The double trouble thread

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Your girls are gorgeous but Sampson is awesome.I love the area your rabbits have to play in...they just look socontent (and spoiled?).

I know you'll hate to give him back.....maybe you can ask for visitation rights?

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months sinceI posted on here, thats a record for a photo-holic likeme.;)So I've been out getting some new piccies of thegirlies.:D

The girls



Millie begging


Ruby begging (her face is soo hard to resist!:love)



This one melts my heart!


Then Millie decided to go dig in the corner:disgust:



"what are you looking at?"


"Aww man I forgot about the mud!":foreheadsmack:


Ruby checking out Millie's hole.


Ruby grooming


Millie looking a bit annoyed :rofl:


closeups of her eating pellets




And her lovely little mouth!


Ruby getting some pets


Millie going into her pipe


"Why is this over my hole?"


Ruby playing with her food ball


Millie in the corner


Great pictures and Videos.

Did I hear birds in the back ground? And I curious aren't youafraid that the girls will dig a hole and escape under thefence?

Susan :bunnydance:
Thanks Susan.:)Yeah you can hear thewildbirds, they are quite loud but I never notice themanymore I'm so used to them.;) Don't worry though they are only littlegarden birds, nothing that could hurt the buns!

Also I don't worry about them digging out because they never usuallydig and if they do they only dig a little bit, and also because Ialways keep an eye on them when they are in their run so if I can seethey are starting to dig I will block it off. If I am out with themlike I was when I was taking pictures I'll let them dig a little bitbecause they enjoy it, but I block it off if they start to did quitedeep.Don't worry they haven't escaped inyears,although Millie was like a mini Houdini when she waslittle.:disgust:
I LOVE your buns! I think I've saidthat before in this thread. I love rexes. Theyreally look huge in the pics. I think I asked this before,but how much do they weigh?
Thanks Snuffles!:DI love rexes too,they are such a great breed! I'm not sure on their weight, although asthey're standards they're probably between about 6-8lbs. Ruby andMillie are off to the vets tomorrow though for their myxi jab andcheckup so I'll let you know their weight then.;)I swear I'mgoing to kill that vet if he says Ruby hasn't lost any weight, she'sbeen on a diet for about 2 years now bless her. Fingerscrossed.:goodluck
Yes, that sounds about right. They are just beautiful. That may be the next kind of rabbit I get too!!!:D

Poor Ruby, why does she have to lose weight? Does he believethat she's at risk as far as her health? Justcurious. Hopefully she has lost a little anyway.:)
No she is fine health wise, she was just a bitchubby in her younger years.:embarrassed:Thats why she has her bigdewlap and 'bingo wings' as I call them.;)If you stroke herthough she hardly has any fat on her, she's all muscle!:muscleman::wink

I'll update you tomorrow, hopefully they'll come outslimmersof the week (and Millie wont have bitten the vet like last year!;))
Your girls are stunning :brown-bunny:brown-bunny :heartbeat:

I can't decide which one I like best...Millie or Ruby? Ruby or Millie? :ponder: I think I need more pictures to decide :wink
Aww i just adore these two little girls

Haha,i don't know who is who in this picture,but look at that beauty inthe back corner,it looks like she's giving the evil eye to hersister....that's so cute!


LOL GREAT pictures as usual. There'smy two sweet girlie poos. Millie and Ruby are looking asstunning as ever. I love how much attention they are givingto that hole they started working on. Every picture someoneis either checking out the hole or sitting on the hole. :D

Funny bunnys.

And please - no more long stretches without our photo fix!!

haha, Cheryl and I noticed the same thing:


Is that Millie giving you the evil eye back there?

I think Ive figured out how to tell them apart, Millie's face seems to be a little rounder. Is that right?
Aww thankyou everyone!:sunshine:

Minilops - Lol,I've been trying to decide that for 5 and ahalf years, it can't be done.:shock: They are both just too great intheir own ways.:D

Snuffles - :highfive::toastingbuns

JadeIcing - Thankyou!:DI happen to agree.:love

Nadia - Thanks, I know one of them is always sitting in it, as if theythink "Ooo if I sit inthe holeJess wont noticeit".:disgust:Lol, and don't worry I'll definitely be takingmore pictures as the weather gets nicer.;)

Cheryl and Haley - Lol, I love that picture too. I only realised afterI posted it that Millie was sitting in the corner giving Ruby evils."How dare she give treats to Ruby and not to me!":nono
Also Haley, yep Millie has the rounder face, the slightly more pointednose and is brown on her dark patches as opposed to Ruby's black darkpatches.:)
Thanks Jan!:DTheir vet trip went well,they are both in good health. Also got them weighed, Millie is 3.04kgand Ruby is 3.11kg (which makes sense as Ruby is a bigger rabbit). Thevet said she is at her target weight and doesn't need to loose any moreweight.:happydanceI knew she could do it!;)Blessboth of them though, they both tried to climb into my arms whilegetting checked over and Millie literally climbed up me and was perchedon my shoulder!:shock:The poor vet looked a bit panickedwhile I just laughed and plucked her off, I'm used to their antics bynow!:tongutwo:
It was such a gorgeous day today that I had toget some pictures.:DI decided to put the girls down thebottom of the garden where it is all soil so they could have a gooddig, well I spent ages clearing all the leaves and conkers fromthe floor then turning over the earth and setting up their run. It wasworth it though, I haven't seen them do that many binkies inages!:DAnd now onto the pics...

Ruby digging a big hole


Millie "whats going on in the street?"


Millie again


btw whenever there is mud around Ruby becomes the queen of flops. Shedigs for a bit, falls over, thendoes a full dead bunny flopbefore rolling onto her side for a bit.;)




closeup ;)


look at her little muddy foot!:hearts


Millie "whats up there?"


Millie "bask in my beauty slave"


"hello Jess!"




and a video of her digging

Also couldn't leave out my cat Ollie who was also enjoying the sunshine while helping me keep an eye on his 'little sisters'.;)


I also have to tell this story about Ruby. I stepped into therun with some treats for the girls, well Millie was snoozing in her boxso I called 'Ruby' and seeing I had treats she came racing over so fastfrom the other side of the run that she fell into the big hole she hadbeen digging.:laugh:Bless her, she jumped straight out againand came over to get some treats, I would say only her pride was hurtbut I don't even think she cared, she just wanted some food!:rofl:
Great pics of the girls (as usual)!

That is so funny about Ruby falling in the hole, did she lookembarrassed? I know it's not nice, but I laugh at mine allthe time. When Angel doesn't have a towel in her cage, whenshe's trying to clean her backside and she slides and falls out ofposition, I laugh. My husband always says "Don't laugh ather" all sticking up for her, cute.

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