Aww, Bandy peeping out of his hidey house! I totally know what you mean about "where's the bun" moments.. Once I actually had a real one with Dora. D&D were out with me and my roommate in the living room, then it was time for bed and for buns to go back. I went to get something from the hall closet first, and came back to put them away. No Dora, just Doc. I looked under the couch, behind the couch, behind the blinds, no Dora! There was no way she could have gotten out of the living room because I section it off. I was so confused. After several frantic minutes, I went back to the closet and opened it. There she was, staring right at me! "Mommm, why did you shut me in here??" She must have darted in during the split second it took me to get whatever I wanted. So quiet and sneaky! I miss her so much, she always made me laugh.
I can't really tell from your pictures, but I'm curious - what exactly is the boys' living situation? I feel like their enclosure has a few cages in it, just not sure which bun bunks with which!