Tell me about yourselves and your rabbits!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
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Hi everyone! I just thought since a lot of us use this site we could all get to know eachother and see eachothers rabbits so this is a thread that will give you a chance to tell me about yourselves! Post a picture of your rabbits and tell me about them! Tell me a fun fact about yourself! I'd like to get to know you all! :)

I'm Michelle and I live in Nova Scotia Canada with my two beautiful buns ! Thumper and Willow. Thumper is a 6 month old broken blue dwarf rabbit who loves to do the opposite of what I want him to do. And he loves to chew on things he shouldn't! But he's also very loving and silly. Willow is a mini rex/ mini lop crossbreed. She's our newest addition. She's 3 months old and I don't know what her colour is. She's very docile and LOVES to chew on her toys and hide in her hidey houses. She's the opposite of Thumper. She's very quiet but kind of skittish but will warm up to us in time!

Fun fact about me! I have a buckskin American Quarter Horse named Dakota! She's my bigger baby that most people don't know about! Fun fact about her is in the summer her dapples come out! ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879461.319681.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879491.218424.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879521.623207.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879558.055119.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879664.966923.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391879775.449859.jpg
Hi! I don't have my bunnies yet, they are too young to leave their mommy. So i am waiting :)

But I go by Sam (full name is Samantha which is a nice name, but I don't care for it on me) I have been going by Sam (or Sammy) fro so long, I barely bat an eye if someone calls me by my full name.

Hmm, a fun fact.. my absolute favorite animal is horses! Always have been, and more than likely always will be. I had quarter horse a few years back named Sassy (reg. Sassy Bars Dream) Lost my job, so I had to rehome her. But she was the absolute love of my life. ( i added a picture of her )

I will update with the bunnies when I get them :)

And, your bunnies are very cute! Your horse is too :) I love the way buckskins look!

Hi all, my name is Becky. We are getting our bunny next Saturday!! He or she is 1/2 Flemish Giant, 1/4 English Lop, 1/4 New Zealand, gotta think of a cute name for that mix. I have had 2 mini lops in the past (Oreo and Hannah).

"Fun fact".....hmmm, I'll give you a few, I'm a lefty, been married for 26 years, have 3 wonderful boys one of whom was born with a chromosome disorder (he has too much "goop" on his #15 chromosome), we tell everyone he is Autistic because the symptoms are almost exactly the same but he is extreamly friendly. He is 17 physically but in all other areas is basically a 10 year old (reads at a 4th grade level, math at 4th grade level), also he doesn't talk too much. He is in a very specialized class with 4 other boys who are autistic. He is a joy, but very challanging at times too.
Hi I'm Danielle! We have one black polish buck who is almost 6mos old. His name is Mason.

Fun Fact: I'm a mom of 1 beautiful 10 yr old who is the owner of our bun. She's showing him in 4-h in 8 days. I also have 1 dog an American Pit Bull Terrier, 3 cats Chlio,Grimalkin and Magick. And my daughter also has two parakeets. Shylie and Horus. I like to crochet!

Hey All!
I'm Jessica, Jess is preferred ;)

My two lovely Bunnies are Chive, the 9month old Lionhead (Female) and Murphy the 7-8yr old Holland Lop! Chive is a little brat, but far too cute for words. And Murphy was my very first pet! He is very bonded to me, and doesn't really like anyone else.

I also own TONS more pets! 3 dogs, 4 Gargoyle Geckos, 6 Crested Geckos, 1 African Fat Tail Gecko, 1 Bearded Dragon and 1 Betta fish... :blushan:


Hi I'm Tammy...

I had 2 rabbits when i first joined but now i am down to 1...Stewie is a mini lop/mini rex mix i and guessing...Not sure i know he is mini lop/? lol...He's such a character...He's only young not quite sure but i'm guessing 6 months old he was supossed to be from Meadow's last litter..(Meadow is the bun that i lost recently due to complications)..He's just being a lil stinker the last day or two..not surprising though..He has taken to coming up to me and getting up on my leg pawing at me then stsrts nipping me...Not sure what that's all about but we are battling over it right now actually as i am posting lol..He's sooo funny :)..But i will win this war haha...I also have another love in my longtime friend and companion Gizmo <3....I have had her 7 1/2 years now right from the day she was born..Gizmo is 3/4 Russian Blue and 1/4 Siamese...She seems to be quite entertained by Stewie but not sure if she likes him or not yet lol.

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These are bad pics the camera doesn"t take good pics...The pic of Stewie was when i first got him here..He's been here over a month and seems to have gotten a lil better looking than he was there..The pic of Giz is from a while ago too...In her old age she doesn't seem to like her pic taken will get some fresh ones to post of Stewie soon :)
Hi, my name is Harriette and I am the proud mama of a bunny boy called Bailey, who is a lop cross bunny with a marking pattern called Broken. I love him very much; he is a big diva, always keeping himself spotless, "cleaning up" my room by digging away anything in the way that he doesn't like, and acting very macho when he really feels skittish. He is affectionate and easy-going with me. He is even good with my dogs! I am also very proud that he has won a magazine photo competition with his fancy looks. He's a wonderful bunny :) I rescued him from a nearby pound and have never regretted this as he has brought great joy and giggles (and a new bunnies-on-the-brain obsession) to me. Your lop bunny looks so much like mine when he was younger! :)

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Cool thread idea! :)

I'm Charlotte, 22, and I live in Western Australia. Moved here from Queensland nearly three years ago now. I live with my boyfriend and two housemates and work a pretty average job, but eventually aiming to work in video games marketing. I am a bunny mama to my little darlings Felix (black Netherland dwarf) and Clementine (seal point mini lop).



I like playing video games in my spare time! I also run a YouTube channel where I talk about video games but I haven't really been updating that recently. I like piercings and tattoos but I try to keep it not too intense myself - right now I'm at 3 facial piercings and 3 tattoos, but I'm already planning a couple more tattoos for sometime later this year. I'm getting a sewing machine soon and learning how to sew, and I also like lazing on the couch and watching TV shows. Right now I'm pretty into Law & Order SVU and Daria, and I just finished watching Attack on Titan.

Here is a picture of me trying to take a bite of food after I got my most recent lip piercings. :p



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