The Degerfield Bunnies

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It was a lovely afternoon today, the sun was shining and I decided to do a bit of a photoshoot with Milo and Nigel.

So, Milo first... and we'll start with the posey ones.





"Hmm, thems look good to chew..."


"If only... I could get them!"


Milo practices disapproving - he's been watching Nigel too much...







And.. that was all just too much work....


Annnd Nigel.... for those who need their fix (naming no names.. ;))

[align=center]"You want pictures of ME?"


"Well, you're going to have to ask nicely. I'll just clean up..."


(Obligatory cute shots...)






Nigel does another anime cartoon pose..


And then gets bored of being cute, and reverts to the more commonly seen form - destructo-bun.

"Hmm, what's this?"


"Can't seem to rip it to shreds..."


"Wonder if there's anything inside worth chewing..."


Yes, Nigel, we ARE aware the paint is crumbly, that DOESN'T mean you can eat it...


"I'll have the window frame instead then..."


Nigel tries his hand at classic disapproval...


And then decides that his scowly eyes are MUCH more effective...


"Now LEAVE!"
Hehe, thanks! Young bunnies are so much fun indeed - they always have so much energy! (Unless you're Milo and it's not one of your 'on' minutes.. =P)

Little Bay Poo - I know! You could be mistaken for thinking it was the same bunny... To be honest, Nigel has even started doing the 'slip away from the hand' thing when we try to pet him, like Billy in his 'Cute not Cuddly' video. I'm quite certain that we did not purchase Nigel from a breeder at all, but rather from a secret-undercover-cloning-experiment-organisation. :p
:roflmao:well if you ever wanted to show a nethies personality then thats the way to do it :pjust about it in a nutshell compared to Milo.

They are adorable more pics now please :nod
Yes I know, I have been neglecting the blog, and the camera... Nigel and Milo, and everyone else for that matter, have been being mucky little worm-infested buns! =P

But all looks to be on the mend now, fingers crossed.

Though Milo is still pouting that we took his fleecey blankets away to wash... we did give him a new one, but I guess it's just not the same.. =P

So I will try and get more photos of everyone this weekend and update. Haven't snapped Bunny in a while...

[/align][align=left]I would like to introduce to you all, Raspberry and Corduroy. Should have done it when we got them but never mind. Here are our new baby girlies.

[/align][align=center]This is Raspberry

And this is Corduroy, or Cordie as we call her

[/align][align=left]Honestly, I have been drawn to every white rabbit I've seen since Rosie passed. For the most part, I knew it was just because of that. But I've never felt so attached to a bunny I didn't know as I felt to Raspberry when we saw her and Cordie in the pet shop. Yes.. I know... pet shop... yuck...

I tried to walk away, I really, truly did. I disapprove of pet shop animals, I don't think pet shops should sell animals at all. But I couldn't leave her... :(

Anyway. Since I brought them home they've destroyed the blanket I put in the bottom of their cage, which I've switched to a waterproof, chewproof base now. They've flipped their water dish, which I've switched to a bottle. They've made themselves at home and binkied in unison across the living room.

[/align][align=center]The little nose I fell in love with...

And those eyes......


Cordie's not too happy about posing, and is a lot shyer in general..


And this is BEFORE the blanket was ripped to shreds, urinated and deficated on, bunched up into the corner and then tossed in the bin...


What pretty bunnies! It almost looks like Rasberry is himalayan in color except that the only spot that's colored in are her ears. I love the icons that you've got on the side bar showing all your bunnies, how'd you do that? :)

The blanket thing happened with Ronnie too. I thought that since Billy loved bunny beds, Ronnie would like one too but Ronnie mistook the bed for a litterbox! And while Billy is good with bunny beds, for some reason he will pee on fleece blankets. :X
Hehe, thanks! The icons aren't actually individual icons, it's just one image file. I made a brush for uppy-ears and lop-ears bunnies and just stamped the right number of each and coloured them. I'm considering doing a special e-lop one for Alfie and nethie one for Nigel. I can do you one for your boys if you like?

All of mine will pee in an actual bed, but a lot of them are fine with fleece blankets. I suppose I was just being optimistic, since Nigel, Milo and Daisy all litter trained instantly and never wrecked their fabric flooring. But that's okay! I found some really cute plastic tablecloth at the market and used double-sided tape to fix it to some hardboard. Nice and waterproof. =)


I have tucked the edges in since then, as they were getting munched. =P
I would say only make one for me if you're bored, because I'd probably get really confused on how to put the image on my profile and everything! I'm kind of illiterate when it comes to computer stuff :p

The icons are a really neat idea though, especially for people with a lot of bunnies because others can quickly glance over at it to double check and make sure they are referencing the right bunny. I always get mixed up when people have multiple rabbits...I can never keep the names straight!
I'd been meaning to check your blog for a while, cos I read your post in the 'Introducing Yourself Thread', about you having 2 new bunnies and not posting about them all that much, but I assumed you meant Milo and Nigel!


What cuteness I have been missing out on!! Raspberry and Cordie are beautiful! I love their names too.... Must.... see... more.... PICS! :nod

And also, I love the pictures you have in your profile thingy of all the bunnies, so cute, and a great way of identifying them!

Jen xx
Aww Raspberry and Cordie are very cute and sound hysterical (would love to see 2 buns binkying at the same time!).. I agree that more photos are desperately needed.

Love the avatar/bunny things as well - I couldn't even get my blog name posted correctly - so I'm very impressed!
I love your bunnies...they are all so adorable but i am especially drawn to this little girl..she is just super sweet! :inlove:


Wheeeeee! I got myself a DSLR! I'm soooooooo happy (and sooooooooo terrified of dropping it or harming it in some way! :p)

But - here's two of my first five (EVER) shots on a DSLR camera - bit of Bunny for you. ;)



[align=left]I know they're grainy, but in the crap light of this flat (and the fact that the sun was completely gone by the time I finished reading the manual...) I had to set the ISO to 1600. But they're the best non-flash photos I think I've ever taken in low light, and even though I'm really overwhelmed by the amount of control I now have over my images, I'm absolutely LOVING it. :biggrin2:
Those don't look grainy at all to me. And ISO 1600? Mine doesn't even go past 1000! :shock: You'll have to keep us updated with lots of new pics and let us know how you like the camera:). I don't know much about cameras, but I've heard those digital SLRs are supposed to be really good.

All I know is my compact digital camera is really frustrating with its 3 second focus that blurs pictures when there's the slightest movement :X. I'm curious to know how DSLRs are at focusing on moving objects. You should use Nigel for that test ;)

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