's great that you're sticking with it Morgan. It's not easy to do.

And more with the goldfish.... I think we have a goldfish addiction going on here. All this talk about them, I think I'm going to have to go dig some out of the pantry now. I'm sure they are horrible and stale. And I'm sure I'll eat them anyways, haha.

So the boys are doing better. It's taken Riley longer to get over the nausea from the meds. He finally started pooping again after a whole day, and is eating a little better. Toby surprisingly, has recovered more quickly, despite his megacolon problems. This pic is from them this morning. I brought Riley in to keep an eye on his eating, and I brought Toby in for moral support for Riley. Even with hormones not completely gone, these boys still like each other. Their cages are next to each other, so they are pretty used to being near one another, plus they have playtime together. I don't think bonding will be a problem for them :)

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Jenny, those two are precious! Oh my. I just want to get in the middle of them and snuggle them!

I have found that I basically like anything that is pizza flavored, pringles, goldfish, pizza, whatever. haha. I wonder why that powdery coating is so good? haha. I've had the sharks too and they're just like the whales, not "quite the same" but still pretty good. I love the colored goldfish, my son likes them too. I think its funny for him to eat them. I got the baby goldfish once and they were TINY, I didn't like them and thought they were sort of a choking hazard for AJ so I ate them all to solve the problem. LOL. I like all of the goldfish though, pretty much all flavors. I just like crackers and stuff in general, like cheese-its, those are my favorite; any flavor! haha.
We go through a lot of cheez -its in this house. The girls will pack them as a snack for school. I eat them too. half the time they are my lunch. For a while I bought the ones with letters because the girls liked them. We have had the whales as well. If it's a snack cracker we have probably had it. Mostly we stick with the regular cheez -its because the girls don't seem to like any of the others.

There is nothing wrong with wanting your space back. We have company come over a lot some of who are racers from out of state and of course since their friends and wonderful people we have them stay here but I do enjoy when we have the house back. I tend to be at least a little tense with other people around and can only really relax when it's just us.

I could never be a vegetarian. I used to do martial arts, boxed, etc and boy did I crave meat. I could put away some steak and it just proved to me that we need the protein. Actually when I was in the best shape during that time I craved steak and potatoes and really wasn't interested in sweets so much.