The difference between

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umm it's like changing directions withouttraffic lights,you must give way to the right side here in Australia,idon't really know how else to explain it

We give way to the right aswell inEngland. I think it would be so confusing an Americanroundabout! Especially since you drive on the wrong side ofthe road. Does that mean you go round the roundabout thewrong way? we go round clock wise.

Good Night People! :sleep:
Here, you have the right of way if you're in the circle....

after that it seems like it's who has the bigger (or more banged-up) vechile. Trucks usually win out.

oh yeah... here a lorry would be a "straight job", "box van", or a "delivery truck".
So what if you are waiting to go around theround a bout,which side do you have to wait for,or is it like quick!theres a gap drive on in real fast lol

That's the basic idea....we think.
Because, once you've gotten into the circle, or roundabout, you have the right of way.

Oh...wait...which way do you go around? CW or CCW? And are we driving on the right or the left?

I'm checking out now...I can't think any more tonight. Gotta get up early, too.

'morrow!...for real this time...honest...

I've definately never seen a roundabout here inCA, we just have regular old intersections with stop lights or stopsigns. Though there is this one spot in Beverly hills wherelike 6 different streets come together, and no stoplight, it's a bitscary.
minilops wrote:
Also we don't have alfalfa or timothy hay

minilops,the Americans call it alfalfa hay,us aussies call it lucernehay they are the same hay just different names.I don't know if you havelucerne hay in NZ though,i'm sure you would have it though:)

I remember when i first joined a bunny board and i heard about alfalfahay,so i went to buy my bunnies hay one dayand i asked aboutalfalfa hay,well the guy looked at me like i just landed my ufo fromouter space because he didn't know what i was talking aboutlol,but a few months later i found out that alfalfa is the aussielucerne,and no we dont get timothy hay here,the next best hay would beoaten hay which my buns just love:)

JimD wrote:
That's the basic idea....we think.
Because, once you've gotten into the circle, or roundabout, you have the right of way.

Oh...wait...which way do you go around? CW or CCW? And are we driving on the right or the left?

I'm checking out now...I can't think any more tonight. Gotta get up early, too.

'morrow!...for real this time...honest...

we go around clock wise,and we are driving on the left,i think it isfunny how the americans drive on the wrong side lol it's justweird:)

They way ya'll use 'round abouts' is the way we respect 4-Way stop signs.

Here in Ohio within a few towns from each other we've got 3 differentways to respect the 'circle'. It's confusingfor new people tothe area as these circles are all within a countyapart. Weget lazy here with our language and it wasn't till now that I knew theywere called 'traffic circles'

The common kind are the ones that have a big circle of grass with a'curb' in the middle of the circle. The one near by has a big waterfountian in the middle of the 'circle' of grass and has a few trees.These trees are decorated with lights during the holidays which isbeatuiful at night! On national holidays that honor our country thecircle has about 50 BIG American flags flying on the outskirts of the'grass circle'. There is only one lane and the people in the circlehave the right away and those coming into the circle have to yeild. Theone 10 mins up the road doesn't have the 'triangle slabs' it's just thenormal road markings except with a yeild sign. The outskirts of theactual traffic circle is marked by buildings and sideways. Confusing..I know I wish I had a picture of 'my circle' to show ya'll but here'sthe closest example I could get..except make the slap bigger and addEvergreens in the outer green.


Then there's the one around here where the people coming into thecircle have the right away and those in the circle yeild. The onementioned above used to be like this years ago. There arestop lights in the middle of the circle to help the circle organized.The below photo is not taken in the USA but shows the 'idea' of thiscircle.


Then there's one that's like a 4-Way stop sign except it has a bigstatue in the middle of the intersection. So again it's used as a'circle' except it's really a 'square'.

Oh you guys...I just found this thread and Im sitting here laughing so hard!!

My favorite parts of this conversation where:

1. The Fanny Pack conversation

2. When maherwoman said she'd "bed her husband" then realized she meant to write "bet" :)

I lived in London for a summer and we had loads of fun with this.."whatdo you call..." thing. I also dated a guy from Wales for a while. Someof my favorites are "jumper" for sweatshirt, "we get on" for getalong-this caused a small fight once :) "getting pissed" for gettingdrunk. I could go on and on.

This is such a fun thread to read!!
There areutlility trailers....


Cargo Trailer

Horse/Stock trailer...


Around here we use the horse trailers in the rain, sun and snow.
This is my trailer,it has been modified by my dad so i can transport my boys motorbikes,the back comes off to make a ramp

This is my young son Jeremy


Wow this thread has grown HUGE!

Oh cheryl13 thanks so much for pointing out the alfalfa/lucerne thing.I have seen lucerne chaff for horses but never lucerne hay though. Iget my hay from a horse feed store and it's just "hay". When I ask whatkind the guy looks at me funny and says "you know...hay...grass andstuff"... lol!

Spiders are YUMMY! I always call them icecream floats or an icecream soda though I know them by all three names.

We don't have underground trains here so no subway, but we have the sandwich place.

We have roundabouts in NZ. They are a way to safely travel through anintersection that requires more flow than the stop/start of trafficlights. We give way to those already on the roundabout and those comingfrom our right.

What does everyone call traffic lights? I have heard some people callthem signal lights or some other thing that I can't quite rememberright now. Oh and who has "yeild" signs and who has "giveway"? What doyou giys call zebra crossings?

Who has slappers?

Our rabbits don't poop in NZ...they leave raisins or little craps:cool:. The word poop to me sounds so amusing, it's like a word I wouldexpect to hear from a little kid.

All of those horse/rounded things are called floats here. Anything elsethat you hitch up to the back of a car to transport largeitems is a trailer.
Minilops..isn't a zebra crossing a padestrian crossing?

what is a slapper?

what is a yield sign? i guess it is another wordforgiveway,we have giveway signs and we have to always givewayto our right:)

Pedestrian crossins are the traffic light ones,but zebra crossins dont have traffic lights, they just have black andwhite stripes on the roads.

Alfafa hay to me is like chaff.

I love the roundabout with the fountain on! That would lookso amazing with pretty lights on etc. Its so lovely!

I call it rabbit poo.

I have never heard of a yield sign before? We have give way signs which are red triangles with the words 'give way' in.

And a slapper to me is man with a bald head!

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