the joys of rabbits in winter

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA

Smokey is in the basement infirmary again. I held off as long as Icould (she doesn't like being inside), but her breathing was verylabored today and she was grinding her teeth and whimpering.

Izzy has slight red urine again, and I'm taking deep calmingbreaths and reminding myself that it's a cold snap again and she looks(in the words of one of my favorite authors) quite disgustinglyhealthy! Eating, drinking, no discharge, active, happy, pretty andspotless fur.

Fenwick has gone beyond the "wary truce" stage and is downright friendly. Yay!!!

Pandmonium is her usual adorably idiotic self, and nearly fell out (AGAIN) this morning in her haste to get her morning bread.

And Bub....I felt so bad....he was hovering around my feet as usual. Ihappened to look down and realized I was standing on his frontfoot!!! He wasn't making noise or looking distressed, just tryingto pull it out. I lifted my foot and he took off as usual. No hardfeelings, but mummy felt quite bad!! I think the snow cushioned it soit didn't actually hurt, but still kicking myself....

bring her inside for the winter and train her asa house rabbit let them out in the summer they will soon be happy ifthey think there never gonna be cold again bless em..have u taken themto the vet..blood in the urine is a bad sign
Rose, you tell the cutest stories about yourbunnies! Where are my Bub pictures??!! I hope that Smokey is able torecover again from whatever it is that ails her besides the old age.

Awww,bad Izzy scaring her momma like that! At least she is eating and acting healthy otherwise. Keep us posted.

Yay for Fenwick! Has his nose finally stopped running? No moreallergies? He must be so thankful for the good care you have given him.

Poor Pandmonium the things she almost has to do for a peice of bread!

And (not so little) Bub, just trying to hang out with mom and than youjust step on his poor footsie! The poor guy! PICTURES PLEASE!

Fergi's mom
Rose, How cold has it actually got near you? is my forcast for the week apart from this morning it was actuallysnowing not sunny, but the sun is coming out now. From the forecast doyou think she is ok staying outside. It's just our house is very warmat the best of times and I would have thought me bringing her in wouldcause her more harm then leaving her outside.

I am such a worrier though and to be honest even though she is fine. It doesn't help.

I hope that Izzy will be ok and I'm glad that apart from the urine, she is her normal self.

Bless little Smokey, sounds like you did the best thing for her though!

Glad Fenwick is being friendly.

You meany Mummy stepping on poor little Bubs foot :p

I can just see Pandmonium doing that in a rush to get her bread.

Lovethe talesfrom your buns

black_jack wrote:
bring her inside for the winter and train her as a houserabbit let them out in the summer they will soon be happy if they thinkthere never gonna be cold again bless em..have u taken them to thevet..blood in the urine is a bad sign

If they could all come inside....I would be a happy girl. But they can't.:?

Smokey is between 12 and 13 years old and suffers from occasional lungtrouble in cold weather, which is why she comes in for a few days tilit warms up.

Blood in the urine can be bad indeed, but in this case is probably not.

It has a weather-related pattern, has occurred over a long enoughperiod of time,and she never shows any other signs of uterinecancer. I'm always fearful when I see it, but I observe for a few daysand see what happens. So far it has always gone away with no apparenteffect. It could be a kidney stone also, which passes harmlessly. Holscan get those, and the does don't have problems like the bucks do.

Fergi wrote:
Rose,you tell the cutest stories about your bunnies! Where are my Bubpictures??!! I hope that Smokey is able to recover again from whateverit is that ails her besides the old age.

Awww,bad Izzy scaring her momma like that! At least she is eating and acting healthy otherwise. Keep us posted.

Yay for Fenwick! Has his nose finally stopped running? No moreallergies? He must be so thankful for the good care you have given him.

Poor Pandmonium the things she almost has to do for a peice of bread!

And (not so little) Bub, just trying to hang out with mom and than youjust step on his poor footsie! The poor guy! PICTURES PLEASE!

Fergi's mom

Bub pics are coming!!! I have been so busy!! And BTW, he wasn't tryingto hang out by mom, he was trying to hang out on mom. Andhe wonders why he gets stepped on???!!!:XThese velcrobunnies....:p

Fenny-boy still has allergies (I hear the occasional ahh-csssh) whenhe's eating, but he seems otherwise fine and it has improved somewhat.

Iz worries me, but all I can do is wait and see. I'm less panicked thistime around because we've been here before, and last time after sheshowed signs Pandemonium and Fenwick had the same a few days later,leading me to think nothing to worry about. It's pretty much the samestory--cold weather, red urine, otherwise fine. If it were cancer,she'd be deteriorating by now most likely, not gaining weight andrunning around happily. I remember what cancer looks like indoes....and by the time they show blood, they don't live long. So I dothe best I can, and hope.

Smokey looks all right tonight, and has even declared truce with me. It's just age, and cold, and bad lungs.:(

And my insane little idiot....if you could only SEE the things she doesfor bread....:pShe'll kill herself trying to get it one ofthese days if I'm not careful!

DaisyNBuster wrote:
Rose, How cold has it actually got near you? is my forcast for the week apart from this morning it was actuallysnowing not sunny, but the sun is coming out now. From the forecast doyou think she is ok staying outside. It's just our house is very warmat the best of times and I would have thought me bringing her in wouldcause her more harm then leaving her outside.

It's been pretty bitter. I think the nights have been in the singledigits or lower, and although the thermometer reads 20F during the day,it feels much colder. I think the thermometer isdefective.:pSmokey was run down from diarrhea and arthritis,etc., and it was just the last straw. She's in the cool basement, andit helps a lot. She's not wheezing anymore, and is much morealert. I'll take her out again when it gets warmer.


Rose I agree I love the way you decribe what's going on with your bunnies I always look forward to reading about them!:D:D:D

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