The Three Musketeers

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I´m really happy today as I got loads of stuff free from the local market. I usually buy there on a Tuesday as it works out much cheaper. Well, today I was looking for herbs but I didn´t buy any as they all looked a bit wilted so didn´t think they´d keep. However, I bought carrots with tops and turnips with tops as they were really cheap and there are loads and my friend asked the girl on the stall if she had any greens that they´d chopped off stuff they´d sold. She gave me a really big bag, far too many for me to use and said that next week if I brought a box in the morning, she´ll fill it for me sas they throw most of that stuff..I am so glad, I´ll probably have to buy a few things but they sell all sorts of fruit and veg so I don´t mind. So, they´ve got enough to last them for the next week easily.

I´m dying for the strawberries to come into season again as I love them and I want the boys to try them, they were too small last year. They do have them now but they´re not in season and not ripe around the stalk so you´d end up thowing a third away, only a few weeks and they´ll be ready.

Got soaked this morning as went out in the sunshine and suddenly we had a rain shower. Didn´t even have my hood on my jacket as I took it off this morning as it was such lovely weather....isn´t that just typical.

Think I´ll make another carrot load this afternoon. Same recipe as carrot cake but I put it in a loaf tin and don´t put any topping on. It´s really good with a nice cup of tea. Well, I have to get rid of all these spare carrots somehow :)
Free greens for bunnies is always great! My neighbor was nice enough to drop off his carrot greens for me all summer. So my buns had a nice supply of greens, and I didn't have to buy them :) Of course, now everything is from the store.
I want free greens too!!!!! Haha. That is so great! My two love strawberry tops and get them every once in awhile too. In the states you can get *most* fruit year round. It's because we have greenhouses and places that grow stuff all the time. But then, I always wonder how chock full of fertilizer they are and not organic at all so when you compare the amount of nutrients in's probably next to nothing :( they grow them so artificially.

We are in the middle of another cold snap here. Our low last night was -2 ( so -18 Celsius) and boy was it coooold! My furnace ran nearly all day and night because it just couldn't warm the house up.
I know! It's freezing here too. I can't hardly even stand to go outside!
And here am I moaning over a bit of rain and 12ºC.

I hate wasting stuff but know that I´m going to end up throwing some of the stuff as there´s just too much. Although they loves greens, I can only feed them a certain amount. I also get free greens from the local supermarket. I asked them about a month ago if it was Ok for me to take the leaves that people removed before they went to weight them as they´re lying in the box with the rest of the veggies and they say yes i could take them so this is my second freebie place...yes, I´m really impressed with their generosity. Well, it only gets thrown out if I don´t take it :thanks: It´s funny actually cos I usually give them a dish of greens before bed after their pellets. Bandy and Snowy tuck into them straight away and then go back to the pellets but Houdini eats some of his pellets but hardly touches the greens unless there are herbs which he eats first. In the morning, there is usually something left so the other two end up with his leftovers. He just prefers his hay to his greens so I´m not complaining as he eats twice as much as the other two.
I see the produce guys refreshing stock at the produce places I frequent, but I'm always chicken too ask for free stuff. Someday soon I'll cave in though, because Monty eats a TON! She mows through a head of green leaf in less than a week now, even with fresh herbs and a little kale added.
You sometimes have to be a bit cheeky to do that but if it´s gonna end up in the bin, I´d rather it ended up in my bunny bins hahaha. I bet Monty eats more than my three put together. I´ve probably got enough today for half a dozen rabbits, wish I knew someone who could use the surplus.
Awh, I actually stopped making my two salads recently because I find it so time consuming that most of the vegetables go to waste :( I need to make more time for them, I've been working like crazy! Your life must be more relaxed over there, I know the lifestyle is very different and people see work as a different thing unlike over here. Here it's pretty much go to work, come home, run errands, do chores, go to bed, repeat....
Michelle, I totally understand that lifestyle. When I worked for someone else, that´s what it was like as well, hardly time for anything. Now, I work for myself and I can plan things better and have more time anyway in the winter as it´s quieter for me. However, I do end up wasting some of their stuff as there was just too much and I hate it when the greens start to wilt and just don´t look as good.

I´ve been laughing at them the last few days as I´ve got a food stealer here. Bandy eats his pellets and now he´s discovered that if he stands on the other side of Houdini´s cage and tips the dish his food is in, the dish hits the side of the cage, bounces back and the food ends up on his cushion on the other side. I laughed so much the first time I saw him do it and he does it now every chance he gets knowing he´ll get a telling off. I´m now having to look for another "safe" place that I can put the dish so Bandy can´t get to it. Who says that they´re not super smart. I must actually try and get a video of it as it is just so funny.

Just had breakfast and getting ready to clean out their cages, always do it Sunday morning.
Lol! Clever Bandy, the food stealer :) That's more something I would envision Houdini figuring out and doing. Food does seem to be a good motivator when it comes to buns figuring out how to do things. You DO need to get a video of it and post it for all our enjoyment :)
Jenny, I´m going to feed them when I´ve cleaned their cages so will see if he does it again. He´s my little foody and will doing anything for something extra, he once ran off with the banana skin which he managed to steal when I was feeding them a bit of the banana. I managed to catch him but he´s a fast mover.

Houdini´s has been naughty during the night. His cage looks like a tornado has passed through it. He´s pulled all hay out of his rack into his litter box and then he´s kept himself occupied during the night digging it out of his litterbox into the cage so there is hay and litter everywhere so I have my work cut out today cleaning.

Just about to do thatnow so if I manage to catch Bandy´s tricks on video, I´ll post later lol
I have some buns that used to be diggers. The mess drove me crazy, so I made grates to cover the litter box. Oh, it was so nice after that.

Lol, I can just picture Bandy seeing his chance to snatch the banana peel and run :) It's so funny when they know they're probably not supposed to do something, but they see if they can get away with it. Flopsy will often try and make a dash for the kitchen when I forget and leave the door open. I get in front of him to herd him back to his area, and he will try and get around my feet, but he's too fat and slow to get past me, haha.
Hahaha bandy sounds like a riot! Food stealer! And houdini messing up the cage. Isnt it insane what they do sometimes??? I'll go to let them out in the morning and wow, crazy mess. And they just look at me with their noses twitching and eyes oh so innocent as of to say...."what?" ll I can do is laugh.

I didn't know you worked for yourself. What do you do? (if you don't want to say i totally understand:) I know everyone has different comfort levels for talking online) but that is great you have the flexibility now with time. I do agree with you, and Michelle I understand too, before I had my son i worked for a large co. in an office setting and it is very time consuming. I love being at home now. Although my son keeps me busy it's nice to be my own boss and have time to get things done during the day.

Hope your Sunday cleaning went good today :) i always think of you now on Sundays since I know it's your day to get it done. Mines coming tomorrow......sigh....messy buns.
Lisa, I look after apartments for people who don´t live here but I also do admin for them, liaise with banks, tax office, etc for translations and do other jobs where they need an interpreter or someone to do letters or fill in forms if they don´t speak the language. It´s very quiet for me in the winter months ie November, December and January so I´ve had lots of time to be at home with the buns.

I took a video of Bandy stealing the food yesterday, it took me ages to upload to photobucket. I thought I might try tinypic but it turns out it´s now photobucket....aaarrrggghhh. Anyway hope this comes out alright, I think you just click on it to view.

Hahaha he really is a clever little chap, hub? Flipping that dish to get the food. Hilarious!! Meanwhile, Houdini is just over there cleaning himself like no big deal. Bunnies are funny :)

I was listening for if you were going to talk to them because it made me wonder do you talk to them in English or Spanish? And do you dream in both languages too? I took 5 years of French in school ( I have lost so much of it because I never use it:() and had a french student live with me for awhile so i spoke very well. I remember being so pleased when I began to dream in French!

Sounds like a cool job. I sure wish I was bilingual again. Wait,,,,how many languages do you speak?
Yes, he´s too clever for his own good but so funny. I´ve now had to move the dish to the right hand side of Houdini´s cage so that Bandy can´t touch it...what are they like. Houdini doesn´t seem to bother than he´s nicked his food, he´s so laid back. I left the bit longer where he´s eating as it´s his little lamb chop´s so cute.

I speak to them in both languages and I dream in both as well. Suppose it depends who I dream of as I have a lot of Spanish friends.

Felt awful today as one of my Spanish friends rang late this afternoon to go to the cinema, he wants to see Django unchained in Spanish of course. I´d been working since 8.30 this morning, doing admin, banks, offices and then I had to clean an apartment; yes, I do the cleaning and the laundry as well. Not my favourite things but it pays the bills. I just wanted to get home to see the boys and let them out so I said no...I felt awful afterwards but I feel really guilty as it wouldn´t have given me time for them to have a couple of hours out in the room. So, maybe we´ll manage to get to see it at the weekend. You do get used to seeing films dubbed as they always use the same voice for the actor although they sometimes use the same voice for more than one actor...that´s confusing. My friend does speak good English but he feels that he doesn´t get all the dialogue if he watches the film in English so we always watch the Spanish.

I did Portuguese and Italian at university as well and French at school. I haven´t practiced enough in these three for years but can read in all of them and probably get by in easy conversation.

I´ve been trying to download this video for two days and it´s finally appeared....I hate photobucket. So here it is.....Houdini escaped again on Saturday. I´ve trusted themall since I did the cage change and they´ve all been very good. But I noticedthat Houdini has been casing the joint for the last couple of days and yesterdayI could see he was thinking about it. Unfortunately, I missed the great escapeas I´d just picked up the pan of pasta to drain but heard the commotion. Thisis just before. It just made me laugh so much how he´s planning hisescape...he´s a little real little rascal.

He is such a schemer, he is so smart. Yes, mine are tiny compared to Monty, they weigh less between the three of them than Monty. She´s a really big girl but I love her. Hope she´s doing well and recovering quickly...I bet she eats loads more than they do put together. It must cost you a fortune in food :shock:

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