The Three Musketeers

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So, here´s the other video. I was trying to put some nice soothing music with it but it hasn´t work. You can see them all out together, with a little niggle between Snowy and Houdini at the end but nothing serious.

They are adorable as ever.

At the very end of the video where Houdini jumped at Snowy and ran off, it looked like Houdini climbed up the cage. Did he? it was hard to tell.

I think its best to watch the video on the page instead of having to click on a link to get to it. So I have finally learned how to post Youtube videos on the blog instead of having to click on a link to get to the video, and I posted a video of Ash on my blog.
I turned it to HD so it was nice and crisp. Yeah that's not at all what my buns look like when they nip each other.. It's wierd. Maybe I will take a video of their date today so you can see what their body language is like.... :-/

LMAO.. I took my pre-workout since I'm going to the gym in a moment and so when I started to watch the video, the music gave me insane anxiety since it's starting to kick in!

I just love your bunnies, they're the best and I still think it's super cool that you have 3 males!!
Lol, that was too funny! Snowy's just sitting there peacefully grooming to this lovely calm music, then BAM! Houdini's there. You do have a few things going for you. It looked to me like Houdini was just hopping up to say hi, but it startled Snowy and he reacted by lunging at Houdini. Then you see Houdini's little tail sticking up, and it looks like he's thinking of going at Snowy, but Snowy just hops away, and then Houdini does, and they just avoid each other. I think they are still a little sensitive to each other others actions, because of the fighting in the past, and (at least in this instance) seem to overreact a little, but the avoidance after, was a really good thing. It looked positive to me. They were both thinking about it, and instead of reacting and getting in a tussle, they just hopped away from each other. Bravo boys!
Elise, yes, Houdini just hopped into his cage, he has to hop on top first but they all do it so I put cardboard on there so their legs don´t go through as I had a scare months ago when Houdi got his leg stuck and struggled and he was limping for a while and it must have hurt cos I held him with me for about two hours...poor little soul.

Michelle, yes I just wanted you to see how they interact. And thanks for the compliment..I think they are just great and love having my three little boys. I liked that music but chose it mainly because it was the only one that was, more or less, the same length as the video. Yes, take some video of yours as it´s easier for us and you to go back and see exactly what you mean if it´s on film.

Jenny,when they´re out together they do that sometimes and it´s like they don´t sometimes trust each other and it´s like..go away and leave me alone. But they are out together now for quite a few hours and they leave other alone most of the time. They are so much better now and I love seeing them all out together again.
That's what I thought he did. He looked like he climbed it no problem lol. I can see why you put cardboard there, poor little Houdini at least he didn't get an injury from it.
Oh, they all love climbing on top of the cage, sometimes they´ll just sit up there looking out and resting...I have to change the cardboard though as they like sitting up there chewing it as well. When I bought Houdini´s cage, I didn´t realise it only had an opening at the top but he soon learnt to jump out of it but now they can all easily jump in and out. They´d be great on an agility course lol
Yes, Ash likes to sit atop high things also. I wonder why they all do that, maybe each bun wants to be king of the house, lol.

You took the words right out of my mouth Chris, I bet your three would do awesome on a rabbit agility course!
Wow, I was also surprised by Houdini's great leap at the end! What a cute video, I of course giggled when the camera panned over to Bandy just chilling under the chair. He never fails to put a smile on my face! Also, wouldn't you know, but Doc is out right now and started grooming himself just like Snowy in the video as soon as I started watching! He can't even see the video (hahaha).
Houdini is a great jumper and he so used to jumping in and out of his cage now, it´s second nature. the other two make me laugh cos when everything´s open, they go in there to pinch is food and just have a look around. When I´m ready to put them in for the night, I just have to put his pellets in his food bowl and he´s in there, up and over lol.

Bandy is so cute and his face is a picture. His favourite place is actually on the dining room chair. If I can´t see him, I always know he´s under there.

that´s so funny, doc grooming at the same time as you watching Snowy, I do think they look really alike, Snowy´s a miniature version of Doc.
Ahhh yes I love the picture of you two snuggling!!! And Bandy does have a Buster face in that picture! Thank you for the pen pic as well :)
Thanks Katie, I always think of Bandy when I see Buster, it´s that furry face and they have the same ears. I love cuddling Snowy and he just loves it. He´s the only one who does, the others tolerate but prefer to be on the ground.

It´s always useful to see how other people have their stuff organised. I did that just to give them a bit more room. They do use the smaller cage as they like resting on the raised area where the food bowl is but they usually sleep in the enclosure and when I had bonding problems, it meant that I could let two out and the other one would still have some run to move about and jump. Houdini does crazy runs from one end of it to the other.
They have the same cute furry faces and man I love those ears, those are my favorite thing to draw is his ears, and I love their front paws because they're so pointy!

I hope Phoebe will be able to tolerate being picked up from time to time, maybe her bravery will rub off on Buster lol. I think it already has because hes been adventuring...ok ok, I think he is just searching for her! Well silly BUN! She's just in the living room!

Oh and I love the cute picture of Snowy flopped out!!!! Extreme sweetness in that little face!
I love his front paws as well and Buster´s are just the same, I think it´s cos they stick out from under all that hair, I love it when he sits like Buster´s sitting in his avatar pic.

Snowy is such a cutie, he didn´t even move when I went to take that pic he just has such a lovable face.
I'm am VERY impressed with Snowy and Houdinis handling of conflict here :) That could have been a full blown fight but they almost resolved it on their own! Which to me is just as positive in bunny speak. I also think Snowy was surprised as well. And then he was like "oh ok you are not the boogeybunny....I'll just hop back to my cage to think this through" ;)

I love your boys Chris. Such fabulous buns!
Lisa, that´s why I call these their niggles as it blows over straight away and they go to separate spaces, bunnies are much smarter than people give them credit for. They are out for much longer now and they are so good about it and if I think it may get serious, I split them up. I just love my three boys and couldn´t imagine it any other way now.
Have decided to change their hay again as they don´t seem to be eating much of the stuff that they used to love which my friend´s been bringing from Gibraltar. Think they prefer the greener (of course more expensive) stuff from the local store so I bought a bag today and they´ve all been trying it again. I might try and mix a little bit to get rid of the other stuff as I still have two bags left but I´m hoping that they´ll eat more now, they used to be really good but haven´t been eating much for the last week and I was getting worried. Houdini hasn´t been eating many of his pellets either but have checked him and he looks Ok and has been running about earlier but I´ll keep my eye on him. Poops look normal.
Houdini is fine, he was eating the food from the other other two´s bowl yesterday, think it must have been his new bowl which he didn´t like. They definitely like the new hay better and are eating it well, obviously they´ve got refined tastes lol.

Just wanted to post a couple of photos of my little boys...


I just love Bandy´s little face


I love the way Houdini sits with his paws on the basket.


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