Tabetha is going to the vet on Wednesday

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
, New York, USA
Tabetha has been losing her balance and fallingover as if her back feet are giving out on her. she still puts weighton them but i need to know what happened. she has been doing this moreand more. she zones out and rocks back and fourth sometimes. i hopethis isnt to serious. also when you touch a certain spot onher ears she starts tensing up which may be an ear infection orsomething.
You'll be in my prayers - let us know what it is!

What a good bunnymom you are to get her to the vet!

tabetha was very good at the vet and was absolutley fine with the vethandling her however she was a little skittish with the assistanthandling her. she weighed 3 lbs. 8 ounces. and her temp was 100.2
Tabetha has a very slight head tilt and some neurological problems. Thevet also says that it may be pasturella. tabetha has a puffy ear drumon her left side. she will be on baytril for 30 days.
so hopefully the meds do something,
ps i just gave her her first dose and she hated the taste but she got a carrot right after.
Are you starting to see a diffrence??. eventhough its onyl thursday. Is it a pill or liquid you have to give herbecasue my mom had a dog and he had to take pills so i kow good ways tohideing them. and also if its liquid
Come Onnnnnn Tabitha and Baytril!


I'm praying and thinking of you both.


sas :clover::pray::clover:
well this morning i took tabetha out of her cageand held her up as if she was standing up on her hind legs and she isnot putting any force on her right leg. it just slides out under herand she falls to the left.
I'm sorry that I didn't see this threadsooner! Does her head tilt look worse? Or was shedoing this a few days ago too? If it has gotten worse,perhaps you should go back to the vet? I know what you meanabout her not liking the Penelope is on it now too forslight head tilt and she hates it, she fights like crazy when we try togive it to her. I hope Tabetha is okay, please keep usupdated.
her tilt is very slight you can hardly see it. it is just that she doesnt put force on her right leg and falls to the left.
well she was getting better and now its hard forher to stand up. shes due back tpo the vet wednesday. i have been doingsome research and cant find anything.:( so i guess i will have to waituntill weds.

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