Tell the cottage grove riding club that rabbit cruelty will not be tolerated!

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I never got a response from my email I'm assuming no one else did either.....? I mean, if they think this is so "okay" to do, why aren't they saying anything!?

UHg, I just keep seeing that rabbit being thrown and I want to give that lady a piece of my mind!!!
It won't let me watch the video, but I found another video of it and while I couldn't see a thing you heard the man say "They pulled the fur right off that one"
I've also signed. I couldn't watch after the kids began running.
That's literally a mosh pit of children vs a bunch of baby rabbits. How can anyone see that as Okay?
I wonder how many were injured or even killed. It would be a miracle if there weren't any broken backs or legs.

Poor bunnies would be traumatized for life.
If you really want a reply, contact the district attorney and register a complaint--they do have to investigate. I also sent one to the State Attorney General. I did the same a couple of years ago when that sociopath working at Petland drowned 2 rabbits. I go;t replies from both, but the court and the District attorney were pretty much useless sacks of unprocessed crop food.
Thank you. I found out about this on another site, but there was no email address. I Googled and found out how to contact them directly online from your posting, so thank you for that.
majorv wrote:
E-mail sent!  That really p*ssed me off when the lady tossed the rabbit out from under the trailer.  Geez, what kind of scramble is that?  Most of the rabbits barely ran.  I'd be surprised if none of them got stepped on....that was a MOB of kids!
I thought one did, by an adult just after it was tossed out of the trailer, when they were moving the trailer.
I thought the kids seemed fairly gentle with them after they were caught. I am sure I am in the minority to think, over all, if the adults had not been so rough and mean, it was not that horrible.
I am also not of the mindset that rabbits are super delicate and cannot defend themselves as my rabbits (4 of which appear to be similar size of the bunnies in the rodeo)completely dominate our huge cats and large dog, not to mentioned I have seen them fight with each other (prior to spaying/neutering and over territory). My daughter also had a nasty bite on her face that required glue or stitches, I don't remember.
I would not encourage or support an event like this, however.
majorv wrote:
E-mail sent!  That really p*ssed me off when the lady tossed the rabbit out from under the trailer.  Geez, what kind of scramble is that?  Most of the rabbits barely ran.  I'd be surprised if none of them got stepped on....that was a MOB of kids!
I thought one did, by an adult just after it was tossed out of the trailer, when they were moving the trailer.
I thought the kids seemed fairly gentle with them after they were caught. I am sure I am in the minority to think, over all, if the adults had not been so rough and mean, it was not that horrible.
I am also not of the mindset that rabbits are super delicate and cannot defend themselves as my rabbits (4 of which appear to be similar size of the bunnies in the rodeo)completely dominate our huge cats and large dog, not to mentioned I have seen them fight with each other (prior to spaying/neutering and over territory). My daughter also had a nasty bite on her face that required glue or stitches, I don't remember.
I would not encourage or support an event like this, however.
Cheyrul wrote:
I thought one did, by an adult just after it was tossed out of the trailer, when they were moving the trailer.
I thought the kids seemed fairly gentle with them after they were caught. I am sure I am in the minority to think, over all, if the adults had not been so rough and mean, it was not that horrible.
I am also not of the mindset that rabbits are super delicate and cannot defend themselves as my rabbits (4 of which appear to be similar size of the bunnies in the rodeo)completely dominate our huge cats and large dog, not to mentioned I have seen them fight with each other (prior to spaying/neutering and over territory). My daughter also had a nasty bite on her face that required glue or stitches, I don't remember.
I would not encourage or support an event like this, however.

so, what are you saying? that this is justified because a rabbit bit your daughter's face and she required medical treatment? rabbits will bite if they feel threatened, which 9 times out of 10 is the handler's fault. you say this was "not THAT horrible". so, what, it's only a little horrible? and that's ok? rabbits ARE, in fact, delicate animals. if you handle them inocrrectly, you can break their back. you as a rabbit owner should know that. if you "would not encourage or support an event like this", why are you defending it :? :X
Where did you get that from? I just stated I do not believe rabbits are as delicate and defenseless as most here do.

The rabbit that bit my daughter was indeed threatened ... by another rabbit, who is usually very docile bunny. My daughter, who was 9 at the time, did exactly as I would have, she scooped up the 5 mo old rabbit and instinctively snuggled him to her chest, apparently she was so quick, Max never knew it and was still fighting off Cookie. Neither the kid or rabbit were to blame, it just happened.
I've also had to separate my rabbits from attacking my 10+ pound cats, not because the fat lazy cats or kitten were harassing the cats but because the rabbits sometimes are in the bunnies' "space". By space, it sort of varies leaving the cats completely clueless. Sometimes Snowball is fine with the cats being in my bedroom, sometimes she is not, it seems to depend whether or not she wants my or my husband's attention. Same with Squishes, she sometimes is okay with Pudge sharing her cage or even laying with her, sometimes she chases him so fiercely she leaves tufts of his leg hair flying.
Beelzabunny decided to roost a sleeping Pudge off the sofa (I assume because he was too close to me and I had been scruffing her head), Pudge literally flew, I do mean soared across the room with a 3.5 pound rabbit attached to his butt. She, the rabbit did fall off about 4' from the sofa and probably dropped 2.5 feet. She would have probably seriously hurt the cat had it not been for his thick dense coat.
Where did you get that from? I just stated I do not believe rabbits are as delicate and defenseless as most here do.

The rabbit that bit my daughter was indeed threatened ... by another rabbit, who is usually very docile bunny. My daughter, who was 9 at the time, did exactly as I would have, she scooped up the 5 mo old rabbit and instinctively snuggled him to her chest, apparently she was so quick, Max never knew it and was still fighting off Cookie. Neither the kid or rabbit were to blame, it just happened.
I've also had to separate my rabbits from attacking my 10+ pound cats, not because the fat lazy cats or kitten were harassing the cats but because the rabbits sometimes are in the bunnies' "space". By space, it sort of varies leaving the cats completely clueless. Sometimes Snowball is fine with the cats being in my bedroom, sometimes she is not, it seems to depend whether or not she wants my or my husband's attention. Same with Squishes, she sometimes is okay with Pudge sharing her cage or even laying with her, sometimes she chases him so fiercely she leaves tufts of his leg hair flying.
Beelzabunny decided to roost a sleeping Pudge off the sofa (I assume because he was too close to me and I had been scruffing her head), Pudge literally flew, I do mean soared across the room with a 3.5 pound rabbit attached to his butt. She, the rabbit did fall off about 4' from the sofa and probably dropped 2.5 feet. She would have probably seriously hurt the cat had it not been for his thick dense coat.
I also DID NOT defend anything!I said I thought the kids were mostly gentle once a rabbit was caught and the adults were horrible, how is that defending them?

Sorry, I have kids and I have rabbits. I must have particularly tough and hardy rabbits because as of yet not one of my 7 kids, who have ADHD, Tourette's and varying degrees of autism (not all of them)or 4 cats or dog have ever injured them.
Cheyrul wrote:
I also DID NOT defend anything!I said I thought the kids were mostly gentle once a rabbit was caught and the adults were horrible, how is that defending them?

Sure, when they were caught, but I saw at least 3 rabbits nearly get trampled and that one that was bolting away and chased down eventually was obviously terrified.

Just because it doesn't result in physical injury does not mean there is no trauma. I doubt those rabbits will make very good kids pets simply for how they were treated during this event. I think I would be terrified if I saw that mob of children.

I think kids and rabbits CAN work, SOMETIMES. Nova went to a home with a very responsible child. BUT I will never, ever promote an event such as this one. It is irresponsible, abusive and flat out disgusting.

I realize people love their kids (And I want to clarify so there is no misunderstanding, this is not directed at you Cheryl) but it never ceases to amaze me what abuse people will force animals to go through just to amuse them. We perform at Pet Expo and every year they have petting zoos and pony rides, both things I do NOT support. The animals look absoloutly miserable and it seems like parents and people are so blind to it because it makes their kid happy. Why should one go through misery to make children happy? Give them a bubble gun, I'm sure they'll be just as amused, probably for even longer then an animal can offer, and no one has to get hurt.

It's that kind of thinking, that nothing is more important then a child's "happiness", that causes this sort of thing to happen. Sure, it's not done out of malicious intent. But it is completely irresponsible. But I guess the people at this rodeo just don't give a ****.

...Then again, it's a rodeo, so that right there says how important animal care is to them. Speaking as someone who rides and has seen the other side of rodeo then the public, I've seen how some of those animals are treated. All for the sake of entertainment.
Our rabbits seem to love our kids, they even seek them out. Squish in particular loves the youngest, who is 8, so she has been with him since he was 7. Should he fall asleep on the floor or sofa when she is out, she lays beside him or digs on him to get him to love on her.
I think kids and animals go very well together but we also teach our kids to respect our pets and not mistreat them.
I've also taken our bunnies, the more social ones, to our church to let the kids (of all ages) play and pet them. Again, it is well supervised. I believe if children and people are not exposed to animals, they will be kinder to people and animals.
I think we can all agree that a "giveaway" could have been done in a manner that was less stressful and much safer for the bunnies involved. My real concern is, how many bunnies got a real forever home?
Nancy McClelland wrote:
I think we can all agree that a "giveaway" could have been done in a manner that was less stressful and much safer for the bunnies involved. My real concern is, how many bunnies got a real forever home?
Ive been avoiding this so i dont say nasty things and speak maturally on the subject...but they think they "saved" them off a meat slaughter truck and so they should get a pat on the back. These rabbits suffered major injuries I am sure that led to a slow painful death because parents dont see them worth being taken to a vet...if they let their kids chase down a random rabbit to bring home I doubt they give a poop about them.

They would have been better on that meat truck where I hope they would be butchered quickly than this devastating event.
The rabbits were bread specifically for this event, they never needed to be in existance. If they shut down the event then they won't contract with the breeders for more. I don't understand what kind of breeder would have agreed to supply animals for this kind of event.
ones who get paid for it. theres good and theres bad people for every situation. sometimes people get greedy and the ethical part of them goes out the door for a bit of green. they all looked like mutt rabbits too so its possible it was a meat breeder and they were requested and he filled the order.

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