Teach Your Hoomin How to Sew a Snuggle Sack

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My hoomin hasn't made me anyfing yet... =(

But I'm tryin' to talk her into a snuggle sak now. Her says her doesn't have a sewin' mahshein...

Can you git yer hoomin to tell ma hoomin how to maked da hammok?

MagnoliaDee wrote:
. Her says her doesn't have a sewin' mahshein...

dis real disgrace. yer hoomin can do sewin wiv her paws - like what mine does too - she got old timey sewin machine and it real heavy - she cant lift it - and forgets to ask other hoomins to lift it on to table for her.

dont lissen to excuses - you iz a bun and yer hoomin shood make wat ever you wants made;)

luv roxy