Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm so excited for my baby to have babies! I'm so excited!
I have a small herd here so here goes, all named for a reason.
BB = Bomb proof Black because she is a silver tipped black and nothing startles or upsets her.
Cocoa = she is the color of a cup of hot cocoa.
Pizza = she looks like a burnt pizza.
Tippy= He's a Californian so has the dark tips on his nose and his ears are dark.
Race Track = because he loves racing around in circles as if he were running on a race track.
MC = Milk Chocolate because he is a milk chocolate color.
Skittles = my grand daughter named him, and that is her favorite pet name.
Tubby = She was very overweight when I got her.
Sylver = my big Chinchilla boy, and because I like the character Sylver Valis form the game, Rift.
Cotton = he is the color of a wild cotton tail.
Cali = she is a Californian.
Sassy = She sasses me when I pick her up.
M&M = Munch Mouth because for two hours after I brought her home, all she did was eat non stop.
BEBBEHS! You better post all the photos!
This is Merlin, who got his name because he's peppered all grey and white like Merlin's beard.
This lump here is Rosebun. He was originally named Rose by a little girl, because he looked so feminine and pretty, so it was assumed he was a girl. Haha nope, we later found out he was a boy, but didn't really want to change his name.
PS. Stewies ears!!!!! UGH! Love love love. My boys had wonky ears when they were younger too, but instead of going airplane wide, they went vertical windmill: