Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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Just FYI everyone....today is day 31 for Nyx and Sophia.

I'm about to start braiding the lionheads' hair for extra luck (just kidding) - but we're keeping our fingers and toes crossed here for safe deliveries (not to forget lots of prayers too).
I should have added, "Dave & Karen....what time in the morning is late enough to call you screaming, "you're a grandparent!!!"?????
No babies yet - but for once - Nyx is laying quietly in her cage and not shaking the door to come out.

The new girls have been "presenting" themselves to the bucks when they are out of their cages and having playtime. Of course - there can't be any breeding through these bars...but it sure is funny to see their tails sticking way up in the air like a dog's.

All of the girls are unhappy with me right now because Hermes got to play most of yesterday and then the youngest litter of babies got playtime with mama (Robin calls them the "tinies") and then the older litters got to play.

Wow - I got to look at some of those babies last night as we scooted them to bed...they're getting HUGE.

Anyway - that's all for now.
I cant't decide who I love more...those SWEET little babies, or the GORGEOUS new girls! Oh well...I guess I love them all!

Truly, Peg, I don't know how you deal with all of that cuteness and beauty! :thud:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Will Yoda be training other young flemmies in the use of the force?
I think he's been trying to do that. At least I hope that is why I saw Nyx running off with a light sabre.

wabbitmom12 wrote:
I cant't decide who I love more...those SWEET little babies, or the GORGEOUS new girls! Oh well...I guess I love them all!

Truly, Peg, I don't know how you deal with all of that cuteness and beauty! :thud:
Sweet little babies...

Hmm....I think I need to update you folks with more pictures soon - those babies aren't exactly "sweet" or little. At nighttime - we have to use the broom to "herd" them to bed and say, "Bedtime". Tonight we had one of them to bed and were about to go looking for the 10th one when he/she heard food and came running. Robin went to herd him towards the cage and he ran past her and gave her a dirty look like, "I know where my bed is....stay out of my way...".

I want to say something about the new girls but I am afraid it will come out wrong. I'm going to try to say it anyway.

I'm speaking right now purely from a breeding standpoint...not about personality - only about body type, color, etc.

Comparing these girls to my girls (except Nyx) are like comparing Time watches to Rolex. The new girls are the Rolex....and Nyx is an "almost-rolex" - possibly a full Rolex. (I can't work with her enough to pose her).

Personality wise - we still need to work with them a bit. Calypso did come to me for a couple of pets today and Harmony and I had to have a "I am the big kahuna bunny" talk where I held her while she fought me and kicked. I explained to her that we don't act like that in this house...and talked quietly to her until she calmed down. For a bit I was afraid she was gonna tear me up - she was furious with me. But - about half an hour later I saw her watching me and I reached out my hand towards her and she let me pet her once...then flicked me off as she hopped away.

The amazing thing for me about the older litter(s) I have from Sophia and Athena are that they are so different - even within the litter. I'm sure most if not all of them are free from dq's...BUT...not all are ones I'd put on the show table. I really need to look at them this weekend...and decide then how many to keep. Of course, Calamity Jane will be staying here.

Well, Nyx is now digging in her nestbox and showing a great deal of interest in it. I'm hoping we have babies by the time I go to bed tonight....at least this is a change from her laying in her cage looking at me like she's tired and miserable (and mad about being caged).
Oh, I hope she is building a nest!!!!!!!! *fingers crossed*

Yeah, Peg, I know what you mean about the babies not being "sweetor little" anymore. It's probably like trying to herd cats! Or a large group of energetic 3 and 4 year olds, lol.

Calypso and Harmony sound like the dynamic duo...watch out! ;) I'm sure they are still adjusting to the changes (we all know how much rabbits hate change!), and even still "recovering" from the plane trip (read: still ticked off about it! :p)

They are so gorgeous...you asked Jose to send you the best, and he did! That's really awesome.

LOL on the Big Kahuna Bunny talk! We've had a few of those around here, too. It IS scary when the rabbit has teeth big enough to bite your nose off (and whatever else they come in contact with...OUCH MY FINGER!!!). Not to mention those sharp nails. I have the scars to prove it...as I am sure you do also!

Heck, what am I talking about?? It's scary to have that talk with any bunny that NEEDS it!! Even our Netherland Dwarves can cop huge attitudes! And those little teeth and nails hurt too!! Those little buggers have strong jaws. God surely gave these prey animals a couple of defense weapons!!

TinysMom wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Will Yoda be training other young flemmies in the use of the force?
I think he's been trying to do that. At least I hope that is why I saw Nyx running off with a light sabre.


Maybe she's planning to use it to intimidate Athena and Sophia (I get ALL of Mom's attention. And you get none. Got that?!)

Or, she's on the hunt for the Baby Daddy: YOU did this to me!! How would you like to have SWOLLEN ANKLES, babiesKICKING you all night and all day, and don't even get me started on the WEIGHT GAIN!?! You better run, buddy! This light sabre has YOUR name on it!

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