Tail of a Fuzzy Bunny

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i love that he goes for walk with you! that is so cute! if i tried to put a harness on winnie i am sure i would be missing flesh by the end of it all lol!
how are thiiiings with you all???
i dont have any advice about him, but i hope he starts feeling better
Gus is feeling better now. Thank goodness! It turns out he doesn't tolerate Chinese broccoli very well (I bought it think it was bok choy! Oops! :p).Some Ovol drops cleared it right up.

I've alsomade him a NIC play pen and hereally enjoys playing outside init!


Mmm! Nummy hay!

Oh that is good! I'm glad he's doing better. You know, that time outside with the hay may be really good for him! Randy was saying how unfiltered sunlight can be really good for bunnies--it helps with vitamin D production, which helps with how they process calcium, which can be an issue for some bunnies. :)
Thanks, Claire!

I'll admit, I did feel a little guilty sending him outside to eat hay. But he really seems to love it!

I rearranged his pen so it now encloses the patio off the dining room, so now he can go in and out of the house as much as he likes. Usually, after breakfast, I let him out for a bit (I've found he's more interested in sleeping in the afternoon, but I'm looking forward ).His hay is in a small Rubbermaid bin (so I can put the lid on it at night so it doesn't get wet) and he'll spend a few minutes therenibbling. Then he'll suddenly binky and run full speed around his pen a few times! I gave him a cardboard tube (one of those concrete forms, cut in half) and he'll run back and forth through that, then hop over it a few times. Then he's done and he's back to nibbling hay again. Wash,rinse, repeat.:)

He's still getting used to all the new sights and sounds, though. So he only stays out for short periods before he's back at the door,with his paws on the glass, wanting to be let back in. Of course,pretty much as soon as I close the door behind him, he wants back out again! (And, of course, I let him out! :p)

Today the security helicopters (for the upcoming Olympics) flew over and he was at the back door in an instant, begging to be let in! But he wanted back out again as soon as they were gone!

I'm sure, by the time spring is here, he'll be used to the cars, barking dogs, screaming kids, lawn mowers, sirens, helicopters, etc. etc. that can be heard aroundour neighbourhoodon a regular basis. Then, I have a feeling,hewon'tWANT tocome back inside at all! ;)

hehe, yeah, that sounds so much like White Chocolate. She would have lived outside in her playtent if she could.
Once she actually thumped on my chest when we brought her back in, she was soooo not ready to come in yet, LOL.
Hehe! I guess, like people, some bunnies are just more "outdoorsy" than others! ;)

I just noticed I forgot to finish my thought above! I meant to say: "But I'm looking forward to thelong evenings of summer, when we can go relax in the backyard with a cool drinkwhile he plays!"

Hehe! I still can't get over that he missed my hubby. I mean, this is the guy who jokes about rabbit stew and threatens to "get rid of him" whenGus doessomething naughty or destructive. (He's never serious, of course!) Hedoesn't seem to beattached to Gus the waythe boys and I are. So funny that Gus would still miss him!

Okay, I need to vent a bit here:

In October, I had to make a short notice trip to my in-laws. I arranged for my sister-in-law to feed and check on Gus while I was away. It was just supposed to be a one night trip, but it turned into two. Anyway, I think my sister-in-law did a good job of feeding Gus, etc. but all the same, when we got home, he wasn't eating his poops were tiny and it took a good 4-5 days to get him over it.

So, the beginning of January, we go over to Vancouver Island to visit my brother and his family. I tell him "I want to bring Gus. Last time we went away, we came home to him not eating and I think it'd be less stressful for him to come with us." They have a small dog (Yorkshire Terrier), but she's the hugest wuss. So I wasn't too worried about her. I had thought that if we put the rabbit in the play room downstairs in his x-pen (with a vinyl shower curtain underneath, in case his litter habits slipped or whatever) with a baby gate up at the end of the hall, that would keep the dog away from the rabbit. Gus could stay in his pen for the weekend, but still be with"his people" so he wouldn't get all stressed out missing us.

My brother says, "Well, no, we don't have space. My wife's allergic. What about the dog? etc. etc. If you really can't find anybody, I guess we could put him in the garage, but please don't bring him." So Gus stays home. We get some friends to come feed him (they live only a block away vs. my sister-in-law who lives on the opposite side of town). Anyway, we come home and Gus is off his food again PLUS he's somehow sprained his foot over the weekend!

So I have to take Gus into the vet and get his foot checked! $55 later... :(

So, this weekend we were thinking of going up to my in-laws again. So I ask if Gus can come with us. I explain how thetwo trips we've taken, we came home to him not eating and that the last time he'd sprained his foot, etc. etc.Andcould he stay in their laundry room in his pen with the baby gate up across the door to keep their small dog (poodle/bichon/shitzu X) out? They have a cat too, but it's an even bigger wuss than my brother's Yorkie. They say, "We don't think the cat will use the litter box if the rabbit's in the laundry room." So I ask if he could stay in their heated garage. I get a reply back (we were emailing): "Please don't bring your rabbit. I'm sure you can find someone who can take care of it."

What the heck? These people all bring their dogs when they travel! They don't seem to think anything of it! But I ask to bring one measily little rabbit (who'd stay in his pen the whole trip!) and they think it's this big deal!

The next time ANY of them ask to stay with us and bring their dog . . . "Well, I'm sorry, guys, but the rabbit doesn't like dogs. You can come stay with us, but you can't bring your dog."

This is me right now:


ugh. i know how you feel. Fallow gets kinda like that if im gone for the weekend. he pouts and wont touch his water, digs in the food, and is pretty much a terror when i finally do get home.
people see rabbits as just like a hamster or something, i dont understand why theyd be so bothered by you bringing a rabbit.

personally...i feel strongly about some things. and i am stubborn. i would say ok well then if my rabbit isnt allowed then apparently you dont want to see me that bad.
horrible to say but hey...might get you somewhere.

thats ridiculous that their all being like that.
funnybunnymummy wrote:
What the heck? These people all bring their dogs when they travel! They don't seem to think anything of it! But I ask to bring one measily little rabbit (who'd stay in his pen the whole trip!) and they think it's this big deal!

The next time ANY of them ask to stay with us and bring their dog . . . "Well, I'm sorry, guys, but the rabbit doesn't like dogs. You can come stay with us, but you can't bring your dog."
That is exactly the right thing to say. What a double-standard!

You could phrase it as "I'm sorry, but you chose not to accomodate my pet... I know you are a fair, unhypocritical person, and would not want to have a double standard in our relationship."
^ an impossible point to dispute without saying that you ARE a hypocrite ;) :D

If they think a little rabbit is an outlandish travel companion, they should see my aunt.. takes her betta with her, wherever she goes! He's a great little traveller :)

An easier route for you might be to get a cage (large petstore version), and have that be Gus's space when you guys are travelling. Simply bring him in the car, and pop him in the room you are staying in. These folks might see it as less "work" than making x-pen arrangements.

I am also :grumpy:... nose rubs to Gus (and :hug: to you).
Thanks, guys.

I think I could understand it better if they didn't have pets. But since they do (and travel with them!), I just don't get it! He's just a little rabbit! He'd stay in his pen (especially with the dogs around) and just do his rabbity things (y'know, bathe, sleep, eat... ;)). But at least I'd be able to watch what he's eating, etc. so I don't have to nurse him through borderline stasis every time we go away for a weekend. (I don't even want to think about goingaway for a week! :shock:)

Blah. What can you do?

Anyway, we may not be making the trip after all. I've been nursing a cold all week and it feels like it's turning into an ear/sinus infection. And there's no way I'm going over the Coquihalla with an ear/sinus infection--antibiotics or not!:grumpy:<--- BTW, I love this grumpy face. It's so expressive of how I feel right now. :p

Been awhile since I updated this! But things have been quite busy the last few weeks.

We did decide to take the weekend trip we were planning. My ear infectioncleared up and my sister-in-law offered to give Gus extra-special care while we were gone. So we packed up and went. She really did a great job taking care of him. Let him out to play and everything.She evensent me twice daily text messages with updates too. :)

We came home and he was just fine. What a relief! He was a little miffed we'd left him for the weekend and showed it by giving us the big bunny butt, but otherwise was in perfect health.

My father-in-law also apologized for not having the rabbit. He didn't think it'd be a big deal, but his wife did. :grumpy:

Anyway, then, not even three days later, we get a phone call from my brother that my great-uncle had died and so wehad anotherweekend away (I was glad I hadn't completely unpacked from the previous weekend!). Fortunately, my sister-in-law took care of the boys and the bunny and everyone was happy and healthy when we got home. In fact, Gusactually didn't seem to have missed us much at all! Little stinker!

Anyway, I'm very much relieved that we can, in fact, leave Gus for a weekend without him going into stasis. I'm still not too sure what happened that first weekend back in October, but I suspect the sprained foot was the source of hisgoing off his foodthe second time we went away.

Part of me would still like to take him travelling with us (he's such an adventurous rabbit, I think he'd actually enjoythe experience!), but I know it's much easier to just leave him at home with good care.

On another topic: Keeping the hay outside seems to be working well for all of us too. As I predicted, Gus LOVES going outside now and sometimes I have to chase him back into the house! (So glad Iset up his pen soI don't have to carry him in and out!)He was actually lounged out SLEEPING under the barbeque the other day! I never thought I'd see him doing that!

He's also gotten more adventurous going out the front door. We really have to watch that it's closed because he will sneak out! Once the boys left the doorajar and he was already over in the neighbour's yard by the time I realized he was gone! (I was watching TV when it occurred to me, "Hey, where's the rabbit? Hey, did the boys close the front door?" :shock:) Fortunately, he hadn't gone too far, and as soon as he spotted me he high-tailed it back to the house. Even before I could say, "You get back inside!"

Another Gus update: he likes OREOS!!! We bought a package of Oreos and were eating a few on the couch after dinner and Gus just about mauled me trying to geta cookieout of my hand! I've never seen him like that unless we've got a treat he knows is for him! (Craisins, banana chips, etc.) I did give in and gave him a tiny piece and he ate it with such relish I can only think he's had them before! :pDitto chocolate chips. Had a few of them a day or two later and just about got mauled again! What a silly rabbit!

Anyway, he won't be getting much of either. I know chocolate is poison to dogs and cats, so I can only imagine it is for rabbits too. (Though I wonder if he could eat carob? I know I used togive my hamster carob treats and she LOVED them!)

And finally: Gus isgoing through the NEVER ENDING moult!(Please make it end!)


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