The Tails of Simon

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Elkton, Maryland
I have been a bunny mom now for one week, one day.
It has already been most interesting, stressful, loving and just woo hoo!

When I first saw Simon I doubted if I should get him or not. I had never been fond of buying animals from pet stores, refuse to with large chains. Yet when I saw Simon arrive that day, he pulled at my heart in a way I could not understand nor explain.
I actually saw him arrive in that white bin and felt like I needed to save him. A few days earlier I had seen a woman come in and just buy 8 bunnies like they were chocolate bars. What could someone do with 8 bunnies? What were they going to do with 8 bunnies?! I inquired and found out that they had been bought by a photographer. I did not want to see Simon become one of many, neglected, stressed and after the easter rush left to rot in a shelter because his "cute" factor had worn off. So I bought him. I had been thinking about what pet to get for my daughter for about a month by than. Cats, dogs, hamster, bird...nothing seemed like a good fit. For allergies, the new rules for the new place we moved into, our life, the "play" factor etc. She was sad about losing "Spot" and "Steuart". Two animals I helped foster/rescue. She had known from the beginning we were just a helping hand, but it did not change she attached to them. Did not change the hurt in her heart when they went on. I felt horrible about it and decided for my daughters sake I could not do that to her again and felt it was right to bring a pet into our home that we could love forever. I think I will always be amazed at the luck someone gifted us the day I saw Simon.

Having never been able to snuggle, love, or romp with an animal because of my allergies, I can't explain the true pleasure I take in Simon's company. I am more attached to Simon now, than I think any other pet, I have ever owned.
Having never really known any rabbits, I tried buying books, reading up on the web and just in general trying to learn all I could. Honestly, it was over load and too much contradiction to have any clue who to follow and who not to.
I went crazy with toys, building a cage that would be bigger and better not to mention cheaper than the store bought tiny ones.

Simon does not seem to sleep very much. If I am awake, he seems to be. So I have left his cage open most times with a playpen of sorts that trailed from there to the living room. Discovered that he can jump that playpen just fine and will not as long as I am near. Should I walk away he will follow me. If he sees me coming, he will run to me and sit up seeming to say "LOVE ME!"
He is quite able to convey his wishes to me, but being a new bunny mom, I suppose I have been a bit slow at picking up his cues. He will nip in a gentle way to say please rub my cheeks, and if I am not quick enough for his liking I get nipped a bit harder. We are working on not nipping.
He disagrees with ever needing bath and will firmly tell the towel no he does not need to get dried off, he is just fine. I usually win this discussion, but he shows me in the end when he spends a good amount of time preening himself afterwards in a way that seems to say SEE!!! I can do it myself!!

This past Monday my sweet boy started having poo issues that scared the poo out of me! I thought perhaps it had settled by the evening. His behavior was back to his perking little self, his ego seemed intact and he was dining as usual. Until the next morning. I awoke to find my cuddly little man, covered in poo, head to toe.
We were indeed able to make it to a new vet who I like much better than the last.
He has a few issues that are being addressed but I feel good about the outcome.
I think everything will be ok now.
Though I am sure Simon would disagree, snacks are not the best thing in the world right now and I think bananas are off the menu forever. I might sneak him a piece once a year on his birthday though. He really did love his bananas.

Tonight after I got through with cleaning and searching the kitchen and living room I spent some time with Simon. He was back to running and threw a binky or two my way and boy did that bring a smile to my face. It felt wonderful to see him up and going as I am used to seeing him. He seemed most upset with me however as I restricted the play to the kitchen only. I think it needs to stay this way until the meds are all done and we have normal poo with a normal fecal. I don't want a stray poo that he may decide to eat infecting him again.
The kitchen however is not the best place for running as we both discovered. There was a bit of skidding and general silliness, but in the end both of us learned it would seem, it is BEST to not try to run on the kitchen floor.
He spent a good amount of time looking for a way out and was not happy to see I closed off his normal escape route of going behind his cage.
We came to a compromise...I loved his cheeks just the way he likes and he stopped being mad at

He was rather fragrant and dirty after the last two days, so we had a bath and battle of wills once again. I won this round, but he showed his dislike to the towel in ample form. Took about an hour for him to get over being mad at me and we said goodnight on good terms.

So now my little Simon is fast asleep on the floor of his cage, throughly wiped out from the last two days and all the eating he did this evening. I am most happy to see that at least he pigged out on his pellets. He has pretty much left his hay alone this evening, but I am not going to stress that until tomorrow. He ate, I am happy. I was not looking forward to having to force feed him.
He even surprised me with a small gift this evening. One I am hoping we can take further into the house. It would seem he has decided he would rather keep "his" house clean and has been using his litter pan to tinkle and poo in! I was most impressed and hope this heralds the end of peeing on me.
Hoping in time I can convey that he does not need to mark me as his, the little bugger won over my heart and soul in minutes anyway.
I am a little worried that he is not sleeping on his shelf as that has seemed his choice place of sleep, but again it has been a long two days and why sleep on a shelf when all he needs and wants is on the bottom floor.

We have about nine days of meds to get through and I have to say I don't think either of us are looking forward to it, but at least it is only two meds, once a day.
Alban and Bene Bac. I don't think the Critical Care food will be needed, but at least now we have it on hand, should god forbid we ever have to use it.
Thinking tomorrow I will go purchase new Timothy and Alfalfa hay as I think perhaps what we have is just too old. After seeing what the botanical was like, I don't think what we have is good enough. I do have say, my it smells so nice though.

So here I am at 2am...still awake. Waiting and watching, wondering is I will see the dreaded smushy poo return. Silly yes, for if it is coming, it would be there when I wake up, but I guess I need to know that 3am will come and go without the smushy poo today. In my heart I think we will be ok, but my head is scared and wants to wait and watch. Simon has wiggled his little tail too far into my heart and I just don't think life would be very complete without him.

I am sure Simon would like to convey his thanks to everyone here, who has been just wonderful, informative, supportive and we both believe in the power of well wishes, good thoughts and prayer. I would like to convey that as well!

Tomorrow is another day...and I feel good we will both see the sun shine through the windows, but it will be Simon that lights up my day.

Isn't it amazing how they can steal our hearts - and then worry us so?

Simon is such a special bunny - your love for him just comes through in your writing.....he's so lucky....

Oh god yes...I honestly have not eaten anything at all since this started. I really was too sick with worry. It wasn't till after we saw the vet I was able to have a bite. I guess since his tummy was in turmoil, I had to share the

I am just amazed at how much light he has already brought into my life in such a short amount of time. So much I am trying to figure out now.
I was going to have him neutered at the first vet we went and saw. Prices had a part in that, as they were going at about 250. Yet I am not happy with them and prefer where we were today. It will be about 450 there though and I am trying to think of a way to come up with it. I have thought to myself, it would be ok to go with the cheaper place, it would only be the one time more, but after all this and seeing just how much he has come to mean to me, I can not take the idea of putting his life in danger because it was "cheaper" in one place. So...I think I will either have to deal with spraying pee or just get more determined to find a job. I have been looking and need one perhaps I will suck up my pride a bit and lower my standards a tad. I don't think I could return to the first Vet we saw. I do not feel good about them at all, so how could I trust them with my Simon? Simply..I can not.
I wish other places would accept the spca vochers as the first vet does. That would make life much easier. I feel that it will all work out in the end though. It seems like it is already. It was very strange that my friend had off of work today, stranger yet he was able to get a ride from his friend here, bugger it all that he had 200 in his pocket. It just seemed all so...fated that it will be ok.
Today was a laid back day. I am sorry about how much time Simon spent in his cage, but I had a bunch of running around to do and not much time. He has seemed sleepy anyway. We were able to get the meds down without too much issue, though I was right, he was mad at me.
We sat for awhile cuddling and watching some tv. Till he started biting at the blanket. I wasn't sure what that was about so I thought perhaps he wanted to be put down. Maybe he had to go potty. I set him down, he ate some and took a nap...
He is currently running around the kitchen and throwing a binky my way every now and again.
So over all not much shaking today. Just a relaxed blah sort of day for all of us really.

I love how soft Simon seems.
I feel like he looks different today. Sort of hard to explain, but like his nose looks like it is bigger, like his face is changing. He seems poofier too! lol
Well I am going to go bunnap him and see if he wouldn't mind some snuggles....

Simon sounds wonderful. One of my first buns, a little brown lop, was named Simon. "He" turned out to be a she, but I already knew her as Simon so that name stuck.The picture in my head of how you said he came into the pet store in a white bin made me so sad. I only go to pet stores now that work with a shelter and help them do adoptions.

I see that you are in North Carolina. There is a wonderful rescuer from North Carolina on this forum named Randy who has a rescue called Sabrina's House. I'm wondering if he might know of some other vets or resources in your area for neutering. $450 seems awfully high for a neuter! He is a moderator on the Infirmary section. Maybe if you posted a question there, he would see it.

Anyway...I'm so happy you and Simon found each other! There is lots of good info to be found on this forum and lots of helpful people.

Hi Orchid, Simon sounds like a wonderful, lovely little bunny! Do you have any pictures to put in your blog?? I'd love to see him!
About biting his blanket, maybe he was just playing. Bot Hazel, my bunny, and White Chocolate, my "Gran-bunny" (my daughter's bun) love playing with blankets, towels, etc. They will pull them around, push them, re-arrange them, jump on them, etc. They also "nibble" or "bite" them, but very gently, without biting holes.
White Chocolate also lets us know when she's had enough of cuddling or being held, by "digging" on our lap, legs, shoulders. Usually we know that's a sign she needs to get down to go potty :biggrin2:. Though sometimes she's just too lazy or comfy, so her mommy has been "showered" a few times, heheh :).
You are so lucky Simon sounds so layed back and happy, and he lets you pick him up to cuddle. Hazel loves to get petted and cuddle with us, but on the floor only. She grumps and huffs when we do pick her up, but I just loooove to hold her anyway sometimes :biggrin2:.
Good luck with your Simon, I hope he's all better soon!
cmh9023 wrote:

Simon sounds wonderful. One of my first buns, a little brown lop, was named Simon. "He" turned out to be a she, but I already knew her as Simon so that name stuck.The picture in my head of how you said he came into the pet store in a white bin made me so sad. I only go to pet stores now that work with a shelter and help them do adoptions.

I see that you are in North Carolina. There is a wonderful rescuer from North Carolina on this forum named Randy who has a rescue called Sabrina's House. I'm wondering if he might know of some other vets or resources in your area for neutering. $450 seems awfully high for a neuter! He is a moderator on the Infirmary section. Maybe if you posted a question there, he would see it.

Anyway...I'm so happy you and Simon found each other! There is lots of good info to be found on this forum and lots of helpful people.
I've actually spoken with Randy before. I will have to ask him who he knows and trusts. He also let me know that its illegal for them to sell the rabbits they do. Simon was only 7 seven weeks. None of them are supposed to, by law, be sold before 8 weeks. I will be call someone regarding this. Such a small thing to ask, why not wait the 1 more week?

I feel only slightly bad about where I bought him from...he is just too wonderful. So loving and spunky.
Hazel-Mom wrote:
Hi Orchid, Simon sounds like a wonderful, lovely little bunny! Do you have any pictures to put in your blog?? I'd love to see him!
About biting his blanket, maybe he was just playing. Bot Hazel, my bunny, and White Chocolate, my "Gran-bunny" (my daughter's bun) love playing with blankets, towels, etc. They will pull them around, push them, re-arrange them, jump on them, etc. They also "nibble" or "bite" them, but very gently, without biting holes.
White Chocolate also lets us know when she's had enough of cuddling or being held, by "digging" on our lap, legs, shoulders. Usually we know that's a sign she needs to get down to go potty :biggrin2:. Though sometimes she's just too lazy or comfy, so her mommy has been "showered" a few times, heheh :).
You are so lucky Simon sounds so layed back and happy, and he lets you pick him up to cuddle. Hazel loves to get petted and cuddle with us, but on the floor only. She grumps and huffs when we do pick her up, but I just loooove to hold her anyway sometimes :biggrin2:.
Good luck with your Simon, I hope he's all better soon!
I tried getting pictures into a post before and I could not. So I left a link to photobucket. I will add that here as well. I haven't taken any pictures in the last few days, but there are a bunch of him already there.

Thanks...he likes to worry me with random smushy poo I am
I think he will be fine...I really won't allow any other
Stolen from Simon's most private journal:

*laughs* - so last night I scared the crap of my mom. She had no clue what a bunny flop was or why I would do it. She when on that small box she leaves open ALL the time, with all the tip tapping she does and found the answer though. Darn people giving away all my secrets. It's alright, I will exact my revenge one day. And why, is she looking at those pictures of other bunnies? I feel betrayed.

I'm a little worried about my mom. She hasn't been spending as much time with me or letting me run around the living room AT ALL! What is the deal with that? I miss sitting on the couch with her. Tried explaining that to her today with a good hard nip to the arm. All that earned me was a loud NO and no nuzzle to my head. Most unacceptable. I think maybe she isn't feeling so well. She has been sleeping MORE than me!! Perhaps it has to do with that honking noise she keeps making. Man that just makes me do a side jump every time, though I think I am starting to get used to it. I don't think she can help it, humans, what weird creatures.

I got to dance today with Lina. The little human. She is very cute but I wish she would move a little slower. It makes me worried how she moves sometimes. I think it worries my mom too, she will raise her voice some and warn the little one to be more careful. I hear them talking about me at times. Dancing was fun and it made my mom laugh. I liked hearing her laughing, but I wish she would have come dance too. I tried to invite her, I stood up and did my little bounce but she just said something I didn't quite understand. Like, sorry Simon, I don't feel so good today...least I think that is what she said. So I went back to the little one. She hopped around me and I hopped around her, it was a lot of fun.

I did get to run and play some while mom made lunch for the little one. Tried asking for some banana too, but I got shut down. Mom says my tummy needs time to settle down and refuses to let me have any treats. I showed her my disagreement by chewing on those boards she left by the back door. They smell a lot like the one in my cage that I could care less about. She didn't seem to care very much. So I left her poop everywhere! AH HA! She just sighed and asked me while is it I will use my litter pan all the time in my house, but not in hers at all? I decided to turn my back on her. Let her wonder why. Her house indeed, I don't think so.

She asked me why I haven't been eating my hay, as if she would know she has been sleeping so much. I heard the little one pipe up in my defense, she set mom straight.

I took my meds without complaint earlier. I thought maybe it would make mom smile. She seems to sad. I tried to nuzzle her some but she said not now. Why not now? I miss my hugs. She said she just isn't feeling well but soon she will get all better and be back to herself. She also said that once I AM ALL BETTER! I can run in the living room again. Well, with knowing that why not just take my medicine? I sat there and waiting while she put it in the little plastic thing and ate all of it as she gave it to me. Honestly, I much prefer to just sit there and eat it than have her wrap me up like I am a taco. That was just too much for my pride yesterday.
She was so happy with me that I ate it all up, till she noticed I had smushy poops all over my cage bottom. She did that sigh thing again and asked if I am trying to worry her to death.
I licked her.

I guess I can wait till later for some nuzzling. Maybe she will take me out and put me on the pretty blanket again and brush me. I decided I like being brushed, well at least my cheeks, I don't really care for it at all anywhere else.
So I will have a drink, kick back and chew up my box some and wait for mom to feel better. I hope my tummy settles soon too, than mom wouldn't worry so much.

To make the pictures show up here from Photobucket, you copy and paste the IMG tag. Underneath the photo is four lines of code, and the bottom one when copied here, will show up as a picture.

Here is one of yours:

Just like that! You've got the hard part of uploading them to photobucket all done, now it's a matter of copying and pasting the link to your post.

I love that seems to say

"Dis is my house - dese are my rules" lol

from the movie constatine..

I will give it another try...thanks hun!



His ears are to die for~ And that little spot on his nosey...awww!!!

Are you really sure a rabbit is right for you? Because if not, send him my way. ;)
XxMontanaxX wrote:
His ears are to die for~ And that little spot on his nosey...awww!!!

Are you really sure a rabbit is right for you? Because if not, send him my way. ;) NO! I love the way he looks...though at the moment he is driving me CRAZY!

I have this bin I keep all my stuff in for crocheting. I keep it covered with a blanket so it doesn't look so bad in the living room. On the floor around it I have the neat idea cubes so he won't go behind it, but MAN, he just will not stop jumping up on it. grrrr he is about to get a bunny time out...

Sorry the vid is so crappy....the lighting in my house is rather low and no light comes on my camera when I use video mode. Thought you guys might like this though..

There is such a difference I see in Simon since he started taking his meds.
He is so much more active when he is awake than what he was before.
We seem to have settled into a rhythm of sorts now.
I myself have always been a night person and tend to stay up way too late. Sleep during the morning, shuffle around in the afternoon, but don't get going till the evening. Would seem Simon follows much the same pattern. He sleeps during the morning, Comes out every now and again in the afternoon, but cranks it up at night.
Last night, he scared me a bit. He was like a cracked out energizer bunny. He was running like the devil himself was behind him...and just kept on going. I was scared that his heart was going to give

We bought some new hay today. Got Oat, Orchard & Alfalfa. Well, I am sure now that hay must be crap I had gotten. For he has digged in so hard I am thinking now I should have bought a few more bags. I was thrilled! I still am!
I put out a crap load of hay for him in pretty much every "flavor" we have...he does like this Alfalfa...he has pretty much eaten all of that I put out.

He seems to like going where he knows he shouldn't...likes attacking towels and clothes. He has gotten better about nipping for what he wants. Well at least the HARD nipping..the ones that would make you yell out in pain!
He has even started peeing in the litter pans in the living room, though I am keeping the couch covered in pee mats as he still is tinkling on there and I don't have to chase him off. Seems to steal his thunder when it seems "ok" to do something lol.
He has been eating his pellets and drinking fine. We have still been getting a random smush poo...but I think he may have eaten something from Lina last night that caused it today. She does tend to drop food every now and again and I don't always notice. Simon does seem to like hiding out and licking the floor under the table, so for now he is banned from that part of the kitchen.

I opened up the living room to him again and I am so glad I did. He runs and plays so much now and the dead bunny flop is a constant thing in this house. It doesn't scare me anymore now that I know what it is. He throws his head some and throws the rest of him down...
I think I should have named him speed racer. Well I didn't name him...but Simon fits well enough. Though I think he believes he is a race car...I can't believe how fast he can run. He can seriously book when he wants to.
He can be very demanding actually. When he wants something, darn if you are gonna tell him
He will run and jump up where I am sitting, put himself right in my lap and start nipping on my clothes unless he is getting his rubs. When I stop the nipping starts again and man he does not want to hear you have to get up at ALL!
He is currently laying on the floor by his flower n Hay. He looks very cute laying next to a stuffed purple flower. There must be something with that tonight. Every time he has gone to lay down it is next to that flower. Cloud be just the fact his hay is over that way too...Either way it is cute. He looks so poofy when he lays down. I am guessing he is that "skirt" lionheads are supposed to have. His is more like, a ghost of a skirt though. You see these areas of wisp and it circles his
He seems to be getting more control of his ears as well. They seem to be more down than up now. He still has his radar ear though. I don't think that will ever go away.
I have noticed that his one ear is actually much bigger than the other. Guess thats why it hangs down.

I honestly can't get over how loving he is. He cuddles, licks and loves to be loved. He will run to you when he sees you coming, will jump up on my lap for love, and though he doesn't seem to want to be picked up lately, he still tolerates it.
He hates when I shoo him down from the back of the couch. Its like it becomes a game. Are you looking? No? ok I am going back up, and he will wait till I turn my back to do it. I went into the kitchen a little while ago. He ran to the gate, looked to see where I was and than booked back into the living room. When I came back in he was sitting in my seat and it seemed like he was waiting for me.

It is good to see so many flops...makes me smile. Knowing he must be that happy is awesome. I love my Simon...

Since my foot is currently getting attacked for some love...I am going now.
Random Thoughts:

Simon looks adorable when he gets under the swiss miss box.

He doesn't seem to care for balls at all.

Doesn't seem to care much for toys in general...though he will chew on the walnut ball one and the sticks sometimes.

He confuses me. He will jump up on my lap, but when I go to give a rub will jump back down. Wondering what thats all about. He does it over and over again.

His hair looks...greasy on top by his ears.

He is determined to eat the Velcro that holds the NIC's together in the living room forming his playpen.

I love to see him run and binky.

I feel like POO! Now I have pink eye in both eyes. Hoping the doc calls back soon.
This has all left me feeling like crap that I have not been spending enough time with either Lina or Simon.

Simon seems to throw temper tantrums. Its like, he will jump up by me and if I say no for a moment, he will jump on the couch and start digging and chewing. I shoo him away, he jumps back up. Perhaps it is more a game to him.

I read somewhere about his tail being out and away from his body, that this means he is ticked off or whatever - his tail seems to be out and away from his body a lot. Is he mad all the time? lol
Can't see that being right with how much he flops and binkys.

Why won't he jump the cubes to get out into the hallway, but will try to do it to get behind the TV?

I like how he seems always happy to see me.

He does NOT like the vacuum. I feel bad using it lol.

When he is in hyper mode, everything makes him jump.

Can he tell that NO means stop? He seems to...

I want to keep Simon all to myself, but isn't that being greedy? Doesn't he need a friend to stay happy and lead as full a life as he could? As much as I love him, I am not enough am I?

I think he is trying to drive me crazy this this like my x with coffee in the morning...without it, you don't want to be around him.

He seems to know the difference when I am coming to stop him (he runs away) to when I am coming for loves...he doesn't run than.

Need to call the vet - why not call now?

They feel 4-6 months is best - $304.50 to $403.60(high end includes the night stay for just in case, fecal) Surgery, medications, supplies, anesthesia, heart monitoring, Oral pain meds & antibiotic's for home, fluids, physical,
Drop off night before, they take away food and water in the morning and hand feed when they wake up. Without food for about 2 hours, than time under -
He would come home that day - if there was a problem he would probably stay the night.
They have new anesthesia....they go under faster and wake up quicker - (Seva Flourine) Used in human child -
Surgery last 30 minutes - injections of pain meds before surgery -
One incision - suture on the inside - desolving and than glue on the outside.
Physical done in the morning to make sure he is ok.
Blood panel - prep panel to run values ($112 for full -sent out) - (prep is $68.00 run in house) Not included in the price quote. My choice - can opt to not have it.
Pick up before 6pm...and will call me as soon as he is done
** Micro Chipping - 66.00 - trovan - one time fee and register with them. **

Called and no one could tell me anything. They said they could take my name and number and have someone call me back. I asked...there is not one person currently on staff that could give me a quote and tell me what that includes and she said no. That the vet and the staff that deal with exotics are not there and no one could tell me, they could call me back. I asked well what happened if I needed something in an emergency and they said they would try to get in touch with one of the 2 exotic docs they use. I did NOT feel good about this.

Well it would seem Simon is intent on raising a little bit of hell and showing his displeasure with me. He has so much energy, so much get up and go. I have been sick for awhile now. Ended up with pink eye in both eyes and just have felt like crap. So last night I just couldn't deal with having to chase him down or out of anywhere.
I did the unthinkable, I left Simon in his cage.
My goodness. Can we say destroyed?
He pulled out his litter pan and flipped it, tore up his blanket and flipped his pellet.
I think he was a little bit ticked off.
He has since being out this morning, gone on to pee all over the couch...thank goodness for pee mats, jumped or climbed to everywhere he is not aloud to go and in general seems pissy. My normally loving little man, doesn't want me near him.
OK...I can deal with that, but I miss him lol.

His legs are covered in dripping pee now. Poor guy is looking kinda ratty.
At least he is currently cleaning some part of his body. Not that I can tell which seeing as his back is turned to me. I think it might be a foot. :)

I will be glad when we can get the nueter done. Beyond the health reasons, it has got to help with his "pms"

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