Lisa, I'm totally in love with Mr. Darcy, haha. Might be why I'm not married yet. Who can measure up to Mr. Darcy

I had seen the Colin Firth P&P so many times but never read the book, then when I was backpacking through the UK, I thought it would be a fitting place to start reading it. Jane Austen was brilliant, and you're so right about her being ahead of her time. I'm sure Elizabeth Bennet's character probably seemed odd to a lot of people at the time, since that kind of independent personality wasn't exactly socially acceptable. And reading the book almost felt like I was reading a movie script. The dialog was so well written by her that it almost tranferred perfectly to film.
Chris, I was mostly doing some family history stuff for my mom there, so I was mostly in Scotland and N. Ireland since that is where some of my ancestry comes from. But I did see a few places in England. I spent a few days in London, but I'm not much of a city gal, so I felt much better getting out into the counryside. I saw Windsor Castle, of course Jane Austen's house. I love the movie Princess Bride, so I had to see Haddon Hall. I stayed in Buxton when I went to see Lyme Hall. I really loved Buxton. It was so pretty and peaceful there. Those were the few things that I saw while there, so not a lot. If I ever go back, I think I will want to spend more time seeing things in England.
I was so looking forward to series 2 of Upstairs Downstairs, and was so disappointed when I saw the first episode. Not only was Jean Marsh hardly in it, but the mother of the son wasn't in it! I guess the actress didn't like the writing for the second series so she didn't do it. They would have been better off rewriting the script so that she would have wanted to do it. Her and Jean Marsh were part of what made the show so good. It would be like not having Maggie Smith in Downton, it would totally ruin the show. And it did for UD. I didn't even bother to finish watching it, that's how bad it was.
Poirot is probably one of my most favorite shows. I love mysteries anyways, but David Suchet is just perfect in his part. It's almost weird seeing him in other things because he plays his part so well. He just IS Poirot. I like the first few series of it the best, with Hastings and Miss Lemon. It's more lighthearted and fun to watch. I still like the later shows, but they have a more serious tone then the beginning shows. Have you ever seen the old Poirot movies with Albert Finney? Oh my gosh, they're horrible. He was just awful as Poirot, I couldn't stop laughing when I watched it.
Oh no Morgan, not 'Downtown' Abbey, Downton Abbey. Haha, that's what my mom keeps calling it too. Downton Abbey just doesn't sound right to her

Lol, could you just imagine us dressing up like that for dinner at home with our family. I'm lucky if I manage to be in more than my sweats at dinner time, haha. Could you just see telling your husband to go dress for dinner. lol. Wow, we lead such different lives now. I wouldn't mind the servants though, like a cook would be great! I hate cooking