The double trouble thread

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Millie is is so adorable. She does look like she is getting happier :)

Thank you for posting the 1 month tribute pictures, they were very heatwarming. I know it was hard to post those :hug:
Binky Free, sweet Ruby :rainbow:

Oh, how bittersweet are those pics of Ruby :(? You could really see a difference in her size when you see her next to Millie.

Look at my girl Millie!!! I am counting the days, Jess :biggrin2: (will pm you soon to find out the details :))

Thank you guys.:hug2:I know, those photos always make me cry to see how skinny she was,:( yet they are heartwarming in a way to know that when I took them Ruby was still fighting and enjoying life. She never gave up, my girl.:hug:

Jan - ha ha, you're not as excited as me.;)I'll be arriving about 2 hours early so I can spend time playing with Pernod and Shadow!:whistling:innocentYou also may be quite scaredby all the stuff Millie comes with.:shock:(spoilt girly- she loves all her blankies, teddies, fleecy beds, chew toys, rattles etc!:biggrin2:)
Wait, are you bunnysitting Millie, Jan?! Im so jealous. That will be too much cuteness in one house!

Jess, I cant believe its been a month. It seems like it was just yesterday. I still miss Ruby so much. I hope you know how much we all loved her. She was such an amazing and beautiful spirit.

Millie looks like shes doing well. What a brave girl she is. I love this one:


Kisses to you Millie. We love you girl :big kiss:
Oh Jess, I love each and every photo! You know these two were always by favorite:p. I'm so glad to hear Millie is doing better. I know you're so happy about that.

This pic is my favorite, silly girl!:D


:brat:Hee hee! Guess who's bunny sitting Millie :biggrin2::biggrin2:

Yep, I am going to have the pleasure of Millie's company while Jess has a well deserved break, and I am soooo looking forward to it (shame Ruby isn't coming as well :()

Jess, Pernod and Shadow are going to be so jealous when they see all the toys Millie has, I bet I'll be getting the Butt BIG time :p

LuvaBun wrote:
Jess, Pernod and Shadow are going to be so jealous when they see all the toys Millie has, I bet I'll be getting the Butt BIG time :p

Ha ha - well at the rate Millie is eating/destroying her toys they may be all gone soon!:shock: I think I'll have to make another order from the hay expertssoon (Hmmm...maybe I should get a few things for your two as a thanks for letting Millie stay!:p)

Yep - Jan is doing me the massive favour of pet-sitting Millie while I am on my holidays, although I'm a bit worried that Jan will spoilMillie a bittoo much and she wont want to come home!:biggrin2:;)

Thank you everyone for your replies.:hug:It was very sad yesterday to know that my dear Ruby has been gone one whole month, yet Millie seemed to know which weekend to start cheering up and really helped me get through it. I love my girl!:bunnyhug:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Jan, YOU LUCKY DOG!:p Getting to sit Millie. Please, Please get some pics. When do you get her and how long will you be watching her:D? Yay, this is exciting.

I'm going away not next Saturday, but the Saturday after (the 20th I think) and coming back theSaturday after (the 27th), so Millie gets to stay with Jan for a whole week!:D

And yep Jan, I expect lots of piccies so I can see what my girl has been up to on her holidays!;):p
Oh how fun! Isn't it great when you can trust someone with the bunnies! That's one of the reasons I hate leaving home for more than a day! LOL! Nobody will take care of my bunnies like I do!

Millie is beautiful.
LOL! Eat your heart out everyone - I GET TO CUDDLE MILLIE for a whole week :p. I am sure we will be getting plenty of photos, so don't worry :D.

I have told Pernod and Shadow that they have a friend coming to stay - in fact, I've told all my friends, workmates, family etc etc... that Millie is coming :D

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Nobody will take care of my bunnies like I do!

Thanks BBB.:) I know Jan will spoil Millie rotten! he he:p

LOL Jan - are you counting down the days? Not long now!:DI've been telling Millie about her holiday home and holiday mummy, whom she has to be good for!;)And lucky for you Millie is finally starting to cheer up and act like her old self -so hopefully by the time you have her, she will beback to being theplayful, friendly (and attitude packed:p) Millie that we all know and love.:biggrin2:
Oh I know she will too! You'll come home and Millie will be like "uhh this is what the slave will do thingsnow......."
Wow, Jess, your blog was buried:(. I'd love to see a bunch of pics of Ms Millie when you get a chance. She makes me smile:). That pic you put in the infirmary thread was just darling:inlove:. More please.:hug:
Lol Crystal - I'm sorry I'll try and get some soon!:embarrassed:Unfortunately all my indoor pics come out rubbish and I haven't had the chance to grab any outdoor ones yet. I promise I'll try soon!:D
Ok guys - got some pictures for you!:biggrin2:

I decided to get some Christmassy shots of Millie - well, half were blurred or of her attacking the set,:foreheadsmack:but I did get some good ones - so here you go!:D








More to come...
I love these! "hello Santa!"


" got any presents in that bag for me?":biggrin2:




I also got a couple of Ollie as he felt left out!:D

Sorry for the scary eyes!:shock:


He he, he started tapping off the ornaments!:p


