The Degerfield Bunnies

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Good luck with bonding! Let us know if you need some help. I know it can be frustrating but if youre patient its well worth it. Bonded bunnies are so much easier than single bunnies (and almost always so much happier too!).
Haley wrote:
Good luck with bonding! Let us know if you need some help. I know it can be frustrating but if youre patient its well worth it. Bonded bunnies are so much easier than single bunnies (and almost always so much happier too!).

Thanks! I know, the thing I miss most about Rosie is how she used to follow Ollie around all the time, or he would follow her. That's why I can't wait to get him bonded again. I mean, he's perked up so much since February, and he's looking so healthy now, but I still feel that he needs bunny company again.

Ali - I've already told you once, you can't have Nigel! Or Daisy! :p


Harvey's turn in the garden today!


"Please mum, if I look reeeeeaaaally cute and give you puppy eyes, can I have some of those wonderful smelling yellow things you give everyone else?"


"I CAN fit through..... just... have to... push... a bit....harder!"




"Nom... nom, nom...."

"Gosh, all that chewing was tiring..." (Yes, that is his TAIL, not a leg! :p)



The kind of cheeky look that only Harvey can give...






:faint:You're trying to kill me aren't you? You are actually trying to kill me with all these pictures!

Oh well, it's a good way to go... Harvey is just amazing! I love his ears! :inlove:


[/align][align=left]More pics! Sorry Jen! ;)

Milo in the garden today. It was a bit wet and uncomfortable, though, even though it wasn't raining the grass was still all soggy from when it was.

[/align][align=center]Didn't stop Milo from having a lovely time though, running bunny 500's....

And every time he stopped, no matter where he was, how far away from us... he put his head down to be groomed...?




Milo butt!

And it didn't stop him getting comfortable...



Lovely pictures, as always :)

It amazes me that so many people's bunnies enjoy being outside. Both of mine are so terrified of birds that they sit there cowering near me the whole time. At first I thought it was a Nethie thing, but I see Nigel likes to binky out there! Maybe it's because mine have only been outside a handful of times so they aren't used to it. Either that or the breeders around here breed scaredy bunnies.

I think my two favorites are Nigel and Harvey. Would be cool to see a size comparison when Harvey is fully grown! :biggrin2:

This may seem really random, but when it comes time to clip Harvey's nails I am curious to know how that whole process goes. Been thinking about getting a giant bunny myself (in the DISTANT future) but have always wondered how one clips such a large bunny's nails. Do you hold them upside down like a small bunny, or let them go about their business while you ever so carefully sneak in a trim or two... :sofa:
Little Bay Poo wrote:
This may seem really random, but when it comes time to clip Harvey's nails I am curious to know how that whole process goes. Been thinking about getting a giant bunny myself (in the DISTANT future) but have always wondered how one clips such a large bunny's nails. Do you hold them upside down like a small bunny, or let them go about their business while you ever so carefully sneak in a trim or two... :sofa:

Lol, yeah, well for now we're doing it like everyone else - I lay on my back on the sofa with him on his back on my belly, and Lee clips. I'm hoping that he'll get used to that while he's young and little so that we can still do it when he's big. Otherwise it'll probably be hold him right side up on a table and try and dig the feets out. :p
Harvey is beautiful! Those ears are amazing! Is he a flemish?

And you dont know how badly I want Milo! I have a tort and a chocolate dutch and Ive always wanted one that golden honey color like Milo. He is just stunning!
Harvey's actually a continental giant. The best thing about those giant ears is when he's cleaning himself and the flop around everywhere. :p

And Milo thanks you for the compliments. Poor baby's booked in to have his little man-bits removed tomorrow, and I don't think he'll be happy. But he's been spraying for a few weeks now and I don't want the behaviour to stick. Soo.. off for the snip! ;)
Tut tut.. been a bit of blog neglect again...

Sooo.. I shall reawaken the Degerfield blog with a weigh in. :) I think I shall start with the littlest one (Nigel, of course...:p)

Nigel: 2lbs 1.5oz
Mango: 3lbs 14.5oz
Milo: 3lbs 15oz
Cordie: 4lbs 3oz
Ollie: 4lbs 11.5oz
Raspberry: 4lbs 13.5oz
Bunny: 5lbs 3oz
Daisy: 6lbs 1.5oz
Harvey: 7lbs 0.5oz
Alfie: 7lbs 13.5oz

It'll be interesting to see how the order changes as the young 'uns grow. ;)

And Alfie is putting on a bit of weight which is good - he got a bit skinny with the worms but I didn't want to overdo the putting on of weight so I went slow. He's getting there. :)
I knowwww..

I haven't uploaded a decent set of pics of Alfie since like November last year. :shock:

I need to get some more taken. In fact, I may go take some more today. :)

ETA: Oh, here's a nice one I took in May to keep you going.. :p



[align=left]Well, here you go! Alfie wouldn't want to disappoint his fans (or that pretty Abbie... ;))







[/align][align=center]"Mum... couldn't you have picked a more manly colour for the bed than lilac?"



"Right, I'm done. Move over so I can sleep..."

