Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I just thought since a lot of us use this site we could all get to know eachother and see eachothers rabbits so this is a thread that will give you a chance to tell me about yourselves! Post a picture of your rabbits and tell me about them! Tell me a fun fact about yourself! I'd like to get to know you all! 
I'm Michelle and I live in Nova Scotia Canada with my two beautiful buns ! Thumper and Willow. Thumper is a 6 month old broken blue dwarf rabbit who loves to do the opposite of what I want him to do. And he loves to chew on things he shouldn't! But he's also very loving and silly. Willow is a mini rex/ mini lop crossbreed. She's our newest addition. She's 3 months old and I don't know what her colour is. She's very docile and LOVES to chew on her toys and hide in her hidey houses. She's the opposite of Thumper. She's very quiet but kind of skittish but will warm up to us in time!
Fun fact about me! I have a buckskin American Quarter Horse named Dakota! She's my bigger baby that most people don't know about! Fun fact about her is in the summer her dapples come out!

I'm Michelle and I live in Nova Scotia Canada with my two beautiful buns ! Thumper and Willow. Thumper is a 6 month old broken blue dwarf rabbit who loves to do the opposite of what I want him to do. And he loves to chew on things he shouldn't! But he's also very loving and silly. Willow is a mini rex/ mini lop crossbreed. She's our newest addition. She's 3 months old and I don't know what her colour is. She's very docile and LOVES to chew on her toys and hide in her hidey houses. She's the opposite of Thumper. She's very quiet but kind of skittish but will warm up to us in time!
Fun fact about me! I have a buckskin American Quarter Horse named Dakota! She's my bigger baby that most people don't know about! Fun fact about her is in the summer her dapples come out!