Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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I've rearranged my schedule to stay home today (other than an in-town mystery shop that is short).

I just spent some time with Floppy giving her the homemade pedialyte and she loved it and she loved the snuggles she was getting.

She may not feel like fighting right now - but I'm willing ot fight for her life. If I can keep her hydrated and keep the meds going....well...I keep telling myself "maybe" she can make it.

I'm about to look at the other two girls but they seemed to be fine last night. Still keeping them on some meds just in case - for a bit.

I'm really really hoping that between the power of y'alls prayers and my staying home - we can give Floppy the will to live. I am going to do more reading today to see what we can do to get her through this. I've had friends pull rabbits out of this (and really bad cocci too) - so I may contact them if need be.

(Usually the lionheads were so small and go downhill so quickly - I didn't have much time to save them.)

One thing I need to find out is if Floppy makes it through this - could she have further issues down the road - or would she be ok?

If there is a potential for future issues...well...looks like she'll be pampered here. (Such a sad life for her...right?).
She just hopped out of the litterbox I'd had her in (with her hay, etc) and peed (a decent amount) - and now she is grooming herself.

She is looking at me like, 'Would you stop doing a play by play description of what I'm doing and just go away for a bit?' (I was telling Robin what she was doing).

At least she is not as lethargic as she was - even if it means she's frustrated with me a bit.
RIP Floppy....

and no - I'm not handling this well.

As Ali and other friends of mine can tell you - when I lose a rabbit I'm close to - I go through this whole, "I'm never breeding again...I'm rehoming my rabbits...I can't do this anymore" sort of stage. Sometimes it last an hour or so - sometimes longer. Sometimes I pull away from people - othertimes I'm needy and need people.

Right now I'm .... numb...

I saw it coming this morning and I knew she wouldn't make it.

I didn't want to believe it though.

I think I'm gonna go cry.

Right now there are just several things setting me off - this was one of them - another is - well - I can't go into it I guess.

Someone on facebook yesterday was talking about their life and said, "Color me *itchy".

Guess what...I found the color in my crayon box after all. It was right next to a yellow one called....well...I can't name it here.

I think I need more coffee....

And ot think - I was staying home today for Floppy - plus to celebrate Zeus' second Gotcha anniversary.

I think I'll go lay down - put the pillow over my head - and celebrate it that way...

I'm so sorry! :hug:

I know I haven't posted yet but I have been following your blog and was really hoping that little Floppy would pull through.

Binky free Floppy. :pink iris:
I'm so sorry that you lost Floppy.

So many ups and downs seem to come with raising rabbits. I know I couldn't handle the emotional roller coaster. The easiest way to deal with it would be to become numb to it all, although that wouldn't be the best way ethically, if you know what I mean. The fact that after seeing all this heartbreak you can still care deeply about every baby bunny says volumes about you as a person, Peg, and I really respect that. Sorry if that was too personal for a blog post!
Thanks Claire - that means a lot.

Robin pointed out to me this morning (I was talking about how angry I was at something and trying to tell myself to shut up...which I didn't follow)...that I'm angry a LOT lately. She hears me talking to friends on the phone and I'm talking about how angry I am at this or at that - I'm touchy with her and Art.

If any of y'all watch "Bones" - there was a recent episode called "The Devil in the Details" and one person talks about having met the enemy on a daily basis (the devil..sorta) - and that enemy...is within himself.

I think that is the way I'm feeling right now. I'm seeing things inside me and in my actions and attitudes that I don't like at all.

I said things this morning that while I don't regret being upset over something and how its handled...I regret how I worded myself. I regret that I didn't calm myself down and count to 20,000 before I spoke.

I go back and think about what I said...and realize that I meant every word and I still feel that way - but I could have used greater tact...tried to understand things better.

I share all this to say - I don't know if I'm feeling this way partly from breeding the bunnies and all of the losses we've had over the last 8 weeks and the anger is coming out partly from the grief....

...or if something else is eating away at me.

I feel like Meg Ryan in this clip below from You've Got Mail....she's someone who never can say anything when she's upset...nothing at all.

Then...this breakthrough...


and this is what I wound up feeling like...


Anyway - I guess I'm just ... not handling things well. I may need to see the doctor and change onto different meds...or I may just need to deal with some deeper-rooted issues than I was aware of.

For those of you who've contacted me on facebook, email or pms - who understand about depression....thanks so very much. You have no idea how your words of encouragement, love and acceptance have helped me.

Anyway - enough about me....
1. I love Bones!
2. I'm sorry for your losses lately. I really admire what you do with your rabbits. I've never had a large number of animals myself, but I definitely know what it's like to become so attached to an animal (I have to keep reminding myself that the beef heifers we're working with are not mine - not only that, they're beef heifers so either they or their offspring will end up on my plate.)
3. I realize I'm just a silly 19 year old girl, but if there's ever anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to let me know.
Christina- it seems so hard to believe you're 19....I remember when you were still in high school - then I remember your first college acceptance letters and how I said you'd get in everywhere you tried....now you're in college and pretty soon you'll be graduating.

To me - you're not just a "silly 19 year old girl"...you've always shown a great deal of maturity.

After all...you had the sense to love Bones!
Who would like some good news? Anyone?

I had Arlene (animal communicator) work with the two new girls today - to help prepare them for their flight here. It was funny because she was right-on about their personalities without knowing much about them.

One of the things we worked on - were their names. The girls did NOT like their names (neither did I)...and we found some names that they liked.

So...introducing (pictures aren't new - just the names)...






Now their pedigrees will list their "official" names from Juan - and when I get the website done...it will have their "official" names beside them - and underneath that it will have their "barn name" as a nickname.

I love their new names.
NorthernAutumn wrote:
How did they assist in name selection?
I should've known this question would come up.

Ok...I know many people on here are skeptics - I'm hesitant to post - but here is PART of the session we had...there is more in the rest of it- like what toy one of the girls likes (I think Ali plays with it with them) - and their reaction to learning they're supposed to POOP in the litterbox along with pee in it...and their thoughts on Ali...more detailed than what is at the end of what I'm quoting.

Arlene: we need to get together to do the girls
me: sure - whenever works for you
when are they coming again?
me: don't have dates yet - in next 2 weeks I hopepossibly 3 weeks
Arlene: they just might ask medo you want to do it on IM?
ah...um...I don't have dates yet because I need to see if I can ship them together and I've had too many other things to call the local airlineIM works fine Arlene: maybe i could do half of it with just them the explaining partand then the rest
basically - the next time they get put in the small carriers and carried around - they're coming here
Arlene: do you know their personalities?
a bit
one seems to be shyer than the other
LG108 is a hoot...has a more outgoing personality and LG102 is more of a mothering type of personalitylikes to have fun but is more nurturing
: i'm having trouble keeping them apart
she accidentally hurt my friend and then went over later and gave her kisses she seemed to feel bad she'd hurt my friend
108 is the first picture, right?
me: let me grab the email I sent you
The first pictures are of the outgoing girlshe's spunky and a handful
yepthat's the way i was getting it
the second photo is of the girl who is shyer
Arlene: she bounced right over when i introduced myself, ready to talk and the other girl was kind of shy
My biggest thing is I just don't want them to be afraid when it is time to fly here Arlene: she didn't hide but she was more introverted
yep - that is the way they are
whewi hate calling them by numbers
be warned - if 108 was around yo - she'd probably be trying to knock you down to get kisses or run past you to play
neither one likes their names now
me: The active girl is Gayla and the shy girl is GIlda
Gilda hates her nameGayla doesn't care
I love the name Harmony for heror Demeter or Psyche
she likes Harmony
me: I love Harmony for her based on the things my friend has shared
the other names are 'too much' her words me: We thought of Freya or Discordia for Gayla
i've contacted them a couple of timstoday 'Harmony' is a little more outgoig Arlene: outgoing
do you have time now?
me: sure
it seems they are anxious to talk
was just sitting here crying over a bunny we lost this morning (8 week old baby)
awwone of Athena's?maybe now is not a good time then...
me: no - it is fineit will help me
: gayla wants to know if she gets a pretty new name too
Well - we had talked about Freya because is so energetic sometimes though I wonder if she should be PandoraWe're trying to name them after gods/goddesses Arlene: she doesn' like Freya
me: but if she has a name she'd like - I'd be open to it
: right hum...she's thinking
me: we also thought about....oh...its an A name..
she says she wants a name as big as Harmony
Pandora?i askedshe doesn't like Aprodite
there's also Artemis if I remember right
i pointed out to her that Pandora has the same number of letters
Robin just said that Aphrodite's other name was Venus
is the same size is robin who has them now?would she like to join us?or is she a skeptic?
No - RObin is my daughter
oh! ok
I don't think Ali is home right nowhttp://www.paleothea.com/Goddesses.html that is a list of names you could read off to her
Calypso That is a pretty name too
she says most of those names are yucky but she likes Calypso
me: I like Calypso too
she likes the way it sounds, kind of musical
Yes it does I think that Harmony and Calypso would be beautiful names for the girlsif she likes that name
i'll ask she likes it a lot
i think we've got 2 winners
: yeah!Are they happy where they are for right now?
Arlene: i'm usually pretty good at helping with names
When they get here - they will be in Big cages - but they also get several hours of playtime like Alicia tries to give them now
: hum they are showing me a lady with dark hair
Alicia my best friend
they have very loving feelings towards her does Alicia have dark hair? me: yes
ok that must be her then

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