Well-Known Member
Oh they sure are beautiful. I have seen the picsof the orange ones but I sure love your colouring. I sure hope thatthese guys don't become rare.
Coat is a bit roughdue possibly to molt , I amcovered in hair .
Rose : GET THIS !!!!!
Zach the 2 year old stuffedhis fingers through her cage wires beforeanyone could stop him , and allshe did was mouthhis fingers , NEVER offered to bite himat all , matter of fact she was runningback and forth in the cage trying to getHim to pay attention to her .
Ditto - she was surprisingly docile when I had to get straw out of hereyes on the trip down. She seems to respect a good handlinggrip.Honestly, although I have a few scratches Tank wasn't thatbad. She just needs a firm hand and to feelsupported.
naturestee wrote:Ditto - she was surprisingly docile when I had to get straw out of hereyes on the trip down. She seems to respect a good handlinggrip.Honestly,although I have a few scratches Tank wasn't that bad. Shejust needs a firm hand and to feel supported.
I know! You need to clip her nails in the back of a vehicleas someone else is driving. Catch her off guard.
She's a cute little grouch sometimes. I still have half apackage of hydrox cookies in the back of my car from whenatheoretically sleeping Tankbolted out ofhercarrier, seized the package and hauled it back in to the carrier withher. (Eww.) For future reference... don'ttry to take a cookie out of a rabbit's mouth. ROWWR!
She's a cute little grouch sometimes. I still have half apackage of hydrox cookies in the back of my car from whenatheoretically sleeping Tankbolted out ofhercarrier, seized the package and hauled it back in to the carrier withher. (Eww.) For future reference... don'ttry to take a cookie out of a rabbit's mouth. ROWWR!