The Sad, Strange Life of a NCISaholic...

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Yep mine started last week- the 11th. The youngest boy just started kindergarten and it's been a little rough sending him. He is the one that is currently in the process with being diagnosed with Aspbergers Syndrome ( form of autism) He has done okay though. I am the nervous wreck there. Lol.

Tony is the sweetest mush of a rabbit and occassionally surprises me when he does something like the biting tush incident. That is so out of character for him but makes me laugh. Maybe he could sense that I was thinking of Abmonster alot yesterday and decided to act like her for a split second...
Wow I hadn't even looked at this since my last post so didn't know you had responded Becka. Sorry.

Yeah the school knows and I'm really not sure if that even matters much to them. They just didn't appear to really care which has me very upset. I talked to his teacher also and she just kind of blew me off. She finally did make a note with his name saying that 'he has problems-maybe autism'. ...... I don't think any of this is gonna be easy for us but they don't know me and how darn determined I can be when it involves those I love, especially my children...

He has done okay in school. He has had a few problems there and had to put his name on the board and sit in a special seat a few days because this is how they are punished for acting up. I am not real happy about this and if it does come out that he can't help it I will be sure to rub it in her face...
His first day was the worst so far I think. He got in the car after school and began begging me to get him something to eat and drink. I told him to hold on and he started crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he got crackers and peanut butter given to him the first day because he forgot his lunch money (we had applied for free/reduced lunches at the time and still as of today haven't gotten a reply back). But anyway- because he didn't have money they gave him crackers and peanut butter for lunch and a chocolate milk. The horrible thing is that he has trouble opening alot of things and gets upset really quickly and he couldn't open the milk quick enough so they ushered him back to class and made him throw it away. It was policy I am told....

I honestly don't see this ending well if things don't change...
I'm sorry to hear the school isn't being supported. I can under stand your son having issues. That's really sucks that they refuse to help.

Are there any other school's that has special care in school??

ETA: My friend has 3 kids 1 boy then twins 1 of each. 1 youngest boy has some learning troubles as well but the school and daycare have people there to help or special classes for him. He's such the cutest little boy. He loves me and when I use to with my friend to pick them up from Day Care he would run to me. BECKA :)
They are supposed to have programs but like I have learned don't seem to like to use them unless they HAVE to. Well I hate to tell them but they are gonna HAVE to or there will be problems down the road.
I will be talking to the principal tomorrow morning if available, never seems to be.
Life is moving right along.... I seem to be a little stuck behind though. I really hate this feeling... Ugh.

Have you ever felt like no matter what you say someone will find fault with it? Boy do I. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor which is probably part of the problem and I also have the tendency to just say things- straight out, no thought. I don't mean to but when I think something it is out of my mouth so fast that no cheetah in the world could keep up... I call it my 'verbal diarrhea'.
I have tried so very hard to control it and at times I do very well but then theres times when I don't do so well. The saying is 'Honesty is the best policy' but really how many people want to hear the 'truth'? I know alot of times I don't. I have this thing with lies though. I HATE them and refuse to surround myself with people whom do lie. I don't forgive lies that easily. My fiance says I am a 'true sagitarrius'. I guess.

But the kids are doing pretty good and Tony is, well, he's eating still- ALOT. Wicket is cute as a button and we are trying our best to be able to keep him with us. My son is still sick and we are trying new meds tomorrow when we take him to the doctor to see how that will work. He loves Wicket and hates the thought of rehoming him. I do too.
I am having a really hard time in my life and I realized something today- very often coming here anymore stresses me out. It isn't good and this is making me very unhappy. I am not comfortable here anymore. Losing Abby was and still is very, very hard for me. It was so hard that, as much as I hate to admit it, Kates illness and passing didn't hurt like I think it should have...

I have so much going on in my life that I don't discuss here. I have tried to make this my get away from it place and it did help for awhile... Now things just aren't the same for me.

I had decided I would get another lionhead and I may again someday but as of now I just don't know. Tony may be the last rabbit for me.

I am, at this point, still feeling pretty guilty about rehoming Happy and I miss Abby more than ever. I often feel judged about rehoming him and Gibbs but if most were in my shoes I think they would probably have done the same. If not thats fine also, to each his own.

I have loved my buns and given my heart to those whom I called my own. Often times I wish I hadn't given Abby so much of it. Losing anyone you love hurts so bad but especially when you lose first- your beloved dog whom has been a part of your life for over 6 years, then a baby bun whose death was caused unintentionally by yourself, and then you lose your heart bun and the only bun whom got to meet and play with your little dog..

I have to admit that I am a little angry. I rehomed 2 buns since being here (2 that were my own) and 2 that I took in for the purpose of rehoming- the mini rex and a lop when I first began posting. Both are doing excellent by the way- they keep in touch with me. What I am angry about is this- I judged myself quite harshly for rehoming both Gibbs and Happy, Believe me when I say that no one else had to do that for me. I guess I am angry because I couldn't stand myself for rehoming them and others do it, well, just because.
I am the type of person whom has always been very honest and straight forward. I believe being too easy on someone when they continuously do things that are hurtful to another is extremely detrimental to the person (or in this case- animal) whom is being wronged and the one commiting the act.
I have volunteered at shelters and given donations of money, time, and items many times. I hate what I have seen but at the same time I am thankful for the experience for it has opened my eyes to the bigger picture and to be willing to be the voice for those whom don't have a voice. I hope one day that I am able to do more than I can atm but the thing I can do is say- "Hey, that isn't right." Silencing this part of me is killing me and I know I can't say these things so I bite my tongue. I can't continue to so I think my chapter here has come to an end. I will definetly say goodbye to many before I log out for the last time, if I am allowed. I am not quite sure what grounds for being 'ejected' from the game are quite. Lol.

I haven't and never have judged you. You only rehomed your bunnies do to your family's safety not just 'cause you could. You are not that kind of person.

I understand you are missing your little girl and nothing I can say or do will bring her back or make things better for you. You have to grive for her in your own process and it may take sometime before the process is over. She was your baby your sweetie.

If you do leave you still have my email address if you need to vent. I will always be here for you.

(((Backa))) I was about to PM you. I do still have your email addy and will keep in contact with you for sure. You have been there for me thick and thin. I won't let that kind of friendship, online or otherwise, get away.

I think, sometimes, we are exceedingly harsh on ourselves and tend not to forgive our own actions. I am making myself sick wondering what I could have done different with Abby, what I could have done different to not had to rehome Gibbs or Happy. I have beat myself up over and over. I feel that just when I am about to move past it I am reminded here. It just isn't good or healthy for me. I have alot of crap I have to worry about here with my family. My sons testing is about to begin. I have been put on hold over and over and now I have all the paperwork to fill out and get it rolling hopefully quicker. I can't have all this other stuff dragging me down and I don't need reminders.
I know what you mean about Abby. What could have you have done different. I've done this a lot with Fluffy. When was with us a few day's prior to his passing and I wonder if he was showing sign's I didn't catch. Like him peeing on himself. We all just thought his hair was just getting to long. I always under if I hadn't put Monsters to sleep if she'd still be here. :( So I know what your going through with the bunnies.

I don't have any flesh baby's but I do understand that your son and other kids are a priority. I hope the testing goes well and get the help he needs to do well in School. I'll always be thinking of you.

Wow... just read what I've been missing the last month.

I recognize that this is a stressful time in your life right now. There are far more pressing concerns than visiting a rabbit forum.
I recognize that you are feeling a lot of loss, and are likely still grieving Abby & Binx & Kate.
It may take a while, and it can be hard moving through the stages again each time you see pictures of them here.

I hope that when you are able to look back at the good times and photos you've shared here with smiles rather than tears, we'll see you again. Give an update every now and then here if you like :)

Best of luck to you and yours. Give Tony an ear scritch from me ((hugs))
Take Care, Janet.
SweetSassy wrote:
Hope you come back soon. We miss you. :hug2:

I just saw all this and I agree 100%.

I have been very busy and noticed I had not read anything by you. So I went looking. Come back if you can if not look at my profile lots of ways to contact me.