My rabbit loves to escape out of her pen. Her pen is 4x6 ft and 20 inches high. My bun is a 2 1/2 pound dwarf hotot.
Escape # 1: She was thumping all over because I was wiping something up in her pen and was running and zig-zagging all over. Almost made it over one time, and her second attempt she got over the top. Then I had to chase bun around my room to put her back in.
Escape # 2 I went to go take a shower and told my mom to babysit Snowball in my room. (Since we know she can escape and she pees now in her pen.). My mom went to her bedroom to put her p.j.s on and my brother calls out from the living room saying, "Is someone watching the rabbit?" Apparently, he had heard a loud noise. My mom went running to my room and the rabbit was coming toward her by the door. She went to go grab her and she started running the other way.
Escape # 3. My boyfriend and I were sitting on my bed babysitting bun when my b/f decided to be funny and push me down. Snowball comes hurdling over the top of the pen and landed on the ground right next to us on the bed! I was like omg! I don't think she liked him touching me or she was trying to protect me lol.
Escape # 4 I was doing tricks with Snowball in her pen. Right now I'm getting her to stand on her feet for alfalfa hay. When I had turned to get her hay container, my b/f said she walked a few steps on her hind legs! I decided to take a break for a few. Then I started training with her again. This time I had put the hay container on my bed. So I turned to grab it and as soon as I opened it, Snowball comes jumping over the top. (I guess she was excited about her treat!) My b/f said he saw her do it....she jumped straight up to the top and wiggled herself over. I'm kinda worried about her hurting herself on the metal though. I kept wondering if she would take running jumps and that's how she got out, but I guess she does both now! (The first incident was a running jump)
When she has jumped out and landed by me on the bed, then I scoop her up and start cuddling with her. She starts purring with her teeth. I guess she wanted to see her mama! lol. And I guess I'm unintentionally rewarding her, but what can I do? If I want to leave her in my room for a bit and go do other things, I'm going to have to find some type of cover to put on the top.
Those are some of my funny naughty bun stories !! :devil