The Degerfield Bunnies

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I know, they all do look so much like Nigel don't they? But they have a few of Cordie's features, like her big back feet, and their ears are slightly larger and wider set.

I guess because Nigel had such tiny ears, and a narrow crown, that Cordie's lop genes just weren't loppy enough to make little lops? =P
Been a while...

And I've been away from the forum for some time too for some personal reasons, but now I think I'm BACK, and back with updates, and of course PICTURES! ;)

So, where to start... Well, I'd like to introduce Dean! Another long story, but let's just say that I'm getting fed up of people buying bunnies then deciding they don't want them anymore...


[align=left]He's grown quite a lot since that photo, but I haven't really gotten round to taking any more of him yet.


Two sets of bonds are underway! First we have Jinx and Raspberry:






[align=left]And we have also begun bonding Bunny and Cordie...








[align=left]I'm really glad to see that Bunny is finally getting along with someone. He's had such a negative reaction to every other rabbit we've tried with him, it's heartwarming to see him snuggling another bun. :)
I can't believe I never posted these! I can't even remember if I told the story anywhere...

Well, I'll tell it here in case I didn't... We had discovered that Violet had not-so-girly bits, I'm pretty sure I posted that somewhere... Shortly after that, Nigel and Victor began fighting, and Victor got some good bites in. We decided it best to separate them for a while whilst we got Victor neutered.

Vic came through his neuter great, and Nigel had fully healed from the abuse he had received from his son (talk about domestic violence....), so we began attempting to re-bond the two of them. Unfortunately, I think that their relationship had been too damaged by all the fighting previously, and they went for each other in a big way every time we tried them back together.

So, since we hadn't really planned for it, and Victor was living in a playpen in the kitchen, we needed to get him sorted with some more permanent accommodation.

Isobel seemed the best match, personality wise, for an easy bond. And we were pleased to find that was a good assessment; a couple of sessions and Victor and Isobel moved in together in February.





[/align][align=left]And just as a bonus you can have a couple of photos of my sister's kitty cat. ;)




Very true... ;)

Aaaand, I know these guys aren't bunnies, but they're still Degerfields... =P

Here's Frank:


[/align][align=left]And Max:



Well, I have news... I got my first bunny kisses from Sam this evening! We had a good old snuggle on the floor, with lots of nose and cheek rubs, and Sammy repaid the favour with kisses all over my hands and nose. :hearts:

Then I brought my dinner through, and unfortunatly didn't realise quite what a mistake it was to try and eat carrot soup in front of a bunny who has recently professed his love for you! Big furry nose straight in my bowl, of course...

[align=center]Here's my pretty boy being sweet and snuggly...

"What that's it? More, woman!"






How sweet! I have never heard of carrot soup though. Is it just like cooked carrot puree? Do you eat it hot or cold?
love your blog, ive looked at it so many times, i just neglected to comment...totally wish my bf would let me get away wit that many buns!
Hehe, thanks guys.

Claire - yes carrot soup is basically cooked carrot puree. I usually add corriander, but I didn't have any in... Oh, is coriander the one you guys call something else..? Cilantro I think?

Anyway... basically carrots, some onion, garlic and stock cooked up and then blended. And coriander/cilantro, of course, if there is any.. ;)

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