The Sad, Strange Life of a NCISaholic...

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Well I got a new rabbit today whom seems very sweet now that he is calming down. He was super scared earlier and tearing me up with him claws when I first brought him home. He is doing sooo much better now. I think this is love.
On the other hand my sons' poor lil mouse is seriously ill. I am hoping she pulls through but it doesn't look good. So I'm praying for God to help her. I don't want her in pain so if she needs to go then so be it but we'd love her to stay around a lil longer.
That Abby is trouble! She was out playing and has now invented a new game called 'Nip'. What she does is she comes and sits next to me on the floor and is being all sweet and loving and Wham- she nips me and runs off binkying! I thought this was just a one time thing but she has done it like 5 times in a row now. Brat. Lol. She's so cute.
Tony is becoming my big baby. He's so cute because he's so clumsy. He doesn't fall but just walks so much like a uncoordinated horse. Lol. But he kisses me and he takes treats from me and he is just a big goofy sweet huggable lug. I am so glad the breeder trusted me with this precious bundle! I am lucky to have him! Although he is MESSY. He throws his litter 4-5 times a day and always dumps his food. He is backwards from my other buns- He poos in the litter box but pees mostly out of it. Lol. Anything to be different and harder to clean up.
I am having a very hard time right now. My youngest son may have a form of autism and I am so worried. He has had problems the last few years and I have been trying to deny that anything is wrong but I can't really ignore it any longer. I thought ignorance was bliss but it really isn't. I know it isn't anything I've done per say but I still feel like a failure.... None of my other children have any of these problems and I am unsure how to handle this. I love him with every fiber of my being but I am at a loss as to what to do. He has an appointment with the doc to look into options and things to help him and to help me in the process... I know we need that help now and am willing to accept it. He has gotten progressively worse this past year. I now know it is not something I can change by myself. I have been trying since about the age of two and have had no luck. I just thought he was a little more difficult than my other boys but I am afraid it isn't....
I hope things will get better and there is a way to help him. I cannot stand seeing him this way. He has become so difficult to deal with and this is putting a strain on all of us... I pray we can find an answer.
I'm so sorry about your son. I couldn't imagine. I know that has to be hard. My prayers are with you and your son :pray: I hope you can find the care he needs to help him, and for you to cope with the new situations your gonna be inwithyour son. As far as health care, schooling, etc... I wish the best for you and your son. :pray: April
Thanks so much April. I know it isn't like a fatal disease or anything and for that I feel blessed. I think the hardest parts will be adjusting myself to his needs. Change doesn't come real easy for me. I am, however, ready and willing to do anything that will help him. I want him to be happy. He hasn't been for awhile now. I thought maybe the buns would help but now his favorite is gone (Binx). He takes these things very hard and hasn't really gotten that attached to an animal since my German Shepherd and she passed away 2 years ago. I actually believe it was then that most of his problems began getting really, really bad.
Once I learn and am able to deal with his 'episodes' then I will feel much better I am sure. I hope the doctors will help me find behavioral therapists to help me learn what to do for him. It is so hard not knowing what to expect. It has become blatantly obvious that he is not like my other children. I know that they are all different but this different is beyond that.. I think I may try to find a website that will help us even if it is just one for me to be able to talk to other parents with children that have problems like his. I think maybe I wouldn't feel so alone in this..
Your right I barely know you but I do wish you the best with you son. I don't know what your going through but I can still be here to support you. I'm a very good listener and I good voice of reason. :) You have my email address if you ever need someone to listen :)
all the best (dont have time to read i have to come offline NOW):( but i hope every thing is well and working fine
if not ((huggs))
This is my first venture back here since losing my girl. This was almost just her blog... But I know the story continues from here, as it should. Abster wouldn't have it any other way.

Tony is doing fabulously! He is quickly becoming a very special bun for the whole family. He doesn't meet a stranger and has the sweetest personality. I can't even explain how sweet and gentle he is. How anyone could not love him is beyond me. He is the most lovable baby.

The day after losing Abby I got Kate. Kate is a beautiful lil baby holland lop. She is a broken blue and quite gorgeous. I have not met an animal as young as her that has such wise eyes. She seems like an old soul.

Today I have begun fostering a mini rex named, of all things, Abby. I am not sure how I feel about this as of yet or even if I will be able to call her that but we shall see. Only time will tell. She is a gorgeous girl and has easily won Tony over. I think he is in bunny love.

Things have been in slow motion it seems here. Have you ever had those times in your life where it seems like everything is moving so slow and sluggish? I hate this feeling.

My children are my lil miracles and healers though. No matter what is going on in my life I always have them to keep me moving forward even if I am dragging my feet. And I do drag them quite often.
The children were are snuggled up in their beds while visions of leisure danced through my head...When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my office chair to see what was a matter...
Dang it Tony, you loud brute! It was just him throwing around his food dish- apparently it is empty- AGAIN. Lol. Gotta love those big loud feet and stomping he can do when he is being starved...
Poor big guy, he hadn't ate for at least, uhm, an hour. :cry1:

I would feel like a horrible mom if it weren't for the fact that he eats like he will never have food again. And he stole my chip right out of my hand tonight. He came up pushing my hand with his head, stood up, and snagged the chip outta my other hand. Sneaky brute.
Haven't seen you around much. How is the big boy Tony? And your Ferret? Does he have a name yet?

Probably busy with the kids. Lexi starts school tomorrow. She's excited :)

Take Care....April
Oh I'm still around- Lol. It has been crazy hectic around here.. The kiddos are all in school and it seems that I am more busy now than before when they were home. Lol.

My fiance is having some problems with stress and he is off from work for 2 days. It seems he worries about financial issues much more than I do. My worries are nearly always about the kiddos. He really isn't feeling too well so I was glad to see the doc give him time off even if only a couple of days.

Tony is doing great. He bit me in the tush yesterday. Lol. I think he wanted my big caboose away from his cage.

The ferret is doing good. He doesn't have a name yet as we are having some allergy issues here and are not sure he will be able to stay yet. I don't want to get too attached although I think that may be too late.... Sigh. He is such a darling but the scent is pretty rough... Lol. I call him Stinky alot.

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