The Bunhalla Buns 2009

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No problem w/ the links! I really like that site and want to get a bunch of stuff there to decorate our bedroom some time.

Thanks, My bunnies are cute :D But really what bunny isn't?
No problem w/ the links! I really like that site and want to get a bunch of stuff there to decorate our bedroom some time.

Thanks, My bunnies are cute :D But really what bunny isn't?

I didn't like the Farmer Dave hay, or I guess I should say that the bunnies didn't like it. I got them 2nd cut timothy hay from there and it was much courser than other kinds 2nd cut I've tried. My bunnies, especially Barnaby, usually like the harder pieces of hay, but not this one. They ate it, but where very picky about what pieces of it they would eat and wasted a ton of it. Because they wouldn't eat it, they kept kicking it all over the floor and stuff - made the bunny room much messier than what I'm use too, and that's really saying something!

Also it was pretty seedy. The seed heads broke open and got little seedy things all over the floor, and it was really a pain to get them off. They stuck all to the rugs that came with the petwerks cage and even after washing them in a washing machine there where still seeds all over them.

I don't know if I just got a bad batch or what, but I got so frustrated with it - One of the reasons I was sooo happy when it was gone! I doubt I'd order from there again.

Oh and just wanted to add that I hope the writing on my pictures isn't too annoying. I post my pictures on a couple of other sites as well as this one and have been having problems with people using my photos without mentioning it to me. I have to find out how to make a nice looking watermark or something, but I stink at that stuff and have to wait until my fiance shows me how to do it.
Hmmm that does sound frustrating :? I'm glad you shared that. I am so happy with Kleenmama at the moment that I can't even think about trying any other hay! I SHOULD probably try Sweet Meadow because of all the wonderful reviews members here have given. Toby is not a huge fan of Kleenmama even though Kirby and I are. So there is still a possibility that my hay search needs to continue!
Your dog reminds me of mine! Willow (mini aussie) is always eating the hay for some reason.
I love the picture with Ziggy and Berry together! They look so similar except for the colours
I want to try Sweet Meadow some time too. I think the shipping might be slightly cheaper since it's in MA, but I'm not sure. I'm really happy with Kleenmama for now, but I like to get them different types of hay and mix them together, and I only saw Timothy and Bluegrass on the Kleenmama site. I think I'll eventually get a few other types from Sweet Meadow and mix them all together.

Willow is a cute name! I usually just let Kit eat some of the hay. I'd rather have him eat the hay then eat the grass outside, since I live in the city I'm pretty sure the grass is probably treated.

Ziggy and Berry are soo cute together. Barnaby is kind of the odd man out as far as looks go. Zigs and Berry match each other so well, but Barnaby is half their size, has up ears instead of lopped, he's got way more fur, and is pretty much a solid color instead of broken like the lops are.
Seems I'm pretty bad at keeping this up to date!

I haven't been feeling very well lately, but that's not really anything new.

Had a small episode with Ziggy last week. I found some weird jelly poop in the cage and guessed it was his because he was acting like he didn't feel good, like how Zeus use to act when he got gassy. I got paranoid and off to the vet we went. It just turned out he had some GI upset. I think I gave them too much greens, which caused him to get gas, which caused him to not feel good and stop eating hay. Poor guy. Well luckily he is back to normal now. He act an insane amount of hay over the weekend and was begging for treats first thing this morning.

Early this morning I woke up to the dog barking. Turns out he was barking at a loud noise coming out of the bunny room. I don't think I've ever moved that fast at 3 in the morning before! I heard the noise and my first thought in my sleepy haze was that maybe someone was hurt or fighting. Well I look in and there's Berry, running around like crazy. She was literally bouncing off the walls doing binkies and running in circles around on the rug. In the almost year that I've had her, I have never seen her look so happy. She's usually pretty laid back compared to the boys. Oh I'll see a binkie here and there from her, but nothing like her display last night. It made me really happy to see that.

This past Sat. was my fiance's birthday. On Friday I decorated the house and made a cake and then when he got out of work I took him out to dinner. When he got home and saw all the decorations he was so happy, he said no one has ever decorated for his birthday before. His actual birthday on Sat. was pretty laid back. We invited his family over but they didn't end up coming since they where all sick with a cold. The cake was soo good, I made a chocolate raspberry cake for the first time, and it won't be for the last!

I got Chris (my fiance) a small gift from the bunnies. Sat. afternoon he went in their room and layed down on the floor with them. They where all climbing all over him and Ziggy wouldn't stop licking him, it was so cute.

Thursday, thanksgiving, is Barnaby's 3rd birthday. I'm glad he won't be 2 anymore. I know it's kind of weird, but since Zeus died when he was 2 I was a little afraid that Barnaby would too. I know it's irrational, but still.
Aww happy early birthday to Barnaby. I understand the irrationality you speak of... It is a relief no matter how irrational a mon's worries are. Moms worry. Whaddya gonna do? :)

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy birthday to your fiancè and Barnaby!

Sounds like an exciting display from Berry. Michiko s a runner/darter/jumper. It's fun to watch, glad you got to see it! :thumbup

Ugh if anyone saw my post in the informatory...Barnaby got a flap of his nose ripped almost completely off by a rabbit I am bunny sitting. Soo I spent a good portion of the night on Tuesday night at the emergency vet, just to have them charge me a fortune and tell me that I just need to let it heal on it's own.

You would think the e-vet would have some kind of frequent flyer's deal, ha. Between the puppy and now with Barnaby, I've been there faaaar to often this year.

Barnaby is doing well. His nose is swollen still but not nearly as bad as it was. He's eating and doing all that normal bunny stuff. Actually the bite didn't really seem to bother him, despite it being all swollen and it looked horrible. His cute little face looks so weird now with his giant swollen nose and the fur around his nose is shaved. Poor guy, just in time for his birthday. Luckily it doesn't really seem to be effecting him.
Poor Barnaby! Some buns can be such bullies.

Hope his nose heals up quick. E-Vets are our worst enemy.
Ugh e-vets are draining my funds worse than usual this year, between the bunnies and the puppy we have been spending a fortune in vet bills.

Barnaby had a good birthday (I hope). I can't believe my baby is 3 years old now. Not old I know, but boy does time fly!

His nose is doing okay. The swelling went down and it's healing. It looks funny on one side, and probably always will now, but he's still adorable of course.

The stupid air filter in the bunny room broke over the long weekend. I need to do research on what kind to get to replace it, and hopefully my fiance will get me one for Christmas. Or if not, I can buy it myself right after the holidays.

I love going into the bunny room. It's so stress releaving. I'll just lay on the floor with them and they all climb all over me. Ziggy has been really kissy lately which is adorable, I've never had a bunny that licked me as much as he has been. Berry is a momma's girl and loves to flop down next to me, and she always tries to follow me around when I get up and walk around.

I'm trying to decide what I should get them for Christmas. I wish I could find more original bunny toys, or make something myself. I haven't gotten any holiday shopping done yet for anyone, so that's something I'll have to start soon!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
I am awful of holiday shopping!

Kirby turned 3 in August. I know what you mean... can't believe they're 3 already. :) Barnaby gave you quite a scare, but glad he is doing well now. Poor baby.
Thanks :)

Here's a picture I took of him, I believe on Monday. You can see where he got hurt on the left side, and his poor nose fur is all shaved. His fur further up looks weird because I took the picture right after washing his face, so his fur was still a bit wet.


It looks sooo much better now then it did the night it happened. I don't think it will be to noticeable once his fur all grows back. Or if it is, oh well. He's cute no matter what!

I'm usually good with Christmas shopping. But this year we're a little short on funds until my fiance gets paid on the 7th. I had to go to the e-vet twice in Nov., once when the dog ate glass Christmas tree lights, and then again with Barnaby the other week. It doesn't help that Chris only gets paid once a month.

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