The difference between

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Linz_1987 wrote:
Hmmm, wait a minute.... Is there any difference between Canadian and American language? :?:embarrassed:

Yes, yes there is! Alot of time it's minor, but there are alot of spelling differences. I was born in Poland, but moved to Canada when I was 6 and learned the language quickly. For some reason American's seem to neglect the letter 'u'.


American= Color Canadian= Colour

I notice things like that alot when talking to people online, ofcourse.. both are correct.. depending on which dictionary you look into! Heh. The soda and pop thing are a good example too. I always say 'pop'.

Hm.. I live in Niagara Falls now, which is a major tourist city, and I've worked at large souvenir stores, so I've witnessed many of them. I remember lots of Americans asking for the 'restrooms' and I'd point them to the door with the big sign that says 'washrooms' on it.

Oh.. I have so many tourist-stories, it's ridiculous. A man once asked me if we had any I 'heart' NY shirts, and when I told him no, he asked where he could find them.. I suggested that he should cross the border and try New York. :p
A flea market is where a bunch of people get together, usually at a park or county fair grounds, and sell stuff like antiques or garage/yard sale type things (used clothes, tools, etc.). Sometimes there will be vendors selling new things like crafts, and there's often a food stand or two. Flea markets can get BIG!
Linz_1987 wrote:
What does "gotta talk to a man about a dog" mean?

And what IS a flea market??? :?

gotta talk to a man about a dog - when you have to use the restroom

we actually have a flea market where theyre almost always having one on the wknds...there are rows and rows of booth/stands/tables where people are selling stuff... most of it has a roof over it incase it rains, but the outside part is no fun if its raining.. people rent a booth for about $10 to sell their stuff

washrooms? i can see why someone from the US would ask where the restroom is...i probably would
Hehehe, my bf is Australian, and I found out very quickly that "fanny" means something different there than here....

:bunnydance:LoLthis is an Australian/American bunny.
I cant believe you guys call it a restroom when here its just plain toilet, bog or loo'slol. You have sofas and stuff in your 'restrooms' dont you? I dont see the point in that.

The public toilets in england always stink so always want to get out of them as quick as possible! Not sit on a sofa and have a chat. ;)

Its great seeing how different cultures say things, and what they do/have. I really must visit America some day! :D
Linz_1987 wrote:
I cant believe you guys call it a restroom when here its just plain toilet, bog or loo'slol. You have sofas and stuff in your 'restrooms' dont you? I dont see the point in that.

The public toilets in england always stink so always want to get out of them as quick as possible! Not sit on a sofa and have a chat. ;)

Its great seeing how different cultures say things, and what they do/have. I really must visit America some day! :D
restroom is just used for a public bathroom...actually i call everything bathroom, not restroom...unless asking at a restaurant..then you say restroom... umm...usually our public bathrooms dont have couches...and they stink also, so i never use them.

here, fanny is just someones backside.but we usually dont even use that word at all
Generally, we only use it when talking about 'fanny-packs' which are like purse-bags that attach around your hips like a belt. Lol!

One thing that is neglected, are the uniquely Canadian things. I have a book about it, I will try to grab it tomorrow. It talks about tuoques, and two-sixers, and the Norwester, and so on :p
LOL yer! Good ol' bum bags!

I think your 'fanny packs' is a better name for them for over here, as I have never yet seen anyone wear it on their bum, but always at the front! i.e Fanny ;)

I have a book about cockney slang, what some people in england sometimes use.

They are a bit like ' gotta talk to a man about a dog' kinda language.

For example we have "Apples and Pears, Stairs"

But these days hardly anybody uses them!
Just off topic slightly, what are "eggs and chips"? I notice in my Morse mysteries, Lewis:inlove:seems to eat these alot. Thanks.

I think spelling differs also. One thing that sticks out in my mind is 's' vs. 'z'. I had a French teacher a few years ago who was a British citizen, and she would use an 's' in "realize" where Americans would normally use a 'z'. Same thing with utilize, etc.

And in the states we joke that the US and UK are "two countries separated by a common language:D"
Could someone American tell me what "Bleachers" are? i.e in the Gwen stefani song "Hollaback girl" she says "Meet me at the bleachers" and I have read that word in other places too.
Bleachers are what we call seats in a sports arena or playing field.

