HI Tina : Thanks ever somuch for bringing Tank on her last leg ofthe journey . Some day the Powers willingwe should all get together andhave a Tank Reunion , Of Course Miss Diva Butt willbe center of attention .
As I go back through old postsand witness some of her behavior When Rose had herthe first time , The Biting ,the Bullying , the Not wanting tobe touched and or handled , andRead what is being said of hertemperment and personality now .
I sit here and have no choice but to think , thiswas a destiny this rabbitshould have, She is on her fourthHandler and NO ONE has been bitten orbullied extensively . It is unbelievablethat a Rabbit coming from suchhorrendouse conditions as Rose found her inthe first time , could turn aroundand be such a well mannered, well tempered Rabbit , Anyone whohasnt followed this thread and the onesbefore it on Tank would'nt believethe complete turn around this Rabbit has made .
Some of us have had more than a share ofvicious rabbits , tempermental rabbits and totallyaloof rabbits . Tank fell into all three catagories Beforeshe Started her journey . Tank Never was a Demon Rabbit ,Though She had Demon owners , Iam hopefull she has learned to forget theBad of before, and look forward to ahappy life here .
Rose , Angela , Mr Stee , Tina , and Sharon , All 5 ofyou have made a huge impact onthis One Rabbits life , HerLife was changed the MomentRose took her out of that place , herlifes impact was stengthened on her second leg ofthe journey , and againstrengthendby Each personon each leg .
The one thing all 5 of you have taught this Rabbit is :
While the world throws dirt at you ,There is always Some People out there thatwill throw you Love and Security just asfreely .