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I am going to Target as soon as I get off ofwork! I am passing up a night at the bar to make a lovelydream-condo for my babies ;) YEAH!! I can't wait!Sounds like I should stop at Pier One, too! ;) Coolmats!

bunnylover78642 wrote:
My mom thought Nic condos were a good idea... But she willnot order off the internet. Where can you get them from with out havingto order? I live in Texas by the way!! P.S. my buns run away from myhands when they have figured out I wan't to chetch them. How do youketch yours if they run away! Bring a treat? I think I should maybespend more time with my bunnies.
I always give a treat when my rabbit and dog have to go tobed. That way even though they may not like it they arewilling to cooperate.

Can you just sit on the floor while you watch TV or readwithyour buns? Vash and I like watching TV at night as long as hegets plenty of rubbing and petting. Sometimes we even look athair magazines together.:p He also likes to 'help'mommy clean the house. i.e. - fight the vacuum and dust panor chase the mop.
Jenniblu wrote:
Can you just sit on the floor while you watch TV or readwithyour buns? Vash and I like watching TV at night as long as hegets plenty of rubbing and petting. Sometimes we even look athair magazines together.:p He also likes to 'help'mommy clean the house. i.e. - fight the vacuum and dust panor chase the mop.

SO funny! I read Maxim with Shorty. He gets madwhen I read too long, as he takes it upon himself to walk across themagazine, then tries to nip at the pages. I thinkStar likes to read US Weekly with me much more cause I kinda talk toher about it. "OH. MY. GAWD! Ican't believe she left the house looking like THAT!" (We likethe paparazzi pictures) ;)

My little Shortness chases the broom too! Funny little bunnies ;)
That's so cool! I thought I was theonly one that read ad talked about itwith my bunny!Vash doesn't like it when I read too long either - he'll nibble at thepages a bit. Now, if only he could help me pick out a newhairstyle. I think he just likes looking at the pretty girlson the pages. :p

We have a standing 'date' to watch 24 everyMonday. His ears go up every time 'Jack" yells acommand. He isn't as fond ofTheShieldthough. I guess that show is toofast-paced and angry for him.We also liked watchingMI-5 when it was on BBCAmerica.
We are going into town today... ( a rare trip)and I will make sure we stop and at least look at the nic condos! Doyou know what section they are in at target? We will most likely stopthere.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Do you know what section they are in at target? We will most likely stop there.

At our local Target, they keep them in the bathroom/closet/etcorganizing section, near the electronics, but not quite as "cool" asthe actual "stylish" home sections in the middle of the store. AtTarget, they're called "Organize-It Cubes". I can't remember what theywere called at Costco, exactly, but they were found in the officesupplies section (like, between the stacks of printer paper, the hugetubs of glitter glue, & more markers than you can shake a stickat... )


Thanks for the help!! We are going to buy somewhen we get back from Orlando, Flordia during the summer. We should begetting back on the 2nd of June, but intill then my mom says we saveall of our money to go there.

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