Hi, one of my three bunnies had his snuffles about a month ago and I used chamomile tea to clean his nose, and then filled their bottles with it, I wouldn't say he liked it but had some probably thought it is his water, after that he was coming back to bottle and didn't want to drink so I gave him his water back, but he had about 30 ml of it and next day he was fine, of course I gave some extra warm it was generally cold and home too. So one didn't like it, other too, but my lop girl really liked it about 150 ml.
I drink herbal teas too and growing some herbs in backyard and when I got rabbits I've googled what herbs are good for them, and giving them sometimes. They like mint and thyme anytime, Leo loves dried nettle I give him 3-4 leaves he's very happy, they all liked dried mustard greens, fresh basil, dried plantago, only Smokey liked sage the other two didn't want it. Dried lavender I googled is very good relaxing for them, they liked it too especially Smokey.
I think mint tea should be good for them, even mint added to dry pellets, I will make some mint tea too