The Greatest Hutch. Ever!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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THIS IS THE COOLEST HUTCH EVER!! (Sorry I talk really loud when I am excited!!)

What do you experts think of this for my buns' inside home?In the heat of the summer I would like to keep them in this (inside)for a few hours. (During the hottest part of theday) Then I would keep them in their run or big hutch outsidewhen it is cooler in the morning...please click the link ;)
I'm no expert, but it would probably be cheaperto make an NIC condo. You can customize it and it is ultra-cheap. It isa neat hutch though.
bunnydude wrote:
I'm no expert, but it would probably be cheaper to make anNIC condo. You can customize it and it is ultra-cheap. It is a neathutch though.

What is this NIC Condo you speak of, BunnyDude? Thanks!


Shorty, Star & Krick
It does look nice and we had one come along with a rescue a while back that was similar

Things I didn't like about it were that the wood was thin and not very strong. Mine had no sleeping box and when I put one on, the buns would escape my grasp by moving between sleeping and living area.

I put wheels on mine, small wheels, but even at that not all items are reachable when I come in over the top. Roof doesn't have enough hang over front and sides to keep rain out.

Had to install bracket to keep roof open when so desired.

If you were to search archives on cages you might find pictures of my red hutch, the one I'm talking about, and the grey hutches that I have that are much more efficient at less the cost. Grey ones cost me about $200.00, but could be done less expensively with a more judicious and wiser choice of lumber products. The red commercial hutch is underbuilt. I overbuilt.

Kricket wrote:
bunnydude wrote:
I'm noexpert, but it would probably be cheaper to make an NIC condo. You cancustomize it and it is ultra-cheap. It is a neat hutch though.

What is this NIC Condo you speak of, BunnyDude? Thanks!


Shorty, Star & Krick
NIC condo I built for my boys...


Thanks, Buck for the ideas!

Hey PuterGeekGirl...that is real nifty! How do they climb up to the top? Are there ramps?
Some people I've seen put ramps in..but theyjust hop up there...theres a shelf in the middle level that they use toget to the top.
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Some people I've seen put ramps in..but they just hop upthere...theres a shelf in the middle level that they use to get to thetop.

Oh, my that is So cool! And looks easy to clean! ;) Always a bonus
Yeah, its not too bad....after that picture webuilt lil walls around the base, like 3 inches high and didn't attachthe cage to the it lifts out and I sweep things up thenvaccum as needed!
My mom thought Nic condos were a good idea...But she will not order off the internet. Where can you get them fromwith out having to order? I live in Texas by the way!! P.S. my buns runaway from my hands when they have figured out I wan't to chetch them.How do you ketch yours if they run away! Bring a treat? I think Ishould maybe spend more time with my bunnies.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
My mom thought Nic condos were a good idea... But she willnot order off the internet. Where can you get them from with out havingto order? I live in Texas by the way!! P.S. my buns run away from myhands when they have figured out I wan't to chetch them. How do youketch yours if they run away! Bring a treat? I think I should maybespend more time with my bunnies.

Someone mentioned that Target sells them in their wire/organizing section.

When I have to get my buns for bedtime, I can (usually) pick themup. Sometimes I have my brother stand in the hall, cause thatis the way they hop when it's nap time and they don't wannago. When they see his BIG shoes, they high-tail it towardsme. I really have the ultimate bunny-proofed room.There is nowhere they can get behind and hide. Sometimes theywill hop around the table...rather comical they are...:p
Target, Bed Bath and Beyond...Sams Club, Costco...Most likely Wal-mart and Kmart have em too. But I've never looked.

Target has a pack of 23 of the panels for like 14.99.
I need a bunny proof room but I have no place toput it. They can get under my bed, under the desk, under the table,under the couch, behind the couch, behind the entertainment center, and(their funniest one yet) inside someones shoe! The do what ever theywant and don't listen to me at all. They don't care at all about whatis happening in the room as long as they are out of their cages.
It seems to me like the bunny wouldn't have space to stretch standing straight up, that might be a problem.

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Some people I've seen put ramps in..but they just hop upthere...theres a shelf in the middle level that they use to get to thetop.

Do I spy zip-ties on your creation? Do these panels just snap together?

And, I see the middle tier now so they can hop to the top ;).Could I make one similar to yours, but instead of three levels, make ittwo and make it larger in width? Do you think that would work?

HEY!! Maybe we can start a thread and have everyone post pics of their condos...think that would be ok?
They have plenty of room to stretch and do whatthey want....the shelves are 14" (actually a lil more cuz of the clips)away from each other....and on the ends with just the high shelves itsmore like 28, and same if they are on the middle shelf. Theyhave PLENTY of space and room to excersise and stretch out...They LOVEit!

Yes, those are electrical zip ties...I used the things that came withem (the round things) that you can see on the corners...then thezipties to hold it together better and strengthen it up!

I actually think there is a thread were alot of people posted their creations!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
They have plenty of room to stretch and do what theywant....the shelves are 14" (actually a lil more cuz of the clips) awayfrom each other....and on the ends with just the high shelves its morelike 28, and same if they are on the middle shelf. They havePLENTY of space and room to excersise and stretch out...They LOVE it!

Yes, those are electrical zip ties...I used the things that came withem (the round things) that you can see on the corners...then thezipties to hold it together better and strengthen it up!

I actually think there is a thread were alot of people posted their creations!

Thanks so much for the tips!! I think I might need to fashiona ramp or two. My buns are a bit smaller thanyours. OH! And mine are big wimps!heeeheee

So, are different styles and set-ups of these condospossible? Perhaps something shorter and wider for mybuns?
Oh yeah...but I wouldn't recommend going anydeeper (from front to back) can make it hard to get em out if theyaren't wanting to when Corky first got sick he wasn'tcoming out like he normally I don't think I'd go anymorethan 2 deep. You can do whatever you want..possibilities areendless!! Just get the cubes and go to town!

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