Neddie is still looking good! He's actually still shedding like mad which makes him look very forlorn (I call him my ragamuffin) but his head is not tilting.
Speaking of forlorn, all of the bunnies have different reactions to vacuuming. Ned's is pathetically adorable. I vacuum out their cages sometimes (not the litter boxes, but stray doots and fur and stuff) and Ned's cage looks like the inside of a cotton candy factory lately because he sheds so much. When I vacuumed yesterday, I opened the doors of his cage and had to do a double take because he was so well camouflaged huddling on a pile of his own fur with his head stuck behind the litter box! I picked him up and put him in his litter box so I could vacuum and the poor guy flattened himself down with his ears up and his eyes wide. I should get a picture some time, they only way to describe the look is "pathetically adorable." He looks like a scared teddy bear!
Max Max is the second least fond of the vacuum. He tries to hide under things and runs around. Macie's uneasy around it but not as scared. Phoebe just acts like it kind of annoys her, Rory can't really be bothered and will sometimes hop to a different level if I prod him enough, and Miss Kerensa seeks out the vacuum cleaner. I have to actively keep her away from it. This is the same bunny that was terrified earlier in the year when she looked through the window (her cage is by the window) and saw Paul, otherwise known as "evil monster of doom" walking around outside and would only be consoled when he came back inside and petted her.