Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears
Well-Known Member
Thanx Elena. It was a mistake on my part, they were left together a bit to long. But all that matters is she had a healthy litter and the mistake was corrected.
Thanx Elena. It was a mistake on my part, they were left together a bit to long. But all that matters is she had a healthy litter and the mistake was corrected.
If you read that was a litter born years ago.omg new babies! *thud*
:cry1:Today is a very sad day, Monster is deterating on me fast. Just yesterday she could hop a bit. It looks like her nerolgical state is deminishing. There isn't to much left to do but make her comfortable.
I dont want to see her go. :cry1:
I'd to thank Ali for talking to me this morning, she's been helping me thru this hole thing. Hugs to you Ali.
Sorry I didn't mean to confuse you all. I will give Monsters water in the morning in a bowl and allow her to drink. And more when I get home from work. My sister is home 24/7 so she can also give her water.It looks good, but I worry about water.