The tales of two dwarfs and a lionheart

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Oh and Sawyer's! :)


This one isn't as good but I liked how he was standing over it lol.

I love the 4th of July pics! Haha, when I saw the second picture I thought that I saw a baby pug lol. I'm crazy! :biggrin:

Love Rudy too! He's adorable! :)

And so is Sawyer!
Lol I went back and he does look kinda puggy! He was washing his face so I took the opportunity lol. :)
Emily, I´m still gutted that Hazel hasn´t turned up, what a shame, poor baby.

Those pics are so good, Loki is such a cutie and what a lovely dog.

Therapy bunnies sound great. Mine would never stay still long enough but I think bunnies are quite soothing.

I´m a Christmas baby and so is my nephew, exactly twenty years between us. I suppose as you´ve never known anything else, it´s just normal for me. I suppose you have the same chance of being born at Christmas as any other time of the year. I actually know quite a few people with Christmas birthdays.
I honestly can't bring myself to write a bridge announcement because I don't want to admit she's not coming back. :(

I think little Loki would be really good at it, he sits still as long as you pet him then he'll hop off. Smokey would probably be really good as well. She loves to cuddle and she's really good with strangers.
I hope everybody had a safe and happy 4th! :) We just got done setting off fireworks here, they were awesome!
Does anybody else have actual conversations with their pets? I always have very long talks with Sawyer when I'm cooking, because he's my best friend and we go everywhere together lol. Basically I just give him a complete tutorial on the meal I'm making. Anyway I was cleaning up the kitchen a little bit ago and having a chat with Sawyer when my brother comes into the kitchen with this creeped out look on his face, and he's like: Were you talking to the dog? Like having an actual conversation?? And I was just like: Yeaahh why? Then he started making fun of me lol. I don't even think it's weird it's just natural for me lol.
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Haha Emily! I don't actually have conversations out loud with Ash but I do talk to him in my mind. Weird I know lol. I feel like he can understand me better. I sit down and talk to him with my mind. I say things like tomorrow you are going to go out on the porch Ash. And lots of other things.
Well I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't been making much progress on it. I've been keeping careful track of the stitches though and it really helps. :) All the ends are nice and straight now lol.
I have conversations with my animals. Chickens included. I was just talking to the roosters outside on the back steps, because one has wrong colored eyes and one has a really rusty color on his back and he's not supposed to. So I was talking to him about that, then I talk to Ellie about different things. I take my dog in the car with me all the time and I talk to him about stuff in the car. haha. You're not alone with talking to them!
I'll post pics when I finish. :) I really want to do this one tiny whale amigurumi, I'll probably start it some evening soon. :) Ha Morgan I knew I wasn't the only one!! :biggrin2: I cleaned out Loki's crate today, OMG he is the messiest little bunny ever!! He makes soup with his litter and water, then usually he can't help getting some on him so he has to have a dish towel bath. He is the rottenest little boy ever!!
haha mischievous little Loki and I bet he looks at you with those innocent little eyes. I also talk to my bunnies and I used to talk to the dog. Sometimes, it just helps to mull things over and they never answer back lol.

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