I always give a treat when my rabbit and dog have to go tobed. That way even though they may not like it they arewilling to cooperate.My mom thought Nic condos were a good idea... But she willnot order off the internet. Where can you get them from with out havingto order? I live in Texas by the way!! P.S. my buns run away from myhands when they have figured out I wan't to chetch them. How do youketch yours if they run away! Bring a treat? I think I should maybespend more time with my bunnies.
Can you just sit on the floor while you watch TV or readwithyour buns? Vash and I like watching TV at night as long as hegets plenty of rubbing and petting. Sometimes we even look athair magazines together.He also likes to 'help'mommy clean the house. i.e. - fight the vacuum and dust panor chase the mop.
Do you know what section they are in at target? We will most likely stop there.