I am having a really hard time in my life and I realized something today- very often coming here anymore stresses me out. It isn't good and this is making me very unhappy. I am not comfortable here anymore. Losing Abby was and still is very, very hard for me. It was so hard that, as much as I hate to admit it, Kates illness and passing didn't hurt like I think it should have...
I have so much going on in my life that I don't discuss here. I have tried to make this my get away from it place and it did help for awhile... Now things just aren't the same for me.
I had decided I would get another lionhead and I may again someday but as of now I just don't know. Tony may be the last rabbit for me.
I am, at this point, still feeling pretty guilty about rehoming Happy and I miss Abby more than ever. I often feel judged about rehoming him and Gibbs but if most were in my shoes I think they would probably have done the same. If not thats fine also, to each his own.
I have loved my buns and given my heart to those whom I called my own. Often times I wish I hadn't given Abby so much of it. Losing anyone you love hurts so bad but especially when you lose first- your beloved dog whom has been a part of your life for over 6 years, then a baby bun whose death was caused unintentionally by yourself, and then you lose your heart bun and the only bun whom got to meet and play with your little dog..
I have to admit that I am a little angry. I rehomed 2 buns since being here (2 that were my own) and 2 that I took in for the purpose of rehoming- the mini rex and a lop when I first began posting. Both are doing excellent by the way- they keep in touch with me. What I am angry about is this- I judged myself quite harshly for rehoming both Gibbs and Happy, Believe me when I say that no one else had to do that for me. I guess I am angry because I couldn't stand myself for rehoming them and others do it, well, just because.
I am the type of person whom has always been very honest and straight forward. I believe being too easy on someone when they continuously do things that are hurtful to another is extremely detrimental to the person (or in this case- animal) whom is being wronged and the one commiting the act.
I have volunteered at shelters and given donations of money, time, and items many times. I hate what I have seen but at the same time I am thankful for the experience for it has opened my eyes to the bigger picture and to be willing to be the voice for those whom don't have a voice. I hope one day that I am able to do more than I can atm but the thing I can do is say- "Hey, that isn't right." Silencing this part of me is killing me and I know I can't say these things so I bite my tongue. I can't continue to so I think my chapter here has come to an end. I will definetly say goodbye to many before I log out for the last time, if I am allowed. I am not quite sure what grounds for being 'ejected' from the game are quite. Lol.