The double trouble thread

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wow you have great ideas for pens

can you post a picture of the whole pen , so that I can see all the cool stuff that you provided to the buns?:pleaseplease:
Good to see my girls again,especially looking so good ;). They always seem to get on together sowell - did you ever have any problems with them, or have they alwaysbeen bonded?

Give those cute little noses a rub from me :).

Thanks everyone.:D

Doodle, I'm glad my girls have made such an impression on you! If onlythe camera could show their true cheeky characters! :rollseyesI don'tcall them the terrible two for nothing.;):toastingbuns

Shooting star, thanks!:D I made it out of puppy-pen panels. They caneasily be attached and taken apartso I can change how big therun is, it's shape and I canfold it away when I'm not usingit. Here is a picture from a different day so the toys are differentbut you can get an idea of the size.:)


Jan, they're my girls!:disgust::winkThey've alwaysbeen bonded, I've never had any serious problems with them,howeverlast year Ruby did start picking on Millie a bit andnot letting her eat but they're fine now, I just have to spread theirfood out over their hutch.:rollseyes At least they have fun findingit!;)
wow , that looks nice! I already have a pen Imade myself just a bit smaller than yours butI don't have toys or anyboxes inside. I just place a table for shade and sometimes Iput some plants in it but I should get boxes and stuff like yours!
I've got some new pictures for you all!;)

Firstly these are from 2 or 3 weeks ago

Millie playing with her vine ball


and her chube


What's up here?





grooming herself


And now here are some from today, you can see how many leaves havefallen in a short space of time! They're all banked up against thesides of the run!:lol

Millie scoffing her hay




Ruby looking quite regal!


"Oh no Jess has the camera again..maybe if I hide she wont see me!":whistling


In her bed


anda video of her grooming her bed (she's a bit strange:craziness)

Love the new pics. :DI just cant getenough of Ruby and Millie! They make me reallywant a rex whenI look at their soft beautiful fur and gorgeous features (be glad yourenot on the same continent..I would definitely be doing somebunnynapping ;))

They just look so happy and healthy. You do such a great job of keepingthem happy with all those wonderful toys and such. Lucky girls!

Give them kisses from me :kiss:
Jan- I'm glad they made you smile! I know theyalways cheer me up!:DRuby's so strange about her bed, shewill groom it for ages and ignore poorMillie!:rollseyesMillie was playing with it the other day aswell, she was hopping about the run with it over her so it looked thebed was moving on it's own!:shock::lolOf course I justmissed getting it on camera!:foreheadsmack:

Haley- Aww thanks! Their coats feel especially lovely at the momentbecause they are growing in their thick winter coats, Ruby feels like alittle sheep she's so woolly! (well, woolly for a rex!;))
It's really frosty this morning so I thought I could get some nice wintery shots!;)

Millie "Argh Jess the ground has frozen!"


Ruby mid-air!:D


Ruby "What's up here?"


Ruby grooming her bed again!;)


Millie trying to graze


Closeup of Millie


Ruby "what are you looking at...


I'm trying to groom myself here!"


Millie munching on her orchard grass


Lookit my girls :inlove:. They look so gorgeousin their frosty surroundings, but I notice that Ruby prefers to sit onthe towel to groom herself :). I like the look of that orchard grass(so does Millie by the look of things :D) .

Kisses to my girls

Great photos! They look like theyre having somuch fun, even though its cold out. :snowflake:Its nice that you putthings down though (like the towel/bed) so they can get warm andsnuggle :hug2:
Thanks guys!:D

Jan - Ruby is such a spoilt littleprincess and doesn't sheknow it.:disgust:"What? Sit on the cold ground? Don't be soridiculous!":shock:Also that orchard grass is from the hayexperts if you want to take apeek!;)http://www.thehayexperts.comIt's a big hit with my two, I have to ration them to a couple ofhandfuls each a day or the whole bag is gone at once!

Hayley - Thanks! They don't seem to mind the cold at all but I put downtheir hay tray, towels etc as they are rexes so do have thin fur ontheir feet and I don't want their little feeties getting cold! I alsofilled that cardboard box you can see up with hay for them to go in ifthey were cold but they preferred to snuggle up together in theirfleecy bed outside. Oh well!:dunno::wink
Meet Sampson!:D


Don't worry I haven't been out getting morebunnies,:embarrassed:he belongs to my sister's friend. Shebrought him home with her for the holidays and was going to take myspare hutch to keep him in, however it was too big to fit in their carso he's staying with me for the next week!:DHe is such alittle sweet heart, he loves cuddles and people. He also never stopsmoving!:shock:I only managed to get a few photos of himbecause the others were all blurred.:rollseyesWell anyway-here they are!:D








Ok sorry for more pictures but I am in love withthis little guy! He is just so affectionate, Ruby and Millie are out intheir run now so he's in his hutch but whenever i walk past to check onthem he begs me for attention. He is just so sweet, he sticks his headunder my hand so I have to pet him and he literally fallsasleeponce I start giving him head scratches.:inlove: How amI ever going to give this little guy back?;)





This is him sticking his head under my hand!


Up close and personal!


I love his little nose!


He is adorable! I just love his coloring (and how he has the white around his nose and everything). What a beautiful boy!

Have Ruby and Millie had a chance to meet him?
Thanks Jordiwes and Haley.:D I am soooin love with him, he is just such a sweet heart! He seems so happyabout everything, he was in the run for 4 hours today and I swear henever stopped binkying!:shock:

Hehasn't met Ruby and Millie yet, although their hutches arenear each other they are angled in such away that they can'tsee each other. I also move the run around to different areas ofthegarden so Ruby and Milliearen't running on thesamearea as Sampson, they have separate toys and such and Iwash my hands between handling them so they haven't realised each otherare there yet!I mostly do it for hygiene reasons just in caseone of them gets ill to isolate it straight away and not risk passingit on but it also stops jealous bunnies!;)I pet-sat twogirlie bunnies in the summer and Ruby and Millie used to stare at themthrough the side of the run and would go mad it they saw that I wasgiving attention to our guests instead of them!:nono;) However I forgotthis evening to take of my gloves after feeding Ruby and Millie when Iwent to feed Sampson, I only realised when he started chinning mygloves and coat!:lolJealous bunnies!:disgust:

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