since him and I are at the point that we are, I wish i hadmade notes tomyself, because there was a point that I thought forsurehe was a gonner, and even set myself up for it thinking every moment hewas going to go, but then things started to changeand he was able to take a step with out rolling or flipping every time,and it kept getting better. Since he still retains a bit of atilt, he can loose his ballence, but generally only if he is trying todo something that he hasn't yet remastered with his tilt. Like nearlytipping last night while trying to dig at the side of a box, mindyou it wasn't a box for him it was for packing our stuff, buthe didn't care lol
those stuborn polish rabbitsGabby,
I'm enjoying all the company of the Buck's bunnies, but Tucker won'tlet me near him. I try all the time, but he won't have anypart of me. What a spoiled little thing he is.He'll only let me feed him. I thought for sure that once ortwice, he'd let go of the grudge he's holding, but Not Tucker!
working on trying to be sure i can get a video onlinesomeplace, got my fingers crossed, I'd love foreveryone to see him, might help anyone who has to go through it.