The Genie game

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Your wish in granted, but the shed collapses but Theo isn't hurt.

I wish I could find a way to keep my bunnies cool in summer.
Your wish is granted, but you can't keep your bunnies warm during winter

I wish Corrie's living setup is better
Your wish is granted. As a result, Corrie will have to spend the rest of his life without you. He would hate it.

I wish that my country would have more resources to give great bunny care. Currently it's mediocre at best.
Your wish is granted, but now because you're able to get your bunnies help, they have a lot of health probems

I wish my younger sisters wouldn't yell every 5 seconds
Your wish is granted, but now you have 6 baby siblings that never stop yelling.

I wish I had a gecko.
Your wish is granted, but it bites you whenever you go near it

I wish I had a friend in real life who has a rabbit (im not saying that you guys aren't my friends)
Your wish comes true but the dolphin turns on you and you end up drowning.

I wish I had electricity in our shed where Theo lives.
Your wish is granted but the power goes out so it doesn’t work

I wish that my bunny could come to school with me
Your wish is granted, but your teacher takes him from you

I wish corona was over
Your wish is granted, but none of them like you and they constantly fight

I wish I could have a dog
You get a dog, but it keeps trying to eat Bullseye.

I wish I wasn't quarantined.
Your wish is granted, but when you go outside your town is abandoned

I wish I was better at drawing
You gain the magic ability of artistic drawing.... But.... Develop a never previously known allergy to every single art medium.

I wish Ruby gave more kisses!
Ruby will learn to kiss you a lot. But as a result, she will bite(not nip) you equally much. The genie bets you didn't wish for that.

I wish that there were no wishes.
I wish that there was wishes again
Your wish is granted, but you suddenly can't reply again!
I wish for a cookie right now!
your wish is granted, but it's poisoned!

I wish my chickens would not escape every day
Wish granted. They can't escape now... But they reproduce 100% every day and your coop is beyond capacity they are all standing 3 deep on each other's shoulders.

I wish I had a cheeseburger!

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