It was such a gorgeous day today that I had toget some pictures.

I decided to put the girls down thebottom of the garden where it is all soil so they could have a gooddig, well I spent
ages clearing all the leaves and conkers fromthe floor then turning over the earth and setting up their run. It wasworth it though, I haven't seen them do that many binkies inages!

And now onto the pics...
Ruby digging a big hole
Millie "whats going on in the street?"
Millie again
btw whenever there is mud around Ruby becomes the queen of flops. Shedigs for a bit, falls over, thendoes a full dead bunny flopbefore rolling onto her side for a bit.
look at her little muddy foot!:hearts
Millie "whats up there?"
Millie "bask in my beauty slave"
"hello Jess!"
and a video of her digging
Also couldn't leave out my cat Ollie who was also enjoying the sunshine while helping me keep an eye on his 'little sisters'.
I also have to tell this story about Ruby. I stepped into therun with some treats for the girls, well Millie was snoozing in her boxso I called 'Ruby' and seeing I had treats she came racing over so fastfrom the other side of the run that she fell into the big hole she hadbeen digging.:laugh:Bless her, she jumped straight out againand came over to get some treats, I would say only her pride was hurtbut I don't even think she cared, she just wanted some food!:rofl: