Well-Known Member
So people who have read about my last post know my mini rex juno is biting. We all know if dominance as she's at that nearly 5 months mark.
You also know I live with parents who have policed my pet keeping: stopping me spaying. This will unfortunately NOT change- I've tried for years (different rabbits obviously).
So I have a dominant bun, again.... Last buns that did this needed to be told that they are not in charge for obvious reasons. I will still get bit when I need with silly stuff but that's inevitable. But it's not the bad biting over everything.
I tried that "saying no". It does nothing. So I'm going back to head pushing. It works for the others.
So what about fear of stroking head?- What I've discovered.
Regardless of association shes crazy with petting anyway?
I know some buns are funny when petting out of hutch, she is when in hutch.
So it seems, I can't let aggression slide as it's getting worse (thinks getting away with it)
My solutions:

Geez it's always so complicated when you can't spay! But I have to make do with this strategy as otherwise I can't have rabbits.
That can't happen as it's my special interest and only reason I keep doing (literally).
Writing post as it reinforces my plan to myself.
the turd in question, Juno

So people who have read about my last post know my mini rex juno is biting. We all know if dominance as she's at that nearly 5 months mark.
You also know I live with parents who have policed my pet keeping: stopping me spaying. This will unfortunately NOT change- I've tried for years (different rabbits obviously).
So I have a dominant bun, again.... Last buns that did this needed to be told that they are not in charge for obvious reasons. I will still get bit when I need with silly stuff but that's inevitable. But it's not the bad biting over everything.
I tried that "saying no". It does nothing. So I'm going back to head pushing. It works for the others.
So what about fear of stroking head?- What I've discovered.
Regardless of association shes crazy with petting anyway?
- When pet on head for a while she was great
- Now she's not again? She Yoyo at best.
- She was fine with petting sides before
- Now she's attacking when my hand touches a shoulder side?
I know some buns are funny when petting out of hutch, she is when in hutch.
So it seems, I can't let aggression slide as it's getting worse (thinks getting away with it)
My solutions:
- She needs petting outside of hutch (when longer duration)- makes sense as it's neutral ground to her
- Short little pet to say hello in morning- but not nagging(more pets), winds her up and make a aggression worse
- When she does bite - push head down. Buy Leave be after- nagging (petting) will lead to more bites and more "rivalry" as seen through her eyes with my reaction. It doesn't seem to.reassure as it's too.soon after and she thinks I'm trying to dominate again. Basically let her calm down before saying hi again.
Geez it's always so complicated when you can't spay! But I have to make do with this strategy as otherwise I can't have rabbits.
That can't happen as it's my special interest and only reason I keep doing (literally).
Writing post as it reinforces my plan to myself.
the turd in question, Juno