The double trouble thread

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I'm in bunny love! They are so adorable! They seem to have terrific personalities! I want a standard rex so bad! One day I'll have one!

Bo grooms his blankies (those are his beds) and fluffs all blankies! He just gets so annoyed because no one seems to fluff blankies the proper way!
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
My mum took these pics of me and Millie, I would have left them off but I thought they were cute, so here you go!:D

This is a gorgeous picture and I can't decide which of you is prettier;):biggrin2:
Thanks Bo B Bunny, ha ha that is so funny that Bo grooms his blankies as well! :rofl:Maybe it's a castor rex thing?;)You'll have to get a standard rexone day- there is more of them to love.:pI have to admit to never having met a mini rex, but they look tiny in photos!:shock: (which reminds me - we need more Bo photos!!)

Thanks Tundrakatiebean - I love that photo, it is so sweet. Although I think Millie is the prettier!:pI'm not sure if you can really see in that photo but Millie has the most gorgeous eyes, she has dark fur around them with long flicky bits so it looks like she is wearing eye liner and mascara! I call them her mini mouse eye lashes.;)

Now for an update : Ruby and Millie are living indoors for a couple of days (well...during the day anyway!) as we are getting one of 2 massive trees at the bottom of my garden cut down (it has tree rot so the council just organised for it to be done!:shock:). Anyway the noise is ridiculous and I didn't want my girls to be scared by that so I have made them a small pen in our study (they are playing by my feet now :D).

The pen (please excuse the mess, this is the room in our house where we dump everything, I think it's the only reason the buns were allowed in here :D)


Ruby sunning herself


And the reason why they don't come in much 1) they poop all over indoors (but not outdoors!:?) and 2) when they are inside all they do is laze around!;)


Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
And the reasons why they don't come in much 1) they poop all over indoors (but not outdoors!:?) and 2) when they are inside all they do is laze around!;)

1) there's more area to claim away from you :biggrin2:

2) it's what most people do inside too :p
tundrakatiebean wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
And the reasons why they don't come in much 1) they poop all over indoors (but not outdoors!:?) and 2) when they are inside all they do is laze around!;)

1) there's more area to claim away from you :biggrin2:

2) it's what most people do inside too :p
Ha ha, too true!:rofl:I swear Ruby and Millie have some kind of master plan, first they have taken over the entire garden and garage (with their toys :biggrin2:) and now they are moving in on the house too!:pOllie the cat wont be happy, the house is his harem!:whistling
I showed my daughter the pictures of your girls this morning before school. She said she wanted to go overseas and grab them! She loves how adorable they are and the photos of them sleeping and playing together just really got to her!

That one photo looks like someone is thinking of jumping over the pen onto something in the house..... :p
Aww, I love the new photos! Millie and Ruby are the most gorgeous Rex girls, I think Jay wants them to be his new girlfriends. :D

I love their colour too, they make me want castors!

Ruby doesn't look half as bad as Jay with the shedding, he's just a giant cloud of Rex hair!;)
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:

:bigtears:Wow, looking back on this thread is even harder then I had imagined. I never dreamed those would be the last few photos I took of my beautiful girl.:cry4:I miss you more than you will ever know Ruby.:in tears:

It's taken me several tries to do this - but I have photos and I will post them. This is Millie's thread too and I have to celebrate her life.:tears2:

Her usual 'recluse' spot



Scary bun :shock:


Her cute, button nose!


Her stripy feet!


And her gorgeous ears!


And a few more






Also - here is Millie's 'friend';)- our chicken Ginger. At the beginning of the summer our other hen past away, and now the twolonely animals that were left behindseem to have striked up a surprising friendship. (Ginger will often be seenperching on Millie's run looking into her hutch, or circling around her grass run if Millie is in it.:D)


And here area few snaps of Ben from his photo shoot yesterday.;)This little guy is growing up so fast, I think he may turn out to be quite big.:shock:His new owners have almost finished his hutch and run so he will be moving out soon. Although it will be sad to see him go, he is going to a great new home, and it opens up a spare hutch for another bun who may come totry and befriendMillie.:whistling

Also, Ben went to the vetsyesterday for his VHD vaccination and I chatted to the vets about my worries over his teeth (as I have heard dwarf lops - which I suspect he is - can be common to having teeth troubles). Anyway the vet gave his teeth a full check for me and said there are some mild spurs which may be a problem, so I need to make sure I (and his future owner) really push the hay.:?

Anyway - onto the pictures!





Thanks for sharing those :hug: Millie is such a beautiful girl :)
It's very sad to go back and see Ruby, but it's also in a way happy. It's like seeing someone who had a long life filled with family and friends...... because she did.

Millie is absolutely precious! I love this photo of her! LOL!


Ben is really cute. I know he'll be happy in his new home too - and you know them which is great!

Beautiful pics, Jess. Its still so hard to see Millie without her other half. I missRuby so much.

Millie looks like shes coping though, and looks as beautiful as ever. I love this one:


She looks so cozy in the sunlight.

Thinking of you both :pink iris:
I love that pic too! Eventhough he's a mini-rex, Bo lays like that and his little white tail flips up like that real high when he's really happy/comfy/enjoying a back scratch.

I can almost tell how Millie acts from knowing Bo..... just their movements and attitude.

Bo would be hidden in that box like Millie - only letting the sun shine on his nose LOL!
Haley wrote:
Beautiful pics, Jess. Its still so hard to see Millie without her other half. I missRuby so much.

I know Haley, me too.:( It kills me seeing Millie and knowing Ruby isn't there, ready to pounce on me wanting treats,or sneak up behind me trying to get me to play with her.:cry4:It still doesn't seem real that she's gone.:tears2:

Thank you BBB, lol, yep it sounds like our two rexy bunsters are the same.;)Although Millie isa recluse these days which is why she is either in her box, or under her chair.:?These days she just prefers to be left alone, howeverat least she has moved on from her 'anger' stage. I'm sick of being covered in scratches!:shock::duel

I didn't know you had a chicken :shock::). How sweet that they have developed a friendship, even if it is born out of loneliness.

It is sad to see Millie on her own, but she is looking well. I know how hard it is when you are used to seeing two together, grooming and just hanging together.

Ben is such a lovely boy. I am so pleased he has got a good home to go to, and you will be able to keep in touch with how he is doing.

Thank you Jan. Yep - Ginger the chicken. Our old one was called Babs (like 'Ginger and Babs' out of chicken run.;)). She's a sweet old thing really - although she is always following us around and trying to get into the house.:shock::p

Sorry for the photo overload guys, but Millie seems to be making a real improvement this week so I want to celebrate with pictures!:biggrin2:She still isn't herself, but she is getting better everyday and actually enjoys human company again.:D

Firstly - there is no better way to get to a rabbit heart your apple with her!:whistling (don't worry she only had a few nibbles;))

"Hmmm apples!"


"Ok, I'll come see you now"


"Don't make me reach!"


"Got any more?":biggrin2:


I burst out laughing at this, because Millie tried to get into her hay basketbut it fell over onto her.:rofl: Unfortunately I missed the action shot - but here is an after shot.;)


My posing girl


More to come...:dancingorig:
Millie getting ready to throw her straw plait


"Where did it go?":dunno


Looking cute!


Don't pull ugly faces Millie - if the wind changes it will stay like that!:biggrin2:


"Hmm what's this?"


With her teddy friend


Her cute ickle mouth!:love:


And up on her basket :D


Also - today is exactly one month since Ruby was put to sleep.:(I can't believe it has passed so quickly.

These photos really make me want to cry, but I feel I should post them up now I feel I have the strength to. They were taken just a few days before Rubypassed away, andshow just how thin Ruby was.:in tears:I think I may have posted them before - but I want them here as well.



and the videos

Binkie free Ruby - there isn't a minute in the day that goes by when I don't think of you.:bigtears::rainbow:

