The Fred Thread

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PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Heh, yes, its big of her to let me keep my own bunny, eh?

Darn right it is - FOR NOW!

I didn't say forever. :nonono:

Great! I took a good look at that lip last niteand its healed very well...just waiting to see if the hair growsback....I'm afraid he's been taking lessons from Corky tho on how tostand on your food bowl and look pathetically hungry.... :D

Thanks for asking!

Such great news!!!

You took such good care of him. :hug: Way to go!

I'll try to get some pics soon...tonite I haveto make a run about an hour away and pick up 3 baby minirex deliver to her at the end of the maybetomorrow I'll get some up!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
tonite I have to make a run about an hour away and pick up 3baby minirex for deliver to her at the end of maybe tomorrow I'll get some up!

How cool is that!

It's going to be difficult to part with them, knowing you.Kiss them all and your bunnies too. EspeciallyFred. No worries about getting pictures up beforetomorrow. Sounds like you've got plenty to keep youbusy. I will look forward to Fred pictures when you're ableto get them though. I miss that Beautiful Face.

Hope your own health is improving.


Well, she's picking up a g/f for Fred for methis Saturday as the girl is on her way thru from I'llhave no choice but to part with them!!! Otherwise she'll beholding Eclipse hostage!!!

How could I let her hold this face hostage?


PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Well, she's picking up a g/f for Fred for me this Saturdayas the girl is on her way thru from I'll have no choicebut to part with them!!! Otherwise she'll be holding Eclipsehostage!!!

How could I let her hold this face hostage?

Thisis Fred's new girlfriend??? :faint: He's gonnaflip! I thought it was Fred. Am I mistaken?
Nope, that is Eclipse, his g/f...she was born I think In May of this year....can't remember for sure...ain't she a love??

Thats funny you thought it was him, Gypsy did too on first look.. ;)
What an absolute gorgeous Baby.

It hurts to know that I can't have either one. :sad:

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Hurt no more...maybe you can have a baby Fred... ;)

Alright! What'reyou up to???

That's the nicest you've ever been to me.

What's the deal?????

LOL!! Nothing...tis the season remember.. :puke:

Hey.....Fred babies WOULD need homes ya know.....and maybe it'd get ya off my back about napping him! :D :D
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
LOL!! Nothing...tis the season remember.. :puke:

Hey.....Fred babies WOULD need homes ya know.....and maybe it'd get ya off my back about napping him! :D :D
If Tuckerwould allow it...

Well, his baby would be the next best thing. :ponder:


I almost fellforit!

:mad::mad:I almost had her!!!

Thanks all....yes I am collecting some nice ones...I'm looking for themore unusual in color...I hope to concentrate on blue varieties....willsee how it goes!!!

I love my babies!

Luvabun...:zoro:step AWAY from the Corky!!!!!!


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