The Adventures of Fluffy-RIP and Monsters-RIP

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OMG I jsut had a heart attack. I had Monsters out in my room not paying attention to her and I just looked up and I couldn't find her anywhere, not in my room, not in my sisters room, not in the bathroom, kitchen, living room. I looked like 3 times for her everywhere just couldn't see her. So I thought maybe she went behind my dresser which I had out a little ways from the wall, I pulled it away slowly just incase and inch by inch didn't see her untill 1 more inch we saw her laying down not moving and my heart started pounding:nerves1. I quickly picked her up and she looked at me like what?? I had my sister put her to bed immediatly, boy was she unhappy. I gave her some water and hay and she looked at me like she did nothing wrong and wanted out.

Sigh. Scary moment.
I don't want to do this but I think I'm going to close out this blog. The Adventures of Fluffy and Monsters are now continuing over the Bridge. Where I know they are happy.

Once I get settled into our new place I'll take home my other 2 bunnies Smokies and D.C.. They will get there own blog together.

I hope you all understand my decision.

Please post your thoughts about the passing of my 2 beautiful bunnies in Rebecca's Rabbit Warren Tribute all my babies who are at the bridge or in the Rainbow Bridge Announcements Fluffy and Monsters

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